Tuesday, May 22, 2012

31 Days of Praying For Our Children - Day 28

Pure Religion and Undefiled

 Pure religion and undefiled before G-d and the Father is this: To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep ones self unspotted from the world. (James 1:27)

Father, I pray for my children to understand that most of the trappings and practices of religions today are vanity.  A few years ago when I went to a local church and  walked into an auditorium in darkness, with lights only on the stage, and smoke coming up from the pulpit, I felt like I was in a nightmare.  The entertainment was called worship and the sermon was a tickle your ears pep talk.  I discerned an evil spirit in that place and You showed me it was a spirit of vanity and lust. I never went back.  I know of other churches where homosexuality is not only condoned, but their Bible omits the word from the Scriptures.  Oh, Father, I know it is Your Spirit in me that recoils from such as this.  I am so saddened at  how far many of the churches have strayed from Your pure religion.

Thank You Father for people in my life who taught me by example to care for orphans and widows.  And  thank You for those believers who know their neighbors and help them when they are in need.   Thank You for those who support charities and open their purses when crisis happens in their communities.  This is loving You and loving their neighbors, and I pray my children and future generations will practice this part of pure religion. 

Father, I pray my children will keep themselves unspotted from the world.  I see so much of the world in many churches today.  They copy the ideas, entertainments and philosophies of the world, the music of the world, the often immodest dress of the world, and they totally reject Your Ways.  You have given us beautiful, meaningful, up-lifting Feasts and Festivals that bring joy and comfort to our hearts, yet these are rejected by the churches.   When I learned of these things, I felt betrayed, and like I'd been robbed.  I was deprived of so much guidance, joy, and comfort.   I am sad that I didn't know these things when my children were growing up.   I pray for my children to learn and embrace Your Ways and to keep themselves unspotted by the ways of the world taught in many of the churches today.

I lift these prayers in the Name and Power of Yeshua Ha-Mashiach.  

Join us for Gratituesday at Heavenly Homemakers!


  1. Excellent post! It saddens me too when I see churches seeking to bring entertainment and politics and giveaways to their congregation, as if Jesus and the Word were not enough.

    Thanks so much for visiting & commenting on Saved by Grace! Your blog is a blessing and I am now following it, and I invite you to follow Saved by Grace also:
    Love in Him,
    Laurie Collett

    1. I agree, Laurie...Yeshua and the Word are more than enough, and I glory in Him.

      Shalom and blessings to you and yours.


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