Thursday, October 3, 2024

Rosh Hashanah and 5785

     This holiday, Rosh Hashanah, is also called Feast of Trumpets because the blowing of the shofar is the focus.  We also make the challah round on this holiday as a reminder that the time has come around once again for us to refocus our lives on ADONAI.  The cycle begins and we rejoice that we have lived another year and look forward to the year ahead, which is 5785.

During the service at the synagogue, there are 100 notes blown on the shofar. Below is a video so that you can hear how it sounds.  The chanting by the rabbi tells the musician how many times to blow the shofar. The last note is very long.  I am amazed at how long the one in the video continued, because blowing the shofar is not easy, and blowing  it for 100 notes is even harder.  To have the breath to end like that is great. Thank you to Youtube for this:

 Shofar on Rosh Hashanah

The shofar blasts are a call to repentance and prayer and a reminder to be in awe of our Holy G-d.  Thus, the time between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is known as The Ten Days of Awe. 

For the ten days, we take time to reflect on our lives and ask G-d to reveal any hidden sins.  We also ask Him to show us if any relationships need to be mended.  If so, we go to that person and ask forgiveness.  It is a solemn time of humbling ourselves before Him. 

After the service, we eat lots of apples dipped in honey and other desserts containing apples, and wish each other a sweet year ahead. 
 You can learn more about the Feast of Trumpets HERE
The sound of the shofar is so beautiful and I enjoy this video of shofar blowing all year long. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

Unbelievable in America


Today, were listening to Trump's September 7 Wisconsin rally speech and he said, "This regime is prosecuting and convicting people for PRAYING!"  I wondered what he was talking about.  
Well, later today, I read a post by Nancy Campbell about a woman who went to DC to pray on January 6.  She, seriously, was arrested, tried, and convicted of four federal misdemeanors.  She's on one year of probation, on house arrest with an ankle monitor, six months ban from using the internet, and fined.  You can read about it here:  Restoring Godly Culture
Please pray for her and help if you can.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

If You Don't Like Trump


I shake my head sometimes with Trump and Twitter, BUT To all those who say..."I'd vote for anyone but TRUMP... I can't stand him!!" or "I can't believe you're voting for Trump!" Well folks listen up! This is not a jr. high or high school popularity/personality election!!
I'm not just voting for the person, I'm voting for the platform! 
I'm voting for the Second Amendment.
I'm voting for the next Supreme Court justice.
I'm voting for the electoral college, and the Republic we live in.
I'm voting for the police, and law and order. 
I'm voting for the military, and the veterans who fought for and died for this country.
I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored. 
I’m voting for secure borders. 
I’m voting for the right to praise my God without fear.
 I’m voting for every unborn soul. 
I’m voting for freedom and the American Dream.
 I’m voting for good and against evil.
 I'm not just voting for one person, I'm voting for the future of my Country and our Constitution which was written based on Biblical values and protects our freedoms under God! 
What are you voting for? 
God Bless United States of America!!
Copy and paste, I did!!!