Friday, July 31, 2015

Sabbath Music - Rest and Refresh

Another week behind us Gail-Friends, and the blessed time of rest and refreshing is coming at sundown.  I pray you will draw near to Him.  He waits for you with His hand outstretched.  You are His beloved child and He longs to spend time with you.

Shabbat shalom, and I hope you enjoy this beautiful song that we sing each Friday evening to welcome the Sabbath.


I sometimes share my posts  with  friends at :

Charlotte at Spiritual Sundays
Janis with Sunday Stillness


 Jennifer Dukes Lee Tell His Story
Thursday  Favorite Things

Friendship Friday 
  Faith Filled Friday at Missional Women
 Fellowship Fridays at Christian Mommy Blogger


 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Wisdom Wednesdays - Baby Murders - What can I do?

image from via Bing

 Are you horrified and broken-hearted over the news of the murder and dismemberment of babies by Planned Parenthood? I am, and I'm also very angry.

This quote says it better than I could  --   "Perhaps the question in the Planned Parenthood debacle should not be whether the body parts were sold or donated. Perhaps the question should be whether killing any living being with hearts, lungs, and livers large enough to be harvested really should be legal. I really don't care if the corpse was sold or "donated." I care that a life became a corpse in the first place. Because killing healthy, vibrant babies in the womb and using their lungs and hearts for "scientific" research sounds more like something one should read about at a Holocaust site then something that should happen in the 'land of the free and the home of the brave.'"
~ Rebecca Frazer
Gail-Friends, there is a time for righteous anger, and this is it.  It's not enough to be angry.  It is time to take action.  I read this passage earlier today, and felt great conviction:

Speak up for those who can’t speak for themselves,
    for the rights of all who need an advocate. 
 Speak up, judge righteously,
    defend the cause of the poor and the needy.
Proverbs 31:8-9 
photo via Bing images

Please don't sit by and do nothing.  I don't want to stand before G-d one day and say that I didn't do anything to stop these torturous murders.  Here are some things we can do:
  1. Pray - first and foremost.  Ask G-d to move on the hearts of those involved in these horrible crimes.  Pray also for the women affected by these murders. (Are you aware that women who abort their children suffer a form of PTSD, along with depression and anxiety?) Pray for our elected officials to take action to stop this. Pray for them all to repent and turn to G-d and His ways.
  2. Call or e-mail your governor and ask him to cut off any state funding of Planned Parenthood and any other abortion clinic..
  3. Call or e-mail your elected officials.   This link will direct you to the president, your senators, and your U.S. House representatives.
  4. Use Twitter,  #defundplannedparenthood ― so you can help drive the national momentum.  
  5. Speak out on Facebook.  The National Right to Life organization has a Facebook page that shares information that you can post on your Facebook page to keep the issue front and center.
  6. Sign a petition:
  7. Stand on the street corner with signs in protest of the murder of babies  (Were you aware that there were nation-wide protests all over the US on Tuesday of this week?  Probably not, because the media doesn't cover those things very often.) UPDATE 8-21-14  -- Protests against Planned Parenthood will be held all over the country on Saturday, 8-22-14.  You can find a protest near you at this link:  And if there's not one near you, make a sign "DE-FUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD" and stand on the street corner.
  8. Support organizations that help pregnant women to deliver their babies, and then have the babies adopted.
  9. Support your local adoption agencies. (Are you aware that many faith-based groups will be shut down now because of their stand against same-sex marriage? )
  10. Encourage families to adopt children.
  11. Share these action items with your rabbi / pastor and encourage him to share them with the congregation. 
  12. Another action items is detailed on this POST. (September 16,2015)

We, as citizens of a free country, have the privilege of being a part of the political process.  We also have freedom of speech.  We are responsible before G-d for taking action.  I often hear Yeshua's quote, "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and render unto G-d what is G-d's" like that is an excuse for being silent.  Yeshua was talking about paying taxes.  The Jews of that time did not live in a country that had a representative government and a voice in decision making.  We do, and we are responsible to do all we can.

Are you aware that 55 MILLION babies have been aborted just since Roe v Wade was passed?  I encourage you to let your voice be heard for the little ones.  I'm not asking you to do anything I haven't done myself. The opposite side is loud and proud, and they work very hard to keep their right to murder and maim little babies.  Please pray for and stand on the side of the little ones until abortion is outlawed in America.

photo via Bing

I sometimes share my posts  with  friends at :

Charlotte at Spiritual Sundays
Janis with Sunday Stillness


 Jennifer Dukes Lee Tell His Story
Thursday  Favorite Things

Friendship Friday 
  Faith Filled Friday at Missional Women
 Fellowship Fridays at Christian Mommy Blogger


 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Friday, July 24, 2015

Sabbath Music - Your Love Is Like The Ocean

The blessed time draws near.  I'm preparing for my special time with ADONAI and planning to rest in His arms after a long and busy week.  We had to make a trip out of town so, I haven't posted my Wisdom Wednesday and Thankful Thursday writings, but I will be back on track next week.

This song, by Rick Pino, is new to me and it perfectly expresses my joy when in ADONAI's presence.  The song is similar to the Bible book, Song of Solomon. ADONAI is the bridegroom and we, as believers, are His bride.  I pray for you to know Him as your precious Loved One and feel His love for you..

I hope you will listen, rest and worship ADONAI, and come to the end of the Sabbath with a refreshed body and spirit.  He made this blessed day just for His beloved.  He is waiting and desires to spend time with you.

I sometimes share my posts  with  friends at :

Charlotte at Spiritual Sundays
Janis with Sunday Stillness


 Jennifer Dukes Lee Tell His Story
Thursday  Favorite Things

Friendship Friday 
  Faith Filled Friday at Missional Women
 Fellowship Fridays at Christian Mommy Blogger


 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Friday, July 17, 2015

Sabbath Music - As For Me and My House

Sweet Shabbat Shalom to you all.  I hope you will worship and praise Adonai, and rest and refresh your spirit on this blessed day ahead.

This song is timely for these dark days:


I'm sharing this post with some of my friends at :

Charlotte at Spiritual Sundays

 Jennifer Dukes Lee Tell His Story
Thursday  Favorite Things

Friendship Friday 
  Faith Filled Friday at Missional Women
 Fellowship Fridays at Christian Mommy Blogger
 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Thankful Thursday - Peace in Dark Days

This is a pic of a photo purchased at the museum ( by Gail Golden)

The photos above and below are of a sculpture I saw recently during a visit to the Polasek Museum in Winter Park, Florida. The image is titled "Mother Crying Over The World" by Albin Polasek.

photo of the sculpture  by Gail Golden

I was so struck by this image.  It depicts my grieving heart  in a tactical form.  Lately, I have wept and grieved over the things happening in my country and in my world.  These are the things that have been on my mind lately:

  • The murder of nine worshippers in a church in North Carolina.  Hy heart hurts for the families and loved ones left behind.
  • The subsequent banning of a Confederate flag as a sign of hate.  I am seeing my Southern culture and history attacked as racist.  I am not a racist.  I don't hate anyone.  I love and honor my Confederate ancestors who fought in the war, and I don't want their memories destroyed.
  • The SCOTUS decision to approve homosexual marriage and the subsequent evil, depraved images I've seen as they paraded their sin in the streets.  I'm seeing Christian people attacked because of their stand in saying homosexuality is wrong and refusing to participate in depravity.
  • The selling of aborted babies body parts by Planned Parenthood.  This is so horrible, that my stomach turns when I think about it. 
  • The murder of American soldiers on an American base, by a Muslim terrorist.  I'm also grieved that our soldiers are unarmed on the military bases and left to be sitting ducks for murderers.

These things are on my mind.  I am grieved and groaning in my spirit.  

I have to seek peace.  I have to cling to G-d's hand in such terrible times.  I have to read His Word and remember that He is in control.  I have to remind myself that He allows evil.  I don't know why, but He does.  I have to say out loud, "You do all things well.  Blessed be Your Name."  As I praise Him, my heaviness leaves me.

So, today, I am thankful for peace.  He gives it to me when I turn to Him and seek His face.  

I'm also thankful for prayer.  I can pour out my heart to Him. I can pray for my country and its people to repent and turn to Him and His ways.  I can cast my cares in His loving hands, and believe that He hears my prayers. 

He promised me His love, and His comfort during dark days and troubled times.  I know it's true because I feel His sweet peace fill me when I turn my eyes on Him.


I'm sharing this post with some of my friends at :

Charlotte at Spiritual Sundays

 Jennifer Dukes Lee Tell His Story
Thursday  Favorite Things

Friendship Friday 
  Faith Filled Friday at Missional Women
 Fellowship Fridays at Christian Mommy Blogger
 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Wisdom Wednesdays - Mothers Won the War

My heart quickened when I read this.  I receive it and hope you'll pass it on.

(This is a prophetic reading by Sharon White via Above Rubies Facebook page)

The old town church bell began to ring. There was heard a shout! It was a call throughout the land for Mothers everywhere to return home. 

"The children need you,” came the cry. 

"Your husbands need you," the preacher urged from the front church steps. "This nation needs a great Christian revival for Mothers to get back on the old fashioned path of being at home. This is your post. Stand by! Stand Fast! The country is in turmoil. There is misery and suffering everywhere. We need all the Mothers in the home. Dig in your heels and make your homes lighthouses of holiness and service. Don't let the enemy invade the hearts of our homes. Don't let the enemy get a foothold in or they will slowly erode and take away the godly home."

There was a cry of repentance and lamentation. There were tears of conviction and a softening of cold, worldly hearts which had been hardened by materialism, the seeking of money, and a life of seeking constant recreation. Work must be done in the home! A sense of joy, pride, and relief filled these mother’s minds. 

There was heavenly work to do and they were coming from the byways and highways, back to their own homes. The Mother's place was being restored everywhere.

As the sun rose the next morning, there were mothers on their knees in prayer. They were reading their Bibles. They were making homemade breakfasts, doing the laundry, wearing aprons, and caring for all who entered their doors. They were soldiers for the HOME.

Every house had a Mother in her post in every community across this land. Every child in every 
neighborhood had security and peace knowing that a loving, godly mother was always home. Their innocence was restored and protected.

Husbands were now known in the gates for their work in civic and church duty. They were no longer coming home to empty houses, or having to take on the extra task of Mother's work. They provided the living again. They served the community and took on church work. They had loving wives at home, who cared for their families and provided a place of rest.

All the prayers and Bible reading from the mothers infiltrated the lighthouses and brought holiness into the children's souls. Mothers trained up their children to do a mighty work for the Lord. Mother was always there to make nutritious meals, to keep the home pretty and clean, and to have the patience of a saint to care for her charges.

This revival of Mothers at Home affected the land and the nation. Godly children grew up with integrity and honor. They took political offices, held places of authority in both business and government, and their actions and lives turned the tides and won the war against the threat of ungodly ruin and sinful devastation.

The tide was turned. Mothers helped win the war because they heard the preacher's cry. They heard the bell from the town church which called all citizens to stand fast, to stand by, and to take action! The land was restored to order as all the mothers were called out of the world and back into their homes.

They sacrificed much, they sacrificed energy, money, and fulfillment. And by their actions of a mass exodus of Mothers back to their homes, these women restored a godly nation!
~ Sharon White


I'm sharing this post with some of my friends at :

Charlotte at Spiritual Sundays

 Jennifer Dukes Lee Tell His Story
Thursday  Favorite Things

Friendship Friday 
  Faith Filled Friday at Missional Women
 Fellowship Fridays at Christian Mommy Blogger
 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Friday, July 10, 2015

Sabbath Music - His Gift

The Sabbath is coming at sundown today.  This is a special set-apart time.  The Sabbath is His gift to us.  Do you realize that Hashem set this day aside as one of His first creations?  He created it especially for rest and then He blessed it.  

"Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, along with everything in them. On the seventh day G-d was finished with his work which he had made, so he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. G-d blessed the seventh day and separated it as holy; because on that day God rested from all his work which he had created, so that it itself could produce. 
(Genesis 2:1-3)

No other day is "His" Sabbath.  I pray you will recognize this and honor Him and His Sabbath. Enter into His wonderful rest -- refresh, renew and draw near to Him and His love.

This artist, Sue Samuel, is a bit new to me, but I love her soft, restful music.  It is perfect for Sabbath joy.


I'm sharing this post with some of my friends at :

Jennifer Dukes Lee Tell His Story

Hope in Every Season Homemaking Party

Charlotte at Spiritual Sundays
My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Thursday  Favorite Things

Friendship Friday 
  Faith Filled Friday at Missional Women
 Fellowship Fridays at Christian Mommy Blogger