Friday, February 23, 2018

Sabbath Music - Master of Life

Greetings, Gail-Friends!

I have another beautiful song for you from Zemer Levav.  Her songs always lead me to deep and restful worship.      Master of Life by Zemer Levav

Love and blessings to you all.

I sometimes share my posts with these friends:
  Spiritual Sundays  GRAND Social      Modest Mom Monday Link-up      The Art of Homemaking Mondays
   BLOGGING GRANDMOTHERS LINK PARTY     Share Your Cup Wednesday Wordless Wednesdays    Classical Homemaking Link-Up     
    Favorite Things Home and Garden Thursday at Delightsome Life  Paula's Weekend No Rules Blog Party Friendship Friday 
Sunday Thoughts Link-Up

Friday, February 16, 2018

Sabbath Music - Shalom

Sad news this past week, with the terrible shooting at Parkland.  At times like these, I'm grateful for prayer, and for the Sabbath, because I know how He can lift a heavy spirit.  Adonai tells us to cast all of our cares onto Him because He cares for us.  This includes our concerns for the stories we hear on the news.

One of my favorite Scriptures is found in Isaiah 61:3, where Adonai says He gives us the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. I've found that praise and worship will lift one out of the deepest pit of worry, anxiety, or depression.  

Give it a try.  This Sabbath, turn on some dance music.  Lift your hands and praise Him.  Dance in your living room. Wave flags. Play your tambourine.  If you don't have flags or a tambourine, please get one!  You will be amazed at how your spirit will lift when you praise him with a flag or an intrument.  The same thing happens when you lift your hands or dance in praise to Him.

This song, SHALOM by Ted Pearce, is a good one to lift your spirits.  Listen closely to the words.  I hope you enjoy it, and if you are weary and heavy laden, take this day to rest and give Him your cares.  Praise Him most of all.  I know you will be lifted and refreshed.  One meaning of shalom is peace, and I pray for you to have that sweet, special peace, Gail-Friends.

Love and blessings to you all.


I sometimes share my posts with these friends:
  Spiritual Sundays  GRAND Social      Modest Mom Monday Link-up      The Art of Homemaking Mondays
   BLOGGING GRANDMOTHERS LINK PARTY     Share Your Cup Wednesday Wordless Wednesdays    Classical Homemaking Link-Up     
    Favorite Things Home and Garden Thursday at Delightsome Life  Paula's Weekend No Rules Blog Party Friendship Friday 
Sunday Thoughts Link-Up

Thursday, February 15, 2018

The Devil Smiled

My heart hurts and my prayers are for all of the people affected by the Parkland shooting yesterday. Gun control is not the answer. Heart change - repentance and turning to God's Word, will, and ways is the answer.

I read an article by Tod Starnes today, and he says it well:

"Another American high school has been turned into a killing field. And the nation wonders why.
Well, I’m going to answer that question for you. And the answer may leave you a bit unsettled...."
Read the remainder of Tod Starnes' article at this LINK.

Pray for America, Gail-Friends, and BELIEVE a change will come to this country.  I believe it will happen because people are praying and turning to righteousness.  We are called, as believers, to be light to the world.  That means to teach others to obey the things He has commanded.  Righteousness exalts a nation.  We are to be righteous and obey Him in all things.  This is what will make America great again.

And I was touched by these words spoken about the tragedy:

" In times of tragedy, the bonds that sustain us are those of family, faith, community, and country. These bonds are stronger than the forces of hatred and evil - and these bonds grow even stronger in the hours of our greatest need."

Pray for him because he is under tremendous attacks for his efforts to turn the country around.  He and his family are under constant threat.  My prayer is for his safety and for him to be led in the paths of righteousness and justice.


I sometimes share my posts with these friends:
  Spiritual Sundays  GRAND Social      Modest Mom Monday Link-up      The Art of Homemaking Mondays
   BLOGGING GRANDMOTHERS LINK PARTY     Share Your Cup Wednesday Wordless Wednesdays    Classical Homemaking Link-Up     
    Favorite Things Home and Garden Thursday at Delightsome Life  Paula's Weekend No Rules Blog Party Friendship Friday 
Sunday Thoughts Link-Up

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

My Funny Valentine

Greetings Gail-Friends!  Today is the day to express your feelings for all of those you love.  Well, I love y'all and I'm thankful for each one of you who stop by here every week.  Today, I hope you share your love and feel loved, especially that you feel and know our Heavenly Father's love for you.

I'm thankful for my wonderful husband because he shows his love every day, not just once a year.

I woke up this morning to a big surprise! My sweet husband said, "I love you! Happy Valentines Day! I got you something really special this year."

I looked around and saw nothing.  Hmmm....

Jem took me by the hand, and said, "You know how scared you are of frogs?"

Still foggy, I mumbled, "Yeah...?"

"Well, I got you something that will save you from all the frogs in the yard."

"A dog?"


"A cat?"


"A lizard?  No...tell me you didn't get me a lizard.  Tell me you didn't get that big iguana lizard from the neighbor next door."  This is what I was imagining:

"No...let me show you."  He took my hand, and led me out on to the patio.  This is who greeted me:

Isn't he the cutest?  I named him Patty O' Frog because I found him there.  I gave my sweet husband a big old kiss!!!   I loved the flowers and the card ... and the frog .....but most of all I love my romantic husband who makes me laugh every day.  I'm so blessed.

I saw this recently and agree with it (but I still love getting flowers).

We do all of these things for each other, and I believe that's what love does.  It's also what keeps love fresh and alive.

Love and blessings to you all.


I sometimes share my posts with these friends:
  Spiritual Sundays  GRAND Social      Modest Mom Monday Link-up      The Art of Homemaking Mondays
   BLOGGING GRANDMOTHERS LINK PARTY     Share Your Cup Wednesday Wordless Wednesdays    Classical Homemaking Link-Up     
    Favorite Things Home and Garden Thursday at Delightsome Life  Paula's Weekend No Rules Blog Party Friendship Friday 
Sunday Thoughts Link-Up

Friday, February 9, 2018

Sabbath Music - Yom Zeh


Greetings, Gail-Friends!

Joy and peace to you this Shabbat.  I have a wonderful song for your Sabbath. I love it because it has the English and Hebrew lyrics, and it's going to make you dance!  ENJOY!

Yom Zeh by Ted Pearce with Hebrew and English lyrics.    The lyicis mean "this day for Israel is a day of light and gladness."  YES!

Shabbat Shalom to you all.

** photo courtesy and permission from Torah Babies

Thursday, February 8, 2018

The Silent Tragedy Affecting Today's Children

“I know that many would choose not to hear what I say in the article, but your children need you to hear this message. Even if you disagree with my perspective, please, just follow the recommendations at the end of the article. Once you see the positive changes in your child’s life, you will understand why I say what I say!” ~V.P.

Victoria Prooday is a registered Occupational Therapist and an outspoken advocate of children and hands-on parenting. I share her post with her permission because I believe her advice is absolutely on target.

The silent tragedy affecting today’s children

by Victoria Prooday

"There is a silent tragedy developing right now, in our homes, with our children. Through my work with hundreds of children and families as an occupational therapist, I have witnessed this tragedy unfolding right in front of my eyes.

Talk to teachers and professionals who have been working in the field for the last 15 years. You will hear concerns on kids’ mental health similar to mine. Moreover, in the past 15 years, researchers have been releasing alarming statistics on a sharp and steady increase in kids’ mental illness, which is now reaching epidemic proportions:

How Much More Evidence Do We Need Before We Wake Up?

No, “increased diagnostics alone” is not the answer!

No, “they all are just born like this” is not the answer!

No, “it is all the school system’s fault” is not the answer!

Yes, as painful as it can be to admit, in many (not all) cases, WE, parents, are the answer to many of our kids’ struggles!

It is scientifically proven that the brain has the capacity to rewire itself through the environment. Unfortunately, with the environment and parenting styles that we are providing to our children, we are rewiring their brains in the wrong direction and contributing to their challenges in everyday life.

Yes, there are and always have been children who are born with disabilities and despite their parents’ best efforts to provide them with a well-balanced environment and parenting, their children continue to struggle. These are NOT the children I am talking about here.

I am talking about many others whose challenges are greatly shaped by the environmental factors that parents, with their greatest intentions, provide to their children. As I have seen in my practice, the moment parents change their perspective on parenting, many of these children change.


What is Wrong With Our Children?

Today’s children are being deprived of the fundamentals of a healthy childhood, such as:
  • Emotionally available parents
  • Clearly defined limits and guidance
  • Responsibilities
  • Balanced nutrition and adequate sleep
  • Movement and outdoors
  • Creative play, social interaction, opportunities for unstructured times and boredom
Instead, children are being raised by:
  • Digitally distracted parents
  • Indulgent parents who let kids “rule the world”
  • Sense of entitlement rather than responsibility
  • Inadequate sleep and unbalanced nutrition
  • Sedentary indoor lifestyle
  • Endless stimulation, technological babysitters, instant gratification, and absence of dull moments
Could anyone imagine that it is possible to raise a healthy generation in such an unhealthy environment? Of course not! There are no shortcuts to parenting, and we can’t trick human nature. As we see, the outcomes are devastating. Our children pay for the loss of well-balanced childhood with their emotional well-being.


How to Fix It?

If we want our children to grow into happy and healthy individuals, we have to wake up and go back to the basics. It is still possible! I know this because hundreds of my clients see positive changes in their kids’ emotional state within weeks (and in some cases, even days) of implementing these recommendations:

Set limits and remember that you are your child’s PARENT at this time, not a friend.

Offer kids well-balanced lifestyle filled with what kids NEED, not just what they WANT. Don’t be afraid to say “No!” to your kids if what they want is not what they need.
  • Provide nutritious food and limits snacks. Avoid toxic foods.
  • Spend one hour a day in green space: biking, hiking, fishing, watching birds/insects.
  • Have a daily technology-free family dinner.
  • Play one board game a day. (List of family games) Allow for unstructured play.
  • Involve your child in one or more chores a day (folding laundry, tidying up toys, hanging clothes, unpacking groceries, setting the table etc).
  • Implement consistent sleep routine to ensure that your child gets lots of sleep in a technology-free bedroom.
Teach responsibility and independence. Don’t over-protect them from small failures. It trains them the skills needed to overcome greater life’s challenges.
  • Don’t pack your child’s backpack, don’t carry her backpack, don’t bring to school his forgotten lunch box/agenda, and don’t peel a banana for a 5-year-old child. Teach them the skills rather than do it for them.
Teach delayed gratification and provide opportunities for “boredom” as boredom is the time when creativity awakens:
  • Don’t feel responsible for being your child’s entertainment crew.
  • Do not use technology as a cure for boredom.
  • Avoid using technology during meals, in cars, restaurants, malls. Use these moments as opportunities to train their brains to function under “boredom”.
  • Help them create a “boredom first aid kit” with activity ideas for “I am bored” times.
Be emotionally available to connect with kids and teach them self-regulation and social skills:
  • Turn off your phones until kids are in bed to avoid digital distraction.
  • Become your child’s emotional coach. Teach them to recognize and deal with frustration and anger.
  • Teach greeting, taking turns, sharing, empathy, table manners, conversation skills,
  • Connect emotionally – Smile, hug, kiss, tickle, read, dance, jump, or crawl with your child.
We must make changes in our kids’ lives before this entire generation of children will be medicated! It is not too late yet, but soon it will be…"

I hope you will visit Ms Prooday's blog where you will find some very practical parenting tips:   Your OT Victoria Prooday 

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Pray for Revival

With release of the Nunes Memo on Friday, it is clear that there are forces at work to remove our president from office.  Government officials have colluded to influence the 2016 election, and now to undo the will of the voters.  More information will be coming out within the weeks ahead.  These are perilous times.

Make no mistake, we are not dealing with a conflict between two political parties. We are dealing with two spiritual forces - darkness and Light. Evil versus Righteousness. Pray for our president and legislators to be led in the paths of righteousness and justice.

This is a spiritual battle, and the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but spiritual, and powerful to the pulling down of strongholds. Pray in the spirit and with understanding.

Speak the Truth of His Holy Word at every opportunity. The entrance of His Word brings LIGHT.

Live the Word so that your words and actions are in alignment, and your prayers are not hindered.

Seek His face about what you can do to bring victory to America.

The evil one's battle cry is Resistance. Our battle cry is REVIVAL!!!!!

This post is related to my focus in prayer:  Enemies Scatter

Friday, February 2, 2018

Sabbath Music - He Leads His Dear Children Along

Come aside and rest a while, dear Gail-Friends.  I have a beautiful song for your meditation time on Shabbat.  As you listen, think about your Good Sheperd leading you through green pastures and beside still waters.  Remember, He sometimes leads us to dark, stony paths, but has promised to be with us.  Hold on to the Good Sheperd's hand no matter where the path may take you.

This song has been running through my head lately.  It's a song from my childhood, and I like this rendition by a Mennonite church choir.    He Leads His Dear Children Along  is a powerful song, and I hope you'll listen and follow along with the words, which are based on this Scripture:

"But now thus saith the L-RD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, 
Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, 
I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine.
 When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; 
and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: 
when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; 
neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. 
For I am the L-RD thy G-d, the Holy One of Israel, thy Savior."

What a glorious promise. 

Have a good Shabbos, Gail-Friends!