Friday, January 29, 2016

Sabbath Music - Purely Piano

I love Shabbat.  It's the day Hashem has set aside for us to rest, refresh and renew our bodies and spirits.  Life can get busy and sometimes you feel like you are pulled in a dozen different directions.  Even though busy, be sure to stop, rest and sit still on His Sabbath.  You'll be amazed how much more you can do when you honor Him and obey this commandment.

This week, I don't have a video to share with you, but I do want to recommend Pandora radio, which I listen to on our ROKU.  You can also get it online.  I am especially enjoying Jim Brickman's channel lately.  The music is mostly piano, with no lyrics, and some beloved, old hymns are included in the playlist.  It's very soft and relaxing...perfect for the Sabbath.

I'm so looking forward to my sweet Shabbat shalom, and I pray your's is that way, too.


Thursday, January 28, 2016

Thankful Thursday - Birds and Gators

Roseate Spoonbill

I'm thankful for birds and gators this week.  We saw lots of them on our tour of the Refuge this week.  The Space Coast Birding Festival was wrapping up, so we were among many photographers on Black Point Trail.

I'm always excited to see the "rosies" as I call them.  We had three sightings that day, some in groups, but this one lone rosie was my favorite.  He stayed put and let me take dozens of shots. Isn't it beautiful?  Oh the wonders of G-d's creativity.

Lots of ducks that day, too.  Many varieties, whose names I do not know.  I just enjoy watching them dive for food.

We snuck up on a pair sleeping on a little island.

And here is a beautiful anahinga drying its wings.  They don't have oil glands on their feathers, so after swimming and diving, they have to dry them out. These are large birds, about 2-3 feet long, with wingspan of 4-5 feet. They are glorious to see, and  I always think of them as praising the Father when they do this.

A snowy egret, waiting for a fish to come through the drain pipe.

If you only go to Disney, you're missing the REAL Florida - so beautiful!
We not only saw birds, we say GATORS -- FIVE OF THEM.  Well, quite honestly, that's not really a lot.  Once, we saw 45 in one day.  On cold days, they like to lie on the banks in the sun.  This is the biggest one we saw.  We call him Big Bubba because we've seen him before, and this is his favorite spot.  He is easily 10 - 12 feet long.

Here's another - about 8-10 feet long.  He's coming for us! Yikes!  Don't ever mess with an alligator, Gail-Friends.  They swim and run very, very fast.

And another -- about 6-8 feet long.  He has a mean look doesn't he?

Isn't this dog just the cutest?  He's spotting birds for his owner, and I can tell he's having as much fun as she.

As we were leaving the trail, I spotted a elusive and quick.  They never sit still for very long.  Adding a close-up shot of one to my bird nerd bucket list. **see my post on 2/19/16...I checked that one off my bucket list.  Thank you, Father!

We saw this in the skies on the way home.  It looked like a round rainbow.  Very pretty.

What are you thankful for this week, Gail-Friends?

Thankful Thursday is my day to focus on, and be grateful for, all the good things in my life.


 I sometimes share my posts  with  friends at: 
Charlotte a Spiritual SundaysSpiritual Sundays     Janis with Sunday Stillness       THE SUNDAY COMMUNITY – #GIVE ME GRACE @SEE SPEAK HEAR MAMA Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life     GRAND Social       The Beauty in His Grip Link-Up   

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 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wisdom Wednesdays - John's Words

Greetings to you all.

Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day.

The Holocaust is such a sad thing to remember, but we must.  I'm reminded of the quote, “Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it”  May it not happen to us.  Did you  know that in Germany, the details of Hitler and his persecution and murders of Jews is not taught in their schools?  I find that so horrible.  Today, join me as I remember those who died in the Holocaust, and vow to keep the history of this atrocity alive for future generations.  

Sadly, anti-Semitism is alive in America.  Just  yesterday there were three bomb threats at Jewish schools here in Florida.  Not one word of this was reported on the CBS morning news today. 

Remembering leads me into my post today on WORDS.  History is words that have been spoken or recorded .  The Jews take this very seriously.  The oral Torah was handed down for many generations before it was recorded.  I'm thankful for the faithful Jews who taught their children G-d's Word and Ways.  Because of them, we hold the Holy Scriptures in our hands today.  What a gift!

I'm reminded again of how blessed we are.  We are the first generation to have it so readily at our fingertips.  But with that blessing comes responsibility.  We are responsible to faithfully share the Truth with our children, grandchildren, and those with whom we have contact.

This week, G-d has pressed me into this passage:  I, II, and III John.  These words used to puzzle me until I came to Messianic Judaism.  I could understand the love part (I thought), but the parts about obeying His commandments made me tremble.  My preachers didn't teach on them much, except the love parts.  They steered clear of the obedience part.

 Look at this in 1 John 5 in the Complete Jewish Bible:

"Everyone who believes that Yeshua is the Messiah has God as his father, and everyone who loves a father loves his offspring too. Here is how we know that we love God’s children: when we love God, we also do what he commands. For loving God means obeying his commands. Moreover, his commands are not burdensome, because everything which has God as its Father overcomes the world. And this is what victoriously overcomes the world: our trust. Who does overcome the world if not the person who believes that Yeshua is the Son of God?"

On that point, are we overcoming the world or is it overcoming us?  I see people who call themselves followers of Yeshua acting just like the world.  Churches used to be preachers of Truth.  Sinners trembled at the preacher's sermons.  They were convicted of sin and wept in repentance.  They turned from sin and lived holy lives.  Not so today, as preachers welcome sinners to come in and practice their sin without reproach.  Shame on them.

Now, let's look at 2 John 4-11 in same translation:
I was very happy when I found some of your children living in truth, just as the Father commanded us. And now, dear lady, I am requesting that we love one another — not as if this were a new command I am writing you, for it is the one which we have had from the beginning.** Moreover, love is this: that we should live according to his commands. This is the command, as you people have heard from the beginning; live by it!
For many deceivers have gone out into the world, people who do not acknowledge Yeshua the Messiah’s coming as a human being. Such a person is a deceiver and an anti-Messiah. Watch yourselves, so that you won’t lose what you have worked for, but will receive your full reward. Everyone who goes ahead and does not remain true to what the Messiah has taught does not have God. Those who remain true to his teaching have both the Father and the Son. 10 If someone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, don’t welcome him into your home. Don’t even say, “Shalom!” to him; 11 for the person who says, “Shalom!” to him shares in his evil deeds.

That's pretty strong, isn't it?  This was written by John, who is called the disciple that Yeshua loved.  I encourage you to read John's words in the New Testament books of John, I, II and III John, and the book of Revelation.  His words are consistent.  He equates "love" with obedience to to G-d's commands.  

Now, let's look at Revelation 22, where Yeshua, himself, speaks:

12 “Pay attention!” [says Yeshua,] “I am coming soon, and my rewards are with me to give to each person according to what he has done. 13 I am the ‘A’ and the ‘Z,’ the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”
14 How blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they have the right to eat from the Tree of Life and go through the gates into the city! 15 Outside are the homosexuals, those involved with the occult and with drugs, the sexually immoral, murderers, idol-worshippers, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.** 16 “I, Yeshua, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the Messianic communities. I am the Root and Offspring of David, the bright Morning Star. 17 The Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come!’ Let anyone who hears say, ‘Come!’ And let anyone who is thirsty come — let anyone who wishes, take the water of life free of charge.”
18 I warn everyone hearing the words of the prophecy in this book that if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues written in this book. 19 And if anyone takes anything away from the words in the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the Tree of Life and the holy city, as described in this book.
20 “The one who is testifying to these things says, ‘Yes, I am coming soon!’”
Amen! Come, Lord Yeshua!
21 May the grace of the Lord Yeshua be with all!

When was the last time you heard a teaching on this passage?  Maybe never?  

Homosexuals? They are welcomed in the churches today.  Some are even preachers.  Even worse, the word homosexual has been omitted from many translations.

The occult?  I never heard that preached on.  As a matter of fact, I was in my thirties before I learned that reading the daily horoscope was occultic.  Halloween is occultic and yet churches open their doors and celebrate it. They call it a harvest festival.

Drugs?  Today, we are taught that addicts have a disease instead of a sin problem.

Sexually immoral?  I know a Bible teacher who tells women to bring any perversion they want into the bedroom because "the marriage bed is undefiled".  Isn't it sad that she doesn't know the Torah, where sexual perversion is called sin?  Beloved, "the marriage bed is undefiled" means "do not bring perversions into a holy place." 

Murderers?  Abortion is murder, and yet it is acceptable in churches today.  How many grandmothers have taken their own grandchildren to the abortion clinics and had them murdered before they had a chance to be born?  

Idol worshipers?  Every Christmas, a tree is cut down, decorated and bowed down before by many who call themselves believers.  This abomination is supposed to honor Yeshua's birth, and yet it is a pagan practice that G-d hates.  (see Jeremiah 10:1-5) Would you put a Buddha statue in your living room?

When you read these words, if you tremble, and your heart beats fast, that is called conviction.  I pray you will agree with G-d's Word, and repent.  Bow your knee to Him, ask forgiveness, and accept the precious blood of Yeshua to cover your sin.  Return to Torah** and follow His ways. 

**Leviticus 19:18 - " Don’t take vengeance on or bear a grudge against any of your people; rather, love your neighbor as yourself; I am Adonai."
** Practicing falsehood includes following false religions, prophets, denominations, and teachers.
**The Torah includes the first five books of the Old Testament.  Here, G-d gives the laws that preserve and bless our lives.  I call it Bible 101, because it is the foundation for understanding Scripture.


I sometimes share my posts  with  friends at: 
Charlotte a Spiritual SundaysSpiritual Sundays     Janis with Sunday Stillness       THE SUNDAY COMMUNITY – #GIVE ME GRACE @SEE SPEAK HEAR MAMA Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life     GRAND Social       The Beauty in His Grip Link-Up   

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 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Friday, January 22, 2016

Sabbath Music - Till the Storm Passes By

As the Sabbath draws near, I'm praying for my loved ones who are driving through storms on their way to Memphis, TN.  My daughter and her family are headed for her audition on The Voice television show.  I'd appreciate your prayers for them as they travel.  They've had to stop already due to heavy rains.  I've heard from others who have loved ones in the storm's path, and I'm praying for all who are in this dangerous weather.

On the Sabbath, we lay down our worries and cares and rest at the feet of Yeshua.  This song keeps running through my mind as I prepare for tonight.  I love to hear a choir sing this song, so I'm sharing this version with you today.  I pray it gives you comfort if you, or your loved ones are going through a storm, whether it's the one currently on the East Coast, or a spiritual one.  Trust Hashem to hold you, and them, in the palm of His hand.

I sometimes share my posts  with  friends at: 
Charlotte a Spiritual SundaysSpiritual Sundays     Janis with Sunday Stillness       THE SUNDAY COMMUNITY – #GIVE ME GRACE @SEE SPEAK HEAR MAMA Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life     GRAND Social       The Beauty in His Grip Link-Up   

Titus 2 Tuesday     Share Your Stuff Tuesday    TITUS TUESDAYS @CORNERSTONE CONFESSIONS     Wordless Wednesdays    Jennifer Dukes Lee Tell His Story  Teaching What Is Good Link-Up
Classical Homemaking Link-Up    Judith’s Wholehearted Wednesday     Raising Homemakers Wednesday     A Wise Woman Builds       Wake Up Wednesday     A Little R & R Wednesday     Wednesday's Prayer Girls & Link-Up Party Thought Provoking Thursdays at 3D Lessons 4Life     Thursday  Favorite Things 
 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wisdom Wednesdays - Yeshua's Words

Our treasured sefer **Torah scroll, which is over 350 years old.

This post is part of a series on WORDS, which is my word for 2016.  In this series, I hope to write about this subject on a weekly basis.  I don't have an outline of how it will go, but hope to be led by the Ruach Hakodesh (Holy Spirit) in the writings.  I hope to write what He has impressed on me in the past week.

Over the past several months, I have re-read through the New Testament books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  I paid close attention to the words of Yeshua.  I grew up with a red-letter King James Version of the Bible, and I can remember being puzzled by many of His words.  Some of them not only puzzled me, but made me tremble.

I remember, as a nine year old girl, reading words of the Ten Commandments which were posted on the wall of my elementary school classroom.  I was taught them in church and Sunday School.  I read in the New Testament the words of Yeshua, "If you love me, keep my commandments."  Naturally, as a child, I wasn't breaking any of the Ten Commandments, except the one about the Sabbath.  That one made me tremble, so I asked my pastor about it.  He said, "The Sabbath was changed because Jesus rose on Sunday."  That didn't make sense to me because He was crucified on Friday (the Sabbath) and if he rose on Sunday, that was not three days.  I might have been young, but I could add.

Over the years, I'd ask questions of my teachers when I was confused about the words of Yeshua, but their answers did not satisfy me.  I kept seeking, and the over-all content of my questions centered around the Jewishness of Jesus.  My common sense told me that we / I should be following Judaism, but my pastors kept telling me that being under the law was a fate worse than death.   They warned that there was no way to keep G-d's laws.  They made it sound really scary.  Since then, I've found out differently, but that is another blog post.

A while back, there was a popular acronym going around:  WWJD, which stood for What Would Jesus Do?  Every time I'd see it, I'd think, "He'd go to the synagogue." This was way before I found Messianic Judaism.  The Ruach Hakodesh was speaking to my heart, but my teachers assured me I was wrong.

Since I've found Messianic Judaism, the words of Yeshua that puzzled me are now clear.  He never intended to start a new religion called Christianity.  He intended for His followers to continue to follow the Torah, which is what He and His disciples did.  He, along with his forerunner, John the Baptist, preached teshuvah, a Hebrew word that means repent of your sins and return to Torah.

Yeshua preached this gospel before He was crucified, died and rose again.  Yes, part of salvation is to believe that His blood was poured out for our sins, but repentance and obedience to His commandments (teshuvah) is a part of that gospel also.  Listen to the WORDS of Yeshua in Matthew 28:

18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

My churches / teachers taught this as the Great Commission, and I was trained to witness and lead people to accept Yeshua as their Savior and be baptized.  I was not taught however, to "observe all things whatsoever He commanded" because my teachers said the Old Testament was done away with.  His commandments were not to be observed any longer.  That was the dreaded "under the law" thing.  It puzzled me, especially since they preached often on Malachi 3:10 about the tithes. 

As I began to put two and two together I saw that if, as I was taught, Yeshua and G-d were actually the same, as the doctrine of the Trinity said, then surely Yeshua wrote those Ten Commandments and all of the other commandments in the Old Testament.  He didn't just give commandments in the New Testament.  He is the author of all of the commandments, and the new ones do not disagree with the old ones.  They do, however, support and reinforce those commandments.  The Scriptures teach that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. 

I encourage you to ponder these things, and I encourage you to re-read the first four books of the New Testament, and see how often Yeshua says, "Keep my commandments".   You may be surprised.

** a sefer Torah scroll is faithfully copied from the scroll recorded by Moshe (Moses), spoken to Him by ADONAI.  (Which could lead to another blog post one day, Gail-Friends, since we have so many different translations available today.)


I sometimes share my posts  with  friends at: 
Charlotte a Spiritual SundaysSpiritual Sundays     Janis with Sunday Stillness       THE SUNDAY COMMUNITY – #GIVE ME GRACE @SEE SPEAK HEAR MAMA Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life     GRAND Social       The Beauty in His Grip Link-Up   

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 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Friday, January 15, 2016

Sabbath Music - Osey Shalom

 Happy is the person who does this, 
anyone who grasps it firmly, 
who keeps Shabbat 
and does not profane it, 
and keeps himself from doing any evil. 
(Isaiah 56:2)

This song is one we sing on the Sabbath, and I always enjoy it.  Shalom to you all, and may your Sabbath rest we sweet.


Thursday, January 14, 2016

Thankful Thursday - Cats and Other Stuff

I like a distance.  I like to watch them because they are fascinating creatures.  I don't want them in my house, however.  So, I'm thankful for the neighborhood cats that visit my yard during my morning quiet time.  This one I named Blackie, for obvious reasons, but his owners named him Doonchie.  He's one of six who belong to my neighbor.  He comes by every morning to drink from the bird bath.  He doesn't respond when I talk to him, and he doesn't stay long.

This is Bentley, and I like his name.  He likes to drink out of the pond, which is not healthy, believe me.  After he does it, he sneezes and spits.  You'd think he'd learn, right?  He visits every morning, too, and lays on the patio for a while.  He looks at me when I talk to him and he lingers, but not for long.  It was so morning he visited, and I had moved my ceramic turtle.  It scared him, and he backed up and looked at it for a long time.  He finally decided it was safe to move forward, but he stepped very carefully.  I love Bentley.

There are two more cats from next door that I've named Tabby and Yeller Cat.  Tabby is a scaredy cat and runs by without stopping.  Yeller Cat is a big, long yellow fellow and he's a scaredy cat, too.  They never stay long enough to have their picture taken, but I have hope.  I'd like to make friends.

They live in a zoo ( six cats, two of which stay inside, four dogs, a hamster, and a snake), so I figure they need a break from the chaos.  I enjoy their visits and I think they do, too.  I also think they've impacted the amount of birds that visit my birdfeeders, but I'm not complaining.  I do shoo them away when I see them hunch down into hunting mode.

I'm also thankful that the painted buntings are back for the winter.  I love seeing them at the feeders. The photo below is of a female (top) and male (bottom).  They usually come together, and I've soon two couples so far.

Here's a sweet little female.  Isn't she precious?

We took a trip to St. Augustine for the Night of Lights.  The whole downtown is lit with white lights and it's beautiful.  They will keep the lights up through January 31, so I highly recommend a visit if you're visiting northeast Florida this month.  Most of my pics didn't turn out because they were taken while riding the Holly Jolly Trolley, which was very bumpy, but I recommend it, too.

This is one of the many bed and breakfasts we saw on the trolley tour.

I especially enjoyed being with my "sister" on the trip.  I never had any brothers or sisters, but I claim Linda as my sister.  We met in the hospital after giving birth to our daughters, and we've been friends for over forty years.  Our daughters are good friends, too, and often get together for their birthday celebrations since they were born on the same day.  We enjoyed a great time together in St. Augustine, and just wish we'd had a longer visit.

One day I will learn to take selfies, and I have no idea who the lady is behind us.

While there, I did a bit of bird watching, and took these photos.  The first is of an eagle, and the second is of two cranes, but I'm not sure what kind.  I couldn't get closer because there was a body of water between us.

I'm thankful for my doggie.  She is blind, but is a valiant protector of us, and is vigilent in detecting cats in the backyard.  Here she is, working hard.  She can't see them, but she knows they're out there.  She growls to let me know.

At the end of the day, she is super tired from all that guarding.  After a nightly nap in her daddy's lap, we say, "Are you ready for bed?"  She trots off to her bed and waits to be covered with her blanket.

What are you thankful for this week, Gail-Friends?

 I sometimes share my posts  with  friends at: 
Charlotte a Spiritual SundaysSpiritual Sundays     Janis with Sunday Stillness       THE SUNDAY COMMUNITY – #GIVE ME GRACE @SEE SPEAK HEAR MAMA Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life     GRAND Social       The Beauty in His Grip Link-Up   

Titus 2 Tuesday     Share Your Stuff Tuesday    TITUS TUESDAYS @CORNERSTONE CONFESSIONS     Wordless Wednesdays    Jennifer Dukes Lee Tell His Story  Teaching What Is Good Link-Up
A Hope in Every Season Homemaking Link-Up    Judith’s Wholehearted Wednesday     Raising Homemakers Wednesday     A Wise Woman Builds       Wake Up Wednesday     A Little R & R Wednesday     Wednesday's Prayer Girls & Link-Up Party Thought Provoking Thursdays at 3D Lessons 4Life     Thursday  Favorite Things 
 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew