Friday, January 22, 2021

My Mama Told Me...


Well, Gail-Friends...that's where I am today.

My president is gone.  

But, my mama told me:  "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."  

So, here's what I have to say about the man who they're calling the president now:


Saturday, January 16, 2021

Come Come Come



These are the words and songs Adonai has ministered to me as I have sought His face on this day of rest - His Sabbath. Pray with me that our Almighty God will show His power to save within the next three days and have mercy on America.  The quotation above quickened me to pray with faith and hope. 
George Mueller has always inspired me with his unwavering faith.

“Come away by yourselves to an isolated place and rest awhile.” 

(Mark 6:31)


Isra’el, trust in Adonai!

He is their help and shield.

House of Aharon, trust in Adonai!

He is their help and shield.

You who fear Adonai, trust in Adonai!

He is their help and shield.

Adonai has kept us in mind,

and He will bless.

He will bless the house of Isra’el;

He will bless the house of Aharon;

He will bless those who fear Adonai,

great and small alike.

(Psalm 115:9-13)


 This song really spoke to me 

listen to the words:

  Come Come Come by Don Potter


and this Scripture has been on my mind for months:

Please note:  I used the wrong reference for this graphic.

The correct verse is Proverbs 28:4 and it is from the Complete Jewish Bible

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Take Courage - Be Strong!


Yesterday was an day we will never forget.  The assault on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. was horrible.  In no way would I, or anyone, condone the violence and murder we saw. 

Also horrible are the lies the news media is telling people about the whole situation.  There was massive fraud with a huge mountain of evidence.  The violence was led by infiltrators with ulterior motives.  Some of the people have been photographed at other violent riots over the past year.  Social media giants are censoring photos and videos of what happened.  They have decided "they" will tell us what we "need to know." 

The fact that the senators and representatives voted to approve of a fraudulent election was also horrible.  The evidence was never presented on the floor, but given to them behind closed doors with no cameras recording the sessions.  How do we know they even saw or heard any evidence and from what sources? It's very concerning.

Our wonderful president is being treated horribly, with more threats of impeachment and of being declared incompetent to serve.  

I've spent today in quiet reflection, praying, ministering to myself and restoring my soul...dealing with the anger and the fear that all of these events have generated.   He has ministered to me through His voice and His Word.  I'm so thankful for His love and comfort.  

I know this:  God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of peace, and of love, and of a sound mind.  He is still in control, and come what may, I trust Him to lead, protect, and provide.  

Today, I have reflected on the many, many times I've gone through hard things and come through with a knowledge of Him that no one can take away from me.  This is one of those times, Gail-Friends.  I am encouraged to continue my mission:  to do my duty, out of a deep love, to my Almighty God and Heavenly Father by obeying His Torah and telling people about Yeshua the Messiah as the payment for sins.  I'm also committed to do my duty to my beloved country by doing spiritual battle against the corruption that has almost destroyed us. 

Where do we go from here?  I, for one, will not give up.  I love my country and will continue to work to make America great again.  I will speak truth and encourage others to do the same.  I was greatly inspired this evening when I read this article from James O'Keefe of Project Veritas.  I was privileged to hear him speak in person years ago, and have followed his work since that day.  He is brave.  He is a role model for us all in this battle.  I hope his words will encourage you, too.

Chazak, chazak, ve-nit chazek

(Be strong, be strong, and let us be strengthened!)


James O'Keefe Today- January 7, 2021

"Turning and turning in the widening gyre

The falcon cannot hear the falconer;

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere

The ceremony of innocence is drowned;

The best lack all conviction, while the worst

Are full of passionate intensity.” - Yeats, the 2nd coming.

Most of the messages I’ve been getting over the last 24 hours are the most hopeless and cynical things I’ve ever seen in my life.

“Nothing matters” “Nothing will come of exposing them” “Nobody is ever arrested or held accountable” “Your work is of no use” “We have already exposed them, and nothing happens” “You’re naive, there is no more hope” “The truth will set you free is pure bullshit because the other side has no morals”

My perspective is, the only thing we have to fear is hopelessness itself: To the people who say nobody is held accountable...

People are worried about political prosecutions now. Targeted audits. Liberties violated.

“They’re going to ban you and jail you” is what I am hearing.

People are willing to throw in the towel and say, “I’m done. Now it’s time for me to look after #1.”

Justice is a pipe dream, utterly impossible to manifest and unattainable. Because of this, the truth itself no longer exists.

I understand “the conservative movement” (which I do not condone) has failed you.

Buy my books, read our white paper, buy the products our advertisers sell, sponsor these conferences, or give us more money.

These are not the most effective means of persuasion and influence anymore. In reality, these are probably the least effective means.

To a certain extent, elections have failed almost everybody, depending on who is in power at the moment. Or at least they have become less meaningful as there is a permanent administrative state, a government in sclerosis, and an amoral political elite.

Power becomes an end itself, the pendulum swinging back and forth as deficits rise and our rights diminish.

A small minority of our own supporters are even calling Project Veritas futile, upset that enemies of political freedom are not in jail, upset elections didn’t turn out their way.

And in the depths of this spiritual, moral, legal, and political crisis in our country, I see things differently. So differently, maybe I’ve gone completely mad, or at least behaving like a ridiculous man.

Dostoevsky wrote in the “Dream of a Ridiculous Man” about the hopeless man who had a great spiritual awakening after experiencing a transformative dream. When the man awoke again in this benighted world, he understood universal timeless truths that awakened his spirit. He understood how important it was to love others as much as he loved himself.

“Nothing else is required. That would settle everything. Yes, of course it's nothing but an old truth that has been repeated and reread millions of times - and it still hasn't taken root.”

Dostoevsky also wrote in “The Brothers Karamazov”:

“Not respecting anyone, he ceases to love, and having no love, he gives himself up to the passions and coarse pleasures, in order to occupy and amuse himself, and in his vices reaches complete bestiality, and it all comes from lying continually to others and to himself.”

For me, the fight for the truth is so much bigger than this moment in time. Holding people’s feet to the fire and shaming them by creating righteous indignation matters. Fighting for what is right and standing on principal matters. Exposing them is the only thing they fear: James O’Keefe speaks at the New York Young Republicans 108th Gala

We must make a conscious choice to “live not by lies” otherwise we become a nation of feckless cowards giving into corruption. Feelings of nihilism and futility, “Looking out for #1,” ratting on our brothers and sisters, is not where we want to go in our society.

We can choose to say “nothing matters” if our vision of life is reduced to material pleasures and political outcomes. But we must choose integrity regardless of outcome, because otherwise, what’s the point of existence? Is life without integrity and purpose even worth living?

As for the concerns from all of you regarding our political prosecution or the effect losing power will have on our own liberties and well-being, let me say this:

I’m ready to stand trial, to be falsely accused, and go to jail. I’m willing to have my reputation shattered and take flak. So are my colleagues. I’ve been through this previously. I know the hell and wrath such events can put upon my loved ones. I know the brutality of trials by media. I know attacks sometimes hurt.

But I also understand it will take more than this to actually stop this movement of transparency and accountability. I understand the path to truth includes suffering and sacrifice. Whitaker Chambers wrote, “life is pain, that each of us hangs always upon the Cross of himself.” But I don’t think it’s the worst of all possible outcomes. The worst outcome is this dream of an army of exposers not coming to fruition. The worst possible outcome is a society without faith. “Human societies, like human beings, live by faith and die when faith dies.”

Said Dostoevsky, “in one day, in one hour - it could all be set up at once!”

Just imagine, if all of us stood up together, took out our cameras and exposed them all!

Imagine people with “skin in the game.” FBI agents, school administrators, Silicon Valley engineers, federal court whistleblowers and three-letter agency people followed their conscience.

Imagine infiltrating the bunker of a dark enemy regime and shining light in the darkness. That would change things, create consensus, inform the populace -- it would be the end itself instead of a means to a political end.

I know this will succeed and I know the only thing that can stop it from succeeding is, well, stopping.

When I was going through my darkest days on federal probation a decade ago, unable to travel and unable to work, and all hope was lost, I was told by family members, “even if there is one person who will listen, tell the truth.”

For it is “the courage to continue that counts.” I will never give up or give in as long as there is oxygen in my lungs and brave people willing to blow the whistle.

These brave souls are the fuel that gives me hope. They are, we are, our political leadership now, and our will to tell the truth despite the outcome is what makes our political leadership impotent.

I could see yesterday, among the 10,000 cynical emails, a few Brave souls were reborn. This is a birth of energy from a lot of people who were sideline warriors and are no longer on the sidelines.

While I was in DC yesterday, in a meeting with a federal employee, we watched live as the Capitol building was taken over. They turned to me and said, “that’s it, I’m going to record everything.”

“As long as it’s not classified, people have a right to know. They must know about this corruption.”

I asked them if they were worried about what would happen to them.

“Let them come after me, I’m ready for that, as long as you don’t stop, I won’t stop,” they said.

This whistleblower believes in their heart in the concept of “Veritas to the vulgate,” or truth to the people.

They understand this is now bigger than all of us.

Our job is to expose the truth.

Why does the truth matter? On a basic level, public sentiment “is everything,” said Abraham Lincoln. “With it, nothing can fail; against it, nothing can succeed. Whoever molds public sentiment goes deeper than he who enacts statutes or pronounces judicial decisions.”

Remember too, that there is great joy in fighting. May we die doing what we do or lose our livelihoods for the noble fight. For that is all we could ask for, “to die on our feet rather than live on our knees.”

“Then outspoke brave Horatius,

The Captain of the Gate:

To every man upon this earth

Death cometh soon or late.

And how can man die better

Than facing fearful odds,

For the ashes of his fathers,

And the temples of his Gods”

The investigative reporter is the propagandist’s natural enemy. Tyrants fear, above all else, a free press for a reason. The media is everything, so stop complaining about the media. Be the media. And if they ban us, we’ll distribute our content via a proxy of patriot distributors.


James "

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Who Will Stand?


 Who will stand for Me against those who practice iniquity?
(Psalm 94:16)
Thousands are now coming to Washington, D.C. to pray and stand up for our beloved country.  You can watch what's happening at this link  Prayer Gathering in Freedom Plaza  
There will be other events televised from D.C. tomorrow - go to Right Side Broadcasting on Facebook, YouTube, or on their website.

Please join us in this prayer from Intercessors for America.  Especially pray today for the election in Georgia - that Republicans will be victorious.  Tomorrow is the day the electors will affirm their state's votes before Congress.  

Father God,

You are our God Who sees. You know where we have failed as a nation--- whether in our churches, our schools, our families, our government, our disrespect for You as our Creator and Righteous Judge. You have seen what has taken place in our nation and You know the plots and schemes of men. We ask that all that has been hidden be revealed. Please expose the unfruitful works of darkness that have been perpetrated against the American people. We pray that You would administer swift and perfect judgment against those who subvert the will of the nation’s voters, all for dishonest gain.

Lord, we pray for our President’s legal team and advisers, that those who refuse to listen to Your guidance would be quickly removed from President Trump’s team. Encourage our President, Lord, and give him the strength to remain strong in battle. Please intervene in all aspects of the Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Georgia battles. Father, we pray that the two Republican senate candidates in Georgia would legally win the run-off votes. Father, let any state be put to shame that seeks to deny its voters’ wishes to prevail. May those involved in the legal challenges in Pennsylvania be given Your righteous settlements.

Father, we confess that none of this is possible without You, but we confess that nothing is too difficult for You. Those of us who love You grow weary of the efforts of many who seek to destroy our President and the will of the American majority. We pray that You would expose and strike down every wicked plot and scheme.

Your Word asks, “Who will stand for me against those who practice iniquity?" We so often fail to recognize Your command for each of us to stand for truth. Give us the courage to not only stand for truth but to hate the evil that You hate. Each of us can do this with Your help.

We confess that what You have called us to do, You will faithfully and completely equip us to do. We are not alone in this battle. You are our Banner and our Shield. Thank You for giving us the courage to take a stand, and to remain standing until we see the salvation of the Lord. Lead us, Lord God, and we will take back this nation for Your glory alone. May Your Name be held high in America and throughout the world, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Praise be to our Mighty and Awesome King. Amen.

Friday, January 1, 2021

This Is The Year of The Lord's Favor


This is the song Adonai brought to me today.  This is the Year by Deborah Kline-Iantorno & Vince Iantorno His comfort is such a blessing in my life.  Like I've said in previous posts, I've been grieving.  Being still, reading His Word, talking to Him, listening to His voice -- all of these are healing and restore my soul.  I am so thankful.  I receive His ministry to me today, and I pray it is also for my country.  This week is important to the future of America.  On January 6, the electors will vote in D.C.  I praise Adonai for I know He is in control.

The song is based on Isaiah 61 and it is titled "Besorah for the Brokenhearted."  Besorah is the Hebrew word for "Good News."  I hope the Scripture and the song will minister to you today.   

Besorah for the Brokenhearted

61 The Ruach of Adonai Elohim is on me,
because Adonai has anointed me
    to proclaim Good News to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
    to proclaim liberty to the captives,
and the opening of the prison to those who are bound,
to proclaim the year of Adonai’s favor
    and the day of our God’s vengeance,
to comfort all who mourn
to console those who mourn in Zion,
to give them beauty for ashes,
    the oil of joy for mourning,
    the garment of praise
        for the spirit of heaviness,
    that they might be called oaks of righteousness,
    the planting of Adonai,
    that He may be glorified.

They will rebuild the ancient ruins.
They will restore former desolations.
They will repair the ruined cities,
the desolations of many generations.
Strangers will stand and shepherd your flocks,
children of foreigners will be your plowmen and vinedressers.
But you will be called the kohanim of Adonai,
They will speak of you as the ministers of our God.
You will eat the wealth of nations
    and boast in their abundance.

Instead of your shame, double portion.
instead of disgrace they will sing for joy.
Therefore in their land they will inherit a double portion;
    they will have everlasting joy.
For I, Adonai, love justice.
I hate robbery in the burnt offering.
In faithfulness I will reward My people
and cut an eternal covenant with them.
Then their offspring will be known among the nations,
their descendants among the peoples.
All who see them will recognize them,
    for they are the seed that Adonai has blessed.

10 I will rejoice greatly in Adonai.
My soul will be joyful in my God.
For He has clothed me with garments of salvation,
He has wrapped me in a robe of righteousness—
like a bridegroom wearing a priestly turban,
like a bride adorning herself with her jewels.

11 For as the earth brings forth its sprouts,
and as a garden causes things sown to spring up,
so Adonai Elohim will cause justice and praise
    to spring up before all the nations.

(Tree of Life Version)