Thursday, December 31, 2020

Till The Storm Passes By


I keep hearing this song in my head.  I remember going through a big storm years ago, sitting in my rocking chair with my precious baby girl, Melissa, in my arms.  The storm was crashing all around, but my heart was at peace as I sang this song:  Till the Storm Passes By. 

America is going through a storm right now -- as we prepare to determine that Trump will be the duly elected president.  Evil forces abound, but God is greater.  The evidence of fraud is overwhelming, but remember, this is a spiritual battle.  The evil one doesn't give up easily.

And just in case you do not follow the news through alternative sources, you may not be aware that the election was:
• Pandemically-rigged with Covid 19
• Constitutionally-rigged by States ignoring Election Laws
• Digitally-rigged with fraction-magic electronic voting
• Conventionally-rigged with ballot-stuffing
• Agency-rigged by three-letter agencies turning a blind eye
• Judicially-rigged by courts turning a blind eye
• Media-rigged by lies and contempt for free speech
• Psychologically-rigged

Here's an important article -- very interesting:  Collection of Evidence on Fraud

We were born for such a time as this to do the following:

  •     Pray and do spiritual battle.  See Ephesians 6:10-18
  •     Live in obedience to His Holy Word so that our prayers are not hindered.  Remember this verse:  Those who abandon Torah praise the wicked, but those who keep Torah fight them. (Proverbs 28:4)
  •     Do our duty as American citizens by contacting our members of Congress - both the Senate and the House. Tell them to look at the huge mountain of evidence and then to do their duty to assure a true, fair, and LEGAL election.  And if they respond with a "vague" side-stepping answer, say something like this (borrowed from a friend):

" I recently emailed you about my concern over the Nov 3 elections. You responded by saying we need to let the process play out as prescribed by law. 

You are missing the point completely. That process can not be followed when you have justices on the bench who refuse to even hear the cases. This is a miscarriage of justice in itself. I don't care if they don't want to get in the middle of an election, the problem is, there is ample proof in several states, laws were broken and the fair election process was not followed. But there will be no justice when the justices on the bench refuse to do their jobs. 

That is where you should be stepping up and declaring you can not legitimize potential corrupt votes to be allowed through the electoral  process. You really need to see some of the accusations, military ballots with no fold lines, video (manipulated) proves ballots were scanned multiple times, win..dows blocked refusing clear transparency, observers denied access to view ballots meaningfully. 

If it was a fair election, there would be no objections to forensic audits. 

Please step up on Jan 6 and refuse to allow electoral votes to be cast from corrupt state elections." 


** This  post is part of a series to encourage believers and also to defeat the spirit of heaviness.  Singing and dancing is part of spiritual battle that defeats the enemy of our souls...and the soul of America.  See the first post HERE.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

In His Presence


Sunrises and sunsets overwhelm me with the glory of Adonai.  My heart overflows with love and worship.  How can any person not believe in Him when all creation declares His presence ?

I've lost two loved ones in the past two weeks -- my dear friend and sister, Linda, and my sweet Uncle Cecil who passed away on Sunday.  I miss them both so much.  Yes, I know I have the blessed hope of seeing them again one day, but I still feel such an emptiness in my heart.  Praising God always helps me get through times like these.  

My dear uncle was the only remaining sibling on my father's side of the family.  He was so much like Daddy -- it was almost like being with him again.  I treasure the phone conversations and visits we had over the last few years. Please pray for his family, and me, as we go through this dark valley, holding tight to the Good Shepherd's loving hand.

I'm continuing my series of music to praise Adonai, to do battle in the spirit -- and to lift the heaviness I feel.  I pray this song will bless you as it does me.  In Your Presence by Paul Wilbur with lyrics

I've shared this song before, but it perfectly describes the joys of His presence.  I pray you will be still, look around you at the beauty of His creations -- the skies, birds, flowers -- and praise Him.  Your heart will lift, and you will find sweet rest in His presence.


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Let Us Bless the Lord Every Day & Night


I'm always amazed at how Adonai brings songs to my attention when I need them.  This song, with lyrics, is titled Psalm 34, is based on the following Psalm and is sung by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir.  What a great meditation for such a time as this.  I will read each verse and do what it says.  Then, I will write in my journal, remembering and recording the things He has done for me over the years.  Oh, how I can boast about Adonai.

For example, in verse five, "I sought Adonai and he answered me; he rescued me from everything I feared."  I could (and maybe should) write a book about how fearful I used to be.  It was a debilitating fear. Maybe it was a panic attack?  But I have not experienced anything like that in decades.  Why? Because I learned to push back the fear and meditate on the Scripture, "When I'm afraid, I will trust in Him."

I hope you'll try this exercise and let me know what you remember and record as you meditate on this beautiful Psalm.


Psalm 34
  (1) I will bless Adonai at all times;
his praise will always be in my mouth.
(2) When I boast, it will be about Adonai;
the humble will hear of it and be glad.
(3) Proclaim with me the greatness of Adonai;
let us exalt his name together.
(4) I sought Adonai, and he answered me;
he rescued me from everything I feared.
(5) They looked to him and grew radiant;
their faces will never blush for shame.
(6) This poor man cried; Adonai heard
and saved him from all his troubles.
(7) The angel of Adonai, who encamps
around those who fear him, delivers them.
(8) Taste, and see that Adonai is good.
How blessed are those who take refuge in him!
10 (9) Fear Adonai, you holy ones of his,
for those who fear him lack nothing.
11 (10) Young lions can be needy, they can go hungry,
but those who seek Adonai lack nothing good.
12 (11) Come, children, listen to me;
I will teach you the fear of Adonai.
13 (12) Which of you takes pleasure in living?
Who wants a long life to see good things?
14 (13) [If you do,] keep your tongue from evil
and your lips from deceiving talk;
15 (14) turn from evil, and do good;
seek peace, go after it!
16 (15) The eyes of Adonai watch over the righteous,
and his ears are open to their cry.
17 (16) But the face of Adonai opposes those who do evil,
to cut off all memory of them from the earth.
18 (17) [The righteous] cried out, and Adonai heard,
and he saved them from all their troubles.
19 (18) Adonai is near those with broken hearts;
he saves those whose spirit is crushed.
20 (19) The righteous person suffers many evils,
but Adonai rescues him out of them all.
21 (20) He protects all his bones;
not one of them gets broken.
22 (21) Evil will kill the wicked,
and those who hate the righteous will be condemned.
23 (22) But Adonai redeems his servants;
no one who takes refuge in him will be condemned.


Monday, December 28, 2020

Are You Weary?


Have you ever been so weary that you couldn't take another step?  Maybe you feel that way right now.  Take heart, dear one.  You will get through, and He will give you His strength to press on.  All you have to do is ask Him.  Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you.

If you're bone-tired and spirit weary, I hope this song will minister to you, as it has me, many, many times. His Strength Is Perfect by Steven Curtis Chapman 

The song was introduced to me about ten years ago.  My daughter was in the hospital emergency room in critical condition.  I hadn't slept in almost twenty-four hours. While her husband arranged for her admittance,  I sat with my head back against the wall, wondering how I'd be able to hold my head up one minute longer.  All I could pray was, "God, help me hold on."

A security guard walked into the room and sat a radio on the small desk near my chair.  He turned it on and walked away.  This is the song I heard, and it was as if my Heavenly Father wrapped His arms around me.  As I listened to the words, I felt His strength flow into my tired body and exhausted spirit.  I was renewed, and able to continue for several more hours until my daughter was admitted (in a different hospital).

I learned a valuable lesson through that hard experience.  I learned about His enabling strength.  It is great, and it's available when we ask Him.  I'm so thankful He taught me this.  As with every hard thing I've gone through in life, I know something about HIM that no one can ever take away from me. 

Please let me know if you need prayer right now for anything.  I'll be blessed to pray for you, Gail-Friends.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

He's Been Faithful To Me!


Today's song is He's Been Faithful to Me by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir - please listen to the words and remember all the times He's been faithful to you and Praise HIM!!!

This song always makes me cry. as I remember all the times God has been faithful to me.  I have many of them recorded in my prayer journal.  I write them down because when troubles come along, it's easy to forget all the things He's done over the seventy years of my life.

This is a good thing to do daily - make a list of all the things God has done for you.  A good start is:

He covered me in my mother's womb
He gave me LIFE!!
I can see
I can walk
I can talk
I can hear
I have strength
Food on the table
A roof over my head

You get the idea, right?

It's a good practice to list at least three things you're thankful for every day.  I have a little green notebook by my bed, and I make my list before I go to sleep.  It's good to count your blessings as you lie down, and when you wake during the night, too.  Those things are part of His faithfulness to us.  Everything comes by His loving hand.

I believe the next two weeks are critical to the future of America.  Evil forces are working to steal the election from President Trump.  We who believe in Adonai as the Almighty One Who Works Wonders and Miracles are doing battle with those evil forces through prayer, praise, and doing our duty as citizens of our beloved country.  

As a part of this battle, I'm going to posting updates about this battle along with prayers and praise songs.  The enemy of our souls hates praise.  He has to flee when we resist him with God's Word and words of praise to Adonai and Yeshua. 

Friday, December 25, 2020

Have a JOY-filled Christmas!


Lots of people on my heart - those who are sick, those who have lost loved ones, those who are going through lock-downs because of Covid... and the attack on my beloved country through the election. If not for GOD, I would despair. But because HE lives, I can face tomorrow...and look forward in JOY.  Nothing that happens takes Him unaware.  He is in control.
Even though my heart aches, it's Christmas -- and I believe this Scripture from Isiah 61: 1-3:

    He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound,  to proclaim the year of Adonai’s favor  and the day of our God’s vengeance, to comfort all who mourn  to console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning,     the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness,  that they might be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of Adonai, that He may be glorified.  (TLV)

So, dear Gail-Friends, let's put on the garment of praise to defeat that spirit of heaviness. It works. 

I'm going to be posting my favorite praise videos over the next few days. Let's give HIM the gift of our praise...please post your favs, too,in the comments below so I can praise with you.  And if you have any prayer requests, let me know so I can pray with you.
I love this song so much:  I Have Seen The Light with lyrics so we can all sing along.
Let's just praise the Lord -- lifting holy hands with grateful hearts for the gift of His Son, Yeshua our Messiah and Savior.  Have a WORSHIP-FULL and JOY-FULL Christmas, Gail-Friends. 

Thursday, December 24, 2020

The Sister God Gave Me


My dear friend and sister in the Lord, Linda
My dear friend and sister in the Lord, Linda Hooten

On August 4 almost fifty years ago, two beautiful baby girls were born. Who knew that they would become good friends? And who knew that their mothers would become good friends, too? That day, Linda and I met because we were in the same hospital room together after birthing those babies. 
She was so full of mercy, kindness, and the spirit of the Lord. She read her Bible and talked about the Lord like He was her friend. God touched my life through her beautiful spirit and she continued to touch me for almost fifty years. We studied the Bible together, prayed together, did church work together, and went through good times and bad times together. We remained good friends even though I moved away from her town thirty years ago. 

God never gave me a biological sister, but He gave me one when He brought Linda into my life that day. She's always been there for me, helped me, prayed with me and for me, and for my family. I'm heartbroken to think of my world without her in it. She was my sister, friend, mentor, prayer partner, and so much more. I could write a book about Linda and her good works in this world.
Linda passed away last Thursday, after a month and a half of battling leukemia.  It was so quick.  In early November he was diagnosed on a Thursday, went in the hospital on Friday, and stayed there until she passed away. With Covid, she couldn't have visitors and was too weak to talk on the phone, so I didn't get to see or talk with her through it all.  I know a grief like I've never known, and ask for your prayers, dear Gail-Friends...for me and for her family.   I wonder if this ache will ever go away. I loved her so much.
My love and prayers go out to her family members and friends.  She was one in a million and we were all touched by her life and her love for and service to her Savior, Yeshua.

How thankful we are to have the Good Shepherd with us as we walk through this dark valley -- and how thankful, too, for the blessed hope of seeing her again one day in heaven.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Some Trust in Lies and Fraud


 If one only listens to or watches the mainstream media (the alphabet news channels), one would think that there is no hope for Trump now that the electors have delivered their votes.  But, fear not!  There are many things happening that can/will turn this around. There is plenty of evidence, including hundreds of witnesses who have signed affidavits under penalty of perjury.  Watch this short video by Michigan's Matt Sealy which explains Trump's path to victory.  

Also, please contact your House representative and your senators.  Tell them to stand with those in the Congress who are calling for fellow legislators to stop the steal.  This is our duty, Gail-Friends.  Pray and put feet to your prayers. 

Please read the list of fraud below.  Share this with others, especially those who say there was no fraud (like the tv news and the corrupt judges who refuse to investigate). You will not hear about these things on the alphabet news either.  It's shocking and horrible how much fraud has happened. Tune in to Right Side Broadcasting and One America News to learn the truth.

 This is a list of Voter Fraud uncovered before, during and after the election on November 3:

Non-citizens voting

Registering in states other than the one resided in

Registering in multiple states

Moved out of state and still voted

Moved counties and didn’t update voter registration

Registered to vote after deadline

People registered to business addresses

People registered to PO boxes

People registered to non-existent addresses

People registered to RV parks and seasonal campgrounds

People registered to vacant lots

People registered at hotels/Casinos

Non-citizens voting

Dead people voting

Felons/Prisoners voting

Underage voting

Campaigning Fraud

Vote harvesting campaigns

Unofficial vote drop boxes

People signing up the elderly/senile and filling out votes for nursing homes

People signing up mental institutions to vote

Pay for votes operations

Mail Fraud

Sending out ballots before the first day allowed by law

Receiving back ballots before sending them out

Receiving more ballots back then sent out

Postal workers collecting mail-in ballots after election day from drop boxes

Postal workers backdating ballots

USPS not delivering some ballots

USPS not delivering campaign mail for certain candidates

USPS delivering ballots to out of state forwarding addresses

USPS not allowing whistle blowers to testify and retaliating

UPS/unauthorized shipping of ballots

People whos vote was stolen by someone during absentee voting

260k ballots went missing from a semi truck that was stolen

Ballots being distributed across state lines

Equipment Company Fraud

Vote counting company officers working at election facilities

Election equipment company employees running some polling locations

Election equipment company being able to remote in to equipment

Foreign owned voting machines with Venezuela connections

Biden Family owned a share of the voting machines company directly

Voting machines tied to Soros/Clinton foundation

Voting machines connected to the internet with results going out of country

Voting company using compromised solarwinds software

Biased people who made the voting machines who said they would make sure Trump didn’t win

Last minute uncertified voting machine updates

Least reliable voting machines in history running Windows 10

Multiple ‘errors’ that lead to votes switching

Voting machines allow adjudication to switch votes

$400 million dollar payout to vote counting company on the night of election from Chinese owned bank

Failed audit in Michigan showing voting machines switched votes

Process Fraud

No oversight of ballot adjudication

Changing state voting laws with executive order/violating the Constitution

Mass mail out unsolicited ballots

No ID for mail in voting

No signature verification for mail in voting

No ID check on some in person voting

No Check to make sure there are equivalent envelopes to ballots

Wrong ballots being given to polling locations

Not adequately training election workers

No emergency ballots at some polling locations

No chain of custody on ballots

No chain of custody on voting machines

No chain of custody on printing ballots/printers/paper

No chain of custody on USB sticks

Marking republican poll watchers bright yellow to segregate/throw them out

No checks for fake ballots

Suitcases of ballots unaccounted for


Recounts that aren’t by hand but fed into same machines

No enforcement of state statutes

Fraud By Election workers

Throwing out the poll watchers

Counting without state poll officials

Telling poll watchers counting was done

Election overseers and affiliates not doing their job

Counting votes with NO poll watchers

Fake accidents at polling sites to remove poll watchers

Covering windows to block poll watchers

Body blocking poll watchers

Verbal harassment of poll watchers

Campaigning at election sites

Biased vote counters in major cities with Antifa/BLM ties

Allowing fixing of votes only in certain areas

Not actually contesting contested votes when poll watchers call them out

Scanning ballots multiple times

COVID as an excuse to kick out poll watchers and keep them back

Election workers filling out ballots

Election workers who had days to print out ballots with no oversight

Missing USB sticks

Transposing military votes with no poll watchers

Vote contesters not allowed to properly view ballots in recounts

Poll workers caught handing out fake I.D’s to illegal voters

Poll workers coaching voters on who to vote for inside the voting booth

Secure voting boxes used as barricades to isolate poll watchers, while vote tabulators dropping ballots into unsecured bins

Fraud By Officials

Elected officials having financial conflicts of interests with vote counting companies

Governors and other elected officials ignoring massive evidence of fraud

Election officials, elected officials, and sheriffs ignoring Supreme court Justice Alito’s orders

Elected officials threatening citizen journalists with arrest for reporting irregularities

Elected officials accusing citizen journalists of racism for reporting irregularities

Election officials not following state statutes

FBI and DOJ seemingly absent from pursuing anything regarding election fraud

Fraud witnesses ignored by FBI

Denying alternative electors from entering capitol

Coverage Fraud

Social media companies interfering

Mainstream media interfering

Pollsters interfering with fake polls

Covering up the Fraud

Electronic disposal service trucks witnessed removing material from election facilities

Paper shredding trucks witnessed removing ballot material from election facilities

Ballot envelopes being destroyed instead of being held in secure facilities for the required 22 months

Fraud witnesses experiencing threats, assault, and intimidation

Deleting records of adjudication on voting machines

More proof of Fraud

Election workers feeling ballots that didn’t feel real

Massive vote dumps in Edison data coming in the middle of the night

Videos of poll workers taking out ballots and counting them in the middle of the night

over 100% voters in some places

Droves of statistical anomalies

Bedford’s Law

Ballot envelopes found in dumpsters

Ballot envelopes found in landfills

Videos of election workers burning Trump ballots

Tweets from poll workers bragging about committing election fraud

Vote switching caught on live TV

1000’s of ballots found uncounted in backrooms during recounts

Videos of poll workers filling out brand new ballots en masse

USB sticks randomly missing or appearing with votes

Monday, December 7, 2020

Calling All "Messy Moms"




Calling ALL “Messy Moms!”

Perfect Parenting need NOT apply!!!!

  • Are you exhausted and frustrated by the “new norms” that have been thrown your way?

  • Is your home a battle ground and you feel your are on the losing side?

  • Do you feel stuck and overwhelmed by the day to day obligations of life?


     Then I have something AMAZING for YOU!!!

 I am honored to be a guest speaker at this FREE online event and 

YOU are invited.

Join me at this event on 

Saturday, December 12:

Messy Mom's Schedule For Success:

How To Maximize Life Through Easy Organization, Simple Habits, and Creative Routines Live Stream Virtual Event!

Registration is required.  Visit the following link for more info and to register:

I'll be speaking in the afternoon, and giving away a free copy of my book, 8 Days of Hanukkah and Christmas, too.  

 Be sure to share this with your friends! 

 Hope to see y'all there. 





Wednesday, December 2, 2020

President Trump's Most Important Speech


President placed this speech on Facebook at 5 pm today (December 2, 2020).  It lays out the tons of evidence of election fraud on November 3 (and since).  Please listen to this forty-five minute video (from YouTube) and share it with others.    This may be the most important speech I've ever made....

The MSM will not report this.  I watched CBS news at 6:30pm today just to see if they would report it.  They showed a moment or two and then absolutely lied and misrepresented what he said.  They are a part of the collusion to steal this election.

Please pray and believe that God will and swiftly bring the traitors to justice.  And pray for Him to protect the president, his family, and those brave souls who have sworn (under penalty of perjury) that they witnessed the fraud. 

We were born for such a time as this - to stand up for truth and to preserve our beloved America.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

8 Days of Hanukkah and Christmas, too!


My new book, 8 Days of Hanukkah and Christmas, too! includes daily reflections for the eight days of Hanukkah along with lots of full-color photos, songs, instructions for playing dreidel, and some of my yummy recipes.  I'll be sharing some things in the book in the days ahead.  
This new book is available on Amazon as a paperback or an e-book!  Or you may purchase a paperback copy from me through my Gail-Friends store.
How did a Southern Baptist girl who celebrated Christmas come to be a Messianic Jew who celebrates Hanukkah? Well, that’s a long story for another book. But briefly, one day I got on my knees and prayed for God to show me if I was really, truly following HIM. I prayed, “I don’t want to follow a religion, a denomination, a teacher, or a preacher. I want to know that I am following You and Your Ways.” I never imagined how God would answer that prayer.