Thursday, June 24, 2021

Please Read and Share


A friend sent this article to me today.  I had to share it, and I pray you will share it, too. 

June 24, 2021

It’s Time for Honesty

Today’s post is not suitable for young children. Though not graphic in a detailed sense, the information I will be sharing is very disturbing and heartbreaking. However, I feel it is very important and must be shared. I suggest that you copy this post as soon as possible, before it disappears. Also, a link to the entire article/report from which I took the information is ,here. Please download that also, while the link is still available; some don’t want you to know the truth. And finally, if you have had an abortion and still struggle with guilt, you may not want to read or listen to this; my heart is not to condemn or wound anyone. There is TOTAL forgiveness, cleansing and healing available to you. I actually have a strong message (podcast) entitled Broken No More, to aid you in this process; it can be viewed ,here.

When Trump was president, he took immediate action to stop the government’s funding of abortion and its practice of buying aborted babies’ body parts for research. He was, in fact, America’s most pro-life president ever. One of Biden’s top agendas was reversing this and resuming the process. The murder of babies in the womb is abominable, but selling and using their body parts for research is beyond abominable. It is hideous beyond belief. We think nothing of condemning the Nazis for torturing, killing and using the Jews’ bodies for research. Yet, for some, doing so to unborn babies is somehow fine.

Using new emails uncovered by Judicial Watch’s FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request, The Federalist reports:

“In what should have been a national headline, the exposure of the U.S. government’s involvement in trafficking aborted baby body parts is now more noteworthy following Friday’s announcement from the White House. At President Biden’s direction, the Department of Health and Human Services reversed the Trump administration’s policy protecting preborn Americans from the callous dehumanization of organ harvesting and further desecration of their bodies in research disguised as science.” One can’t help but wonder if the anti-Trump Christians who voted for Biden are beginning to have voter’s remorse. And this is exactly why I contend that Christian leaders should be passionately involved in the process of government. (See yesterday’s post ,here.)

The Federalist continued, “The sickening decision now gives license to our ‘best and brightest’ government researchers and agencies, those in charge of steering the country towards medical breakthroughs and scientific progress, to use the skin, brains, and eyeballs of children in research that affects all of us and is funded by our money...”1

The article (which, again, you can link to at the beginning of today’s post) shares many details, baby parts’ price lists, etc. Here are a few of the facts exposed:

  • the FDA paid $2000 per baby
  • they bought the organs of aborted babies
  • the skin of a 21 week old Down syndrome baby (number xxx602) was sold
  • they required “fresh, never frozen” babies
  • they requested late-term babies, up to 24 weeks old
  • they bought skulls of second trimester babies
  • they requested boy organs in order to create humanized mice
  • they described some babies’ parts as ‘amazing’
  • our tax dollars paid for FDA trips to ‘humanized mice workshops’ in Europe

I am sorry for the hideousness of this information, but we as Americans need to know about this loathsome, inhuman activity. And if it is acceptable, why do they hide it? If our government feels it is appropriate, why did it require a FOIA request to get the information? This is unquestionably the most despicable information I have ever come across.

The Bible speaks of those whose consciences have been seared (1 Timothy 4:2). If this doesn’t qualify, I’m not sure what does. If these practices are not an indication that abortion and its evolution into barbarism are influenced by demons, what would be? The first chapter of the book of Romans speaks of “vile affections” (verse 26, KJV), and “depraved minds” (verse 28, NASV). Actually, much of the content in verses 28-31 is appropriate:

“And because they thought it was worthless to embrace the true knowledge of God, God gave them over to a worthless mind-set, to break all rules of proper conduct. Their sinful lives became full of every kind of evil, wicked schemes,

greed, and cruelty...They are deceitful liars full of hostility...totally immoral. They are senseless, faithless, ruthless, heartless, and completely merciless.” (Romans 1:28-31, TPT)

“After a speech, pro-life activist Penny Lea was approached by an old man. Weeping, he told her the following story:

‘“I lived in Germany during the Nazi holocaust. I considered myself a Christian. I attended church since I was a small boy. We had heard the stories of what was happening to the Jews, but like most people today in America, we tried to distance ourselves from the reality of what was really taking place. What could anyone do to stop it?

‘“A railroad track ran behind our small church, and each Sunday morning we would hear the whistle from a distance and then the clacking of the wheels moving over the track. We became disturbed when one Sunday we noticed cries coming from the train as it passed by. We grimly realized that the train was carrying Jews.

‘“Week after week that train whistle would blow. We would dread to hear the sound of those old wheels because we knew that the Jews would begin to cry out to us as they passed our church. It was so terribly disturbing! We knew exactly at what time that whistle would blow. And we decided the only way to keep from being so disturbed by the cries was to start singing our hymns. If some of the screams reached our ears, we’d just sing a little louder until we could hear them no more. I still hear that train whistle in my sleep. I can still hear them crying out for help. God, forgive all of us who called ourselves Christians, yet did nothing to intervene.’”2

Please don’t allow anything to drown out the silent screams of the unborn. Don’t hide from the truth. Post it. Preach about it. Write about it. Do a podcast about it. Publicize it. For God’s sake, stop the singing and listen.

Hitler said of the Austrians after they voted 98% to 2% to appease him and join The Third Reich, “How fortunate for us that the people choose to remain ignorant.”(3) I fear that we in the American church have chosen to anesthetize ourselves to the pain of what is occurring. Abortion has been happening so long - almost 50 years now since Roe v. Wade - that we’ve become numb. It doesn’t shock us anymore. It doesn’t trigger grief. For most, sadly, there isn’t even a pause. Pastor, how long has it been since you talked about it to your congregation? Led in a public prayer to see it end? To all of us, how long since we cried for the tortured, dismembered babies? Reject the choice to remain ignorant. Think about what is occurring. Then choose to do something. Make a difference! Shout your protest!! Expose this evil!! At the very least, VOTE PRO-LIFE.

In the movie The Patriot, Benjamin Martin’s sister-in-law attempted to comfort him, defending his initial decision not to fight the British. “You have done nothing for which to be ashamed,” she claimed.

Martin’s thoughtful and poignant response was: “I have done nothing. For that I am ashamed.”

God forbid that Martin’s lament would become the tragic epitaph of today’s America regarding this modern-day holocaust. I pray that when all is said and done, this is not what history records of us. May we, like Martin, finally wake up and do something.

You may think I hate the people doing these things. I do not. I pray for their salvation. God can, and wants to forgive them. The blood of Jesus is more powerful than their blood sacrifices. Holocaust survivor Corrie Ten Boom, whose entire family died in the Nazi consentration camps once said, “Forgiveness is the key that unlocks the door of resentment and the handcuffs of hatred.” I forgive those who have perpetrated these evils. I will not, however, be silent.

Forward The Federalist article to your friends. Pastors and Christian leaders, tell your people the truth. Find an appropriate way to inform them, and do so. If you choose not to do that, at least refer them to the article. We must not be silent any longer!

Pray with me:

Father, our hearts break when we read about what is happening to the babies. If our hearts feel such pain, what must Yours feel? Surely You know each of them, have brought them to Your house, and given them names. They are mere numbers no more.

We have no words to express our utter shame for what we have allowed in America. We can only take solace in the fact that the blood of Christ is greater than all of our sins. Please forgive and cleanse us as a nation for these unthinkable, unconscionable actions.

We humbly cry out, as we have many times before, please help us stop this evil. Help us overturn Roe v. Wade and shut down every abortion mill in America! Help us stop this inhuman research! Give us as a nation, once again, a love for life, including the unborn. In Christ’s name we ask. Amen.

Our decree:

What can wash away our sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can make us whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Oh, precious is the flow, that makes us white as snow. No other fount we know - nothing but the blood of Jesus.4

Click below to watch the prayer.


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  3. Simpson, Douglas. Looking for America: Rediscovering the meaning of freedom. (Enumclaw, WA: WinePress Publishing, 2006), p 304.
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Monday, June 7, 2021

Leaning on My Beloved



I need your prayers, friends. Please don't ask for details - just pray and believe. This has been one of the hardest years of my life . . . so much death and sorrow.  I've never known such grief . . .

I know that God works everything together for my good because I am called to His purpose.

 I am being drawn closer to My Beloved through every pain and sorrow. I'm leaning on Him and clinging to this promise from His Word: 

 What the righteous hope for will end in JOY.

Proverbs 10:28a  (CJB) 

This beautiful poem is a message that has soothed my soul as I cling to Him.  

(from the author's Facebook page and used with her permission.)
The broken way
Is where we often walk
With grief and weight
That rest heavy
With confusion
And lances the
Heart with pain
Yet it is there
That we find Him
The One who has
Walked this road
Who offers His hand
To take us through
This thin place
Where we feel
Brittle and a bit lost
Until sacredness
Overwhelms and
We find ourselves
On holy ground
Lost in His love

Sunday, June 6, 2021

God's Mandate for Older Women




Nancy Campbell's ministry of writing always touches and teaches me.  I love this post and hope it will be helpful to you my dear Gail-Friends.

by Nancy Campbell of Above Rubies 
(used by permission)

"It seems that many older women are not aware of the mandate God gives to them. Titus 2:3-5 tells us that the older women are to teach and show the way for the younger women. 
These Scriptures are very specific about what we are to teach—to love their husbands and to submit to their husbands, to love their children, to be keepers at home, to be self-controlled, kind, and pure. It’s all to do with the home.
The sad thing is, that once their children have grown, many mothers move on to other things and other careers, forgetting that it’s not time to give up motherhood. It’s time to extend and enlarge our motherhood.
Now that the new Above Rubies is arriving to women, I often receive emails from woman who say: “Thank you so much for encouraging me in motherhood over the years, but now my children have grown, and I no longer need it.”
My heart grieves because we older mothers still need the message of Above Rubies (which is the message of Titus 2) as much as ever. If we don’t continue to walk in the truth of this message and continue teaching it to the younger generation, we fail our mandate from God. And we older mothers constantly need refresher courses. I am now in the great-grandmothering stage and yet I am still learning more about God’s ways for marriage and motherhood. There is always more to learn. And if we don’t keep learning, how can we teach the younger generations?
Do these mothers not care about the younger generation of mothers? And what about their own children? That’s an even greater responsibility, to teach and train them in God’s plan for marriage and the home.
But God’s word is even more definite. It goes on to say that if we older mothers do not fulfill our mandate that we blaspheme God’s Word. Oh wow. That’s a strong word, isn’t it? It’s not mine, it’s God’s.
Some other translations of the Bible use the words: slander, revile, malign, insult, dishonor, disgrace, discredit, bring shame, disrepute, reproach and shame. All powerful words too.
Oh for a powerful army of older women to rise up to show the way for the next generation."
Shalom and blessings to you all, Gail-Friends

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