Friday, April 29, 2016

Shabbat Music - Eliyahu

We are still celebrating Passover this evening, so I wanted to share a song we sing every year at this time.  Eliyahu Ha Navi speaks of the coming of Elijah prior to the return of Yeshua, our Messiah.  We believe we are living in the days of Elijah. (You might know that song!)  Are you crying out, as I am, for him to come quickly?  I long for Yeshua's appearing.

(Several attempts failed to embed the song, so click on this LINK to see the lyrics in English on Youtube.)

Here is another version of the song, with dancing: 

Are you having a wonder-FULL, peace-FULL Passover season?  We are, and one very special and filled with JOY, because our grandson has accepted Yeshua the Messiah as his Savior and L-rd.  Oh, Halleluyah! 

To learn more about Passover, a feast that ADONAI has commanded us to observe forever, click on this LINK.

 I sometimes share my posts  with  friends at: 
Charlotte a Spiritual SundaysSpiritual Sundays     Janis with Sunday Stillness       THE SUNDAY COMMUNITY – #GIVE ME GRACE @SEE SPEAK HEAR MAMA Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life     GRAND Social       The Beauty in His Grip Link-Up   

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 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


This week, we are observing Passover, and next week, I'll post about our synagogue's seder.  During these eight days, we're eating "lotza matzah", and being reminded of Yeshua, our Passover Lamb each day.

Click on this LINK to see my posts from years past, and to learn more about this feast which ADONAI commanded us to observe forever.  

 I sometimes share my posts  with  friends at: 
Charlotte a Spiritual SundaysSpiritual Sundays     Janis with Sunday Stillness       THE SUNDAY COMMUNITY – #GIVE ME GRACE @SEE SPEAK HEAR MAMA Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life     GRAND Social       The Beauty in His Grip Link-Up   

Titus 2 Tuesday     Share Your Stuff Tuesday    TITUS TUESDAYS @CORNERSTONE CONFESSIONS     Wordless Wednesdays    Jennifer Dukes Lee Tell His Story  Teaching What Is Good Link-Up
Classical Homemaking Link-Up    Judith’s Wholehearted Wednesday     Raising Homemakers Wednesday     A Wise Woman Builds       Wake Up Wednesday     A Little R & R Wednesday     Wednesday's Prayer Girls & Link-Up Party Thought Provoking Thursdays at 3D Lessons 4Life     Thursday  Favorite Things 
 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Monday, April 25, 2016

I Love Trim Healthy Mama

I learned about Trim Healthy Mama from Facebook, and was intrigued by the success so many ladies were having by losing weight with this method.  I ordered the book and was immediately intrigued by a plan of eating that uses whole foods, including real butter, and a thing called Skinny Chocolate.  Could it be possible to lose weight eating full-fat foods and candy??????  I had to try it!

Since starting the food plan in mid-January of this year, I've lost sixteen pounds, which is an average of about five pounds a month, an inch from my hips and waist, and I love this new way of eating. Basically, the method is not to mix fats and carbohydrates.  Doing this forces your metabolism to do a kick start by burning different fuels.  Also, you must wait at least 2 1/2 to 3 hours between meals or snacks.

The food plan has a bit of a learning curve, and I admit it was difficult at first because I was so used to eating carbs and fats together, such as grits and eggs for breakfast and sandwiches for lunch.  I hung in there, however, and now find it quite easy to separate my fuel sources.  I can still have a sandwich, but don't add fats such as mayonnaise or high-fat cheese.  I can still have coffee with cream, but not with carbs such as oatmeal.  When I eat oatmeal, I drink hot tea.

The plan includes lots of healthy protein and vegies, whole grains, fats like coconut oil and pure butter, and low glycemic fruit.  Oh, and chocolate!  I love Skinny Chocolate, and there is absolutely no guilt involved, believe me.  It's actually good for me.  Another thing I love are the Trim Healthy breads and baked goods that use alternatives to wheat. I'm a big fan of their Muffin in a Mug!  Yummy, and it tastes like cake!

I highly recommend the Trim Healthy Plan book, cookbook, and lifestyle.  You can learn more by clicking HERE.  I'm pleased to be an affiliate with the company because the owners are committed believers and write about Biblical principles in their books and  Facebook groups.  They are having a great sale right now, and any purchases you make through this LINK will give me a small benefit.  I'd really appreciate that!

In the weeks ahead, I'll be posting about my progress and sharing my menus and some recipes.  I think you'll enjoy learning about this wonderful, healthy, long-term lifestyle.  Let me know what you think, Gail-Friends!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Sabbath Music - Dayenu

Tonight at sundown begins a double blessing -- Shabbat and the beginning of Passover.  We will be celebrating our seder tomorrow afternoon.  This is a wonder-FULL time of the year, and I'm excited to be with our synagogue family to observe and remember Yeshua, our Passover lamb. You can learn more about Passover HERE, in my past posts.

We'll be singing this traditional Jewish song during the seder.  Enjoy!  I hope you have a blessed Shabbat and a Passover filled with JOY!


 I sometimes share my posts  with  friends at: 
Charlotte a Spiritual SundaysSpiritual Sundays     Janis with Sunday Stillness       THE SUNDAY COMMUNITY – #GIVE ME GRACE @SEE SPEAK HEAR MAMA Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life     GRAND Social       The Beauty in His Grip Link-Up   

Titus 2 Tuesday     Share Your Stuff Tuesday    TITUS TUESDAYS @CORNERSTONE CONFESSIONS     Wordless Wednesdays    Jennifer Dukes Lee Tell His Story  Teaching What Is Good Link-Up
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 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Thankful Thursday - The Beauty of Nature

 This quote came across my desk this week:

“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, 
places to play in and pray in,
 where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul,”
~ John Muir.

So true for me.  My place to pray in is my back porch, overlooking my little pond.  Hubby did some work on the stones and I think it looks so nice:

Here are some of the beauties I have to enjoy in my yard:

Purple passion flowers and ruby red amaryllis.

My peace plant, with ten brilliant blooms.

 A sweet friend gave me this cyclamen, and it has bloomed profusely for weeks.  

The Confederate jasmine is growing crazy, and the fragrance is absolutely heavenly.  

This creamy white bloom is an elephant ear flower.  They grow to six or eight inches long, and are just glorious to behold.  I'd been around these plants all my life, and never knew they had blooms.  Perhaps they love the damp atmosphere around the pond.  

I'm so thankful for all of this beauty right outside my door, and for my husband who works hard to keep it beautiful.  As the quote above says, they do heal and give strength to my body and soul.  I marvel at the creativity of ADONAI to create so many varied and different flowers.  They bring me JOY every day.  I'm also thankful to live in Florida where flowers bloom all year long.

Here's another JOY-FULL thing I found this week: 

It's a humble flour sack dish towel, but it expresses my outlook on life.  I'm going to just hang it up in my kitchen as a reminder every day.

I re-did another reminder this week:

This is a blackboard sign I made to remind me of my word for 2016.  The other one was too pale, and I think this one is more eye-catching.  I'm using it also as a button for my weekly series on WORDS.  

What are you thankful for this week, Gail-Friends?

Thankful Thursday is my day to focus on and be thankful for 
all the good things in my life.


 I sometimes share my posts  with  friends at: 
Charlotte a Spiritual SundaysSpiritual Sundays     Janis with Sunday Stillness       THE SUNDAY COMMUNITY – #GIVE ME GRACE @SEE SPEAK HEAR MAMA Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life     GRAND Social       The Beauty in His Grip Link-Up   

Titus 2 Tuesday     Share Your Stuff Tuesday    TITUS TUESDAYS @CORNERSTONE CONFESSIONS     Wordless Wednesdays    Jennifer Dukes Lee Tell His Story  Teaching What Is Good Link-Up
Classical Homemaking Link-Up    Judith’s Wholehearted Wednesday     Raising Homemakers Wednesday     A Wise Woman Builds       Wake Up Wednesday     A Little R & R Wednesday     Wednesday's Prayer Girls & Link-Up Party Thought Provoking Thursdays at 3D Lessons 4Life     Thursday  Favorite Things 
 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Wisdom Wednesdays - Pleasant Words

Continuing my series on WORDS.

This verse stuck out to me this week in my daily study of Proverbs:

Pleasant words are like a honeycomb,
    sweet to the taste and healing for the body.
(Proverbs 16:24)

This verse goes along with last week's post about important words.  Pleasant words are important, too.  Don't you love to be around people who are positive and encouraging? I do, and I try to be that kind of person.  

My friend, Evelyn, who passed away a few years ago was that kind of person.  She always wore a smile, and had praise on her lips. Every activity delighted her, and she was always on the go to her next adventure.  Even in her eighties, she was tireless in looking for the good in every situation and in every person.  I loved her and always enjoyed being around her.  She was a member of our congregation, and had a willing heart and hands to do anything she was called on to do. 

Another member of our congregation and friend, Helen (also passed away), was the same way.  Always positive and uplifting in her speech, Helen would simply say, "No!" if someone began to speak critically or negatively in her presence.  I love that.

On one of Jem's visits to the nursing home, he met a lady in her nineties who exuded enthusiasm and happiness every day.  One day at lunch, she rolled her wheel chair to the table with a lady who began complaining about the food, the staff, the weather and everything else.  Jackie stared at her for a moment and then announced, "I'm too happy for you!" and moved to another table.  

It's interesting that the verse above compares pleasant words  to honey and says they can be healing.  I recently read an article about honey as medicine that was very enlightening.  It can be used on wounds and burns, as a cough remedy, a sleep aid, an immune booster, and many other ways.  

Our words can be healing when they are pleasant  --  encouraging, gentle, positive, uplifting and especially laughter inducing.  Don't you love to be around people who make you laugh?  My husband is hilarious and makes me laugh every day of my life. 

I've been watching my words lately, trying to always make them pleasant, even about things that cause me distress, like politics.  I'm very fond of saying:  

"You can say anything in a nice way." 

Even the hard things we have to say can be said in a pleasant way.  I'm working on that, Gail-Friends.  


I sometimes share my posts  with  friends at: 
Charlotte a Spiritual SundaysSpiritual Sundays     Janis with Sunday Stillness       THE SUNDAY COMMUNITY – #GIVE ME GRACE @SEE SPEAK HEAR MAMA Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life     GRAND Social       The Beauty in His Grip Link-Up   

Titus 2 Tuesday     Share Your Stuff Tuesday    TITUS TUESDAYS @CORNERSTONE CONFESSIONS     Wordless Wednesdays    Jennifer Dukes Lee Tell His Story  Teaching What Is Good Link-Up
Classical Homemaking Link-Up    Judith’s Wholehearted Wednesday     Raising Homemakers Wednesday     A Wise Woman Builds       Wake Up Wednesday     A Little R & R Wednesday     Wednesday's Prayer Girls & Link-Up Party Thought Provoking Thursdays at 3D Lessons 4Life     Thursday  Favorite Things 
 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Friday, April 15, 2016

Sabbath Music - Hine Bati

I'll be lighting the candles and celebrating the Sabbath at home tonight.  I'm better, but still not well, and do not want to take those nasty germs to the congregation.  I've been sick since last Saturday, and today I've felt a bit better, so thank you all for your prayers. 

This song is always a blessing to us.  Hine Bati / Here I Come by Michael ben David.  The song is based on Psalm 40, and is one of my husband's favorites.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Thankful Thursday - Chicken Soup

I've been fighting a cold or maybe the flu since Shabbat, so today I'm thankful for chicken soup, tissues, and other such comforts at times like this.  Also, very, very thankful for my sweet husband who is nursing me back to health.  He's given strict orders to rest, so no writing today.

I'd appreciate your prayers, Gail-Friends.  Especially that I get better quickly because next week Passover is coming.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Wisdom Wednesdays - Important Words


Continuing my series on WORDS.

Daily, I pray about words, both the ones I hear spoken, and the ones I speak.  The Bible has much to say on this subject.

This one caught my eye this week in my daily reading of Proverbs:

When words are many, sin is not lacking; 
so he who controls his speech is wise. 
(Proverbs 10:19)

I pray to control my words, especially on social media.  It's so easy to just spout off without thinking about the impact of those words.  We have a local Facebook page where people discuss happenings around town.  It gets so ugly.  I read it sometimes to learn about events coming up, and I'm saddened by the viciousness of people's words.  This verse is certainly appropriate:

By the blessing of the upright, a city is raised up; 
but the words of the wicked tear it down. 
(Proverbs 11:11)

Oh, Father, may I remember to use words that bless, not tear down.

On Tuesday, my Proverbs reading was Chapter 12, and there are several verses to contemplate:

The words of the wicked are a deadly ambush, 
but the speech of the upright rescues them.
(Proverbs 12:6)

There are people who know nothing but mean and hateful speech.  Cursing, complaining and negativity are the only world they know.  Our words can bring a whole new world to their consciousness.  Kindness and gentleness are remarkable and unique in our society.  I pray to bring that part of G-d's Kingdom into all of my conversations, both in person and in social media.

One can be filled with good as the result of one’s words
and one gets the reward one’s deeds deserve.
(Proverbs 12:14) 

This verse is curious, right? How do our words fill us with good?  As I've studied the Bible, I've learned that our words affect our health.  Look at this verse:

A person’s belly will be filled with the fruit of his mouth; 
with what his lips produce he will be filled.
(Proverbs 18:20)

Are my words sweet or bitter?  Am I blessing and praising G-d and looking for the good in situations and people?  Or am I complaining and becoming angry and bitter about things happening in my life?  I know that the negativity can affect the belly.  Stomach ulcers and other tummy issues can be related to fretting, complaining and bitterness.

Over the past seven and a half years, I have been very concerned about the direction our country has taken.  I admit, I have fretted and complained and even shouted at the tv news.  What is happening in our country is upsetting, but my bitter words will not help at all. There are positive things I can do through my words:

As an every day person, I can use my words to speak out to others, through conversations, social media, and on this blog.  The common belief is that we should not discuss religion or politics.  That is a lie from the pit of hell.  It is because we have neglected to discuss these things that we are in the mess we're in.  I pray daily for G-d to use me to take the truth about G-d and the G-dly foundations of our country into conversations.  Some people have never heard these things.  It's my duty.

As a citizen, I can e-mail my local, state and federal representatives to let my voice be heard.  It couldn't be easier.  It takes less than five minutes.  It's my duty.
As a consumer, I can contact companies to let them know how I feel about their policies as related to the persecution of Jewish and Christian believers.  The voices of the perverse and depraved are loud and proud, while believers sit silent.  Our voices must be heard.  It is our duty.

As a believer, I can pray about the situations and policies that concern me.  Intercession is important.  In our study of Torah yearly, I'm always struck by the intercession of Moses for the people of Israel.  G-d listened to those prayers, and showed mercy.  Prayer is a privilege and a responsibility.  It's my duty.

G-d wants us to speak the truth, and this verse confirms His will.  It's my duty.
Truthful words will stand forever.
(Proverbs 12:19)

sometimes share my posts  with  friends at: 
Charlotte a Spiritual SundaysSpiritual Sundays     Janis with Sunday Stillness       THE SUNDAY COMMUNITY – #GIVE ME GRACE @SEE SPEAK HEAR MAMA Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life     GRAND Social       The Beauty in His Grip Link-Up   

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 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Friday, April 8, 2016

Sabbath Music - Birds Praising The Creator

The seventh day is almost here.  Time to refresh, renew and rest.  Time to spend time with your Beloved, who loves you so very much.  I'm looking forward to time with Him in His Word, listening to the birds and enjoying the beauty of His creation in my beautiful backyard.  (See this week's Thankful Thursday to see how pretty it looks.)

Maybe you don't have a backyard to enjoy, or birds to make music for you.  This video is perfect.  I love to listen to birds singing and praising Hashem.  I hope you enjoy their beauty-FULL concert. (CLICK HERE)

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom, Gail-Friends.


I sometimes share my posts  with  friends at: 
Charlotte a Spiritual SundaysSpiritual Sundays     Janis with Sunday Stillness       THE SUNDAY COMMUNITY – #GIVE ME GRACE @SEE SPEAK HEAR MAMA Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life     GRAND Social       The Beauty in His Grip Link-Up   

Titus 2 Tuesday     Share Your Stuff Tuesday    TITUS TUESDAYS @CORNERSTONE CONFESSIONS     Wordless Wednesdays    Jennifer Dukes Lee Tell His Story  Teaching What Is Good Link-Up
Classical Homemaking Link-Up    Judith’s Wholehearted Wednesday     Raising Homemakers Wednesday     A Wise Woman Builds       Wake Up Wednesday     A Little R & R Wednesday     Wednesday's Prayer Girls & Link-Up Party Thought Provoking Thursdays at 3D Lessons 4Life     Thursday  Favorite Things 
 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew****************

Thankful Thursday - Small Occasions

What a blessed week.  Busy, but abundantly blessed.  I'll start out with Bentley, who is my next door neighbor's cat.  Many mornings, I look out the porch door to see her sitting by the pond, doing her morning meditation.  She is most assuredly a kindred spirit. I'm thank-FULL that Bentley visits our backyard.

Speaking of the pond, my sweet husband has been hard at work making it beauty-FULL.  I'm so thank-FULL for my own Mr. Green Jeans. (You have to be as old as me to know who that is.)

Here are some of the pretty flowers in bloom.

Our passion flower has half a dozen blooms.  I don't know why the petals are cast down.  Usually they are more horizontal.  Any gardeners out there who know the answer?

Here is a sweet dove, enjoying the pond.  They say doves don't stay where there is noise and chaos.  We have many that visit Golden Cottage every day.  I prize peace above everything, and I'm so thank-FULL for the peace I have in my life during this season. These truly are the Golden Years.

 Here are a few birds I haven't identified yet.

This tiny one had a definite green cast.  It might be a female painted bunting.  I haven't seen any males lately, though.

This one is still a mystery, as is the one below.

It has a definite yellow back end.  I think it might be a palm warbler, but I'm not sure.  One rainy day, I caught the same one bathing in the puddles in the elephant ears.  It was so beauty-FULL, I had tears in my eyes.  Such a small occasion can bring such JOY.  I wish the photo was better, but the memory will stay with me.  I know I'm a bird nerd, but I really love to watch them, and I'm so thank-FULL for the ones that visit my yard. 

 What are you thank-FULL for this week, Gail-Friends?

Thankful Thursday is my day to focus on and be thankful for all of the good things in my life.


I sometimes share my posts  with  friends at: 
Charlotte a Spiritual SundaysSpiritual Sundays     Janis with Sunday Stillness       THE SUNDAY COMMUNITY – #GIVE ME GRACE @SEE SPEAK HEAR MAMA Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life     GRAND Social       The Beauty in His Grip Link-Up   

Titus 2 Tuesday     Share Your Stuff Tuesday    TITUS TUESDAYS @CORNERSTONE CONFESSIONS     Wordless Wednesdays    Jennifer Dukes Lee Tell His Story  Teaching What Is Good Link-Up
Classical Homemaking Link-Up    Judith’s Wholehearted Wednesday     Raising Homemakers Wednesday     A Wise Woman Builds       Wake Up Wednesday     A Little R & R Wednesday     Wednesday's Prayer Girls & Link-Up Party Thought Provoking Thursdays at 3D Lessons 4Life     Thursday  Favorite Things 
 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew