Saturday, May 14, 2011

Bird Blessings

Jimmy Two Shoes
"Jimmy is hen-pecked!"  our hostess told us, pointing to a big, healthy looking rooster in a small pen separated from the other chickens.  "See his feet?  That's where the girls have been pecking at him."  Indeed, a closer look revealed his bloody, mangled feet as he scratched at the dirt.  I've heard the expression "hen-pecked"  all my life, but had never related it to an actual habit of chickens.  Hmmm.... I could sense the Holy Spirit speaking as I considered those chickens.

An impromptu visit to a local farm for free-range eggs led to an unexpected lesson today.  Jem and I were invited to go out back for a lesson in raising chickens.  Our host and hostess graciously showed us around their large chicken coop and shared a wealth of information.

Nora and her husband have only been raising chickens for three years, and have learned many things through trial and error.  For instance, some breeds are friendlier than others.  The Polish variety, of which they had several, love to be held and petted, but their eggs are quite small. The big Rhode Island Red hens lay large eggs, but are not friendly at all.

I found it fascinating to learn a hen lays more eggs in the summer than winter, and this is related to the more direct sunlight.  Most of the hens lay one egg every 24 hours or so.  Oh, and if you're not a farm girl like me, you may not know that the hens don't need a rooster to lay eggs.  They do, of course, need him if we want to have baby chicks!  Don't laugh!  Growing up in the city, there was a time I didn't realize this. 

It was Jimmy Two Shoes, the big rooster that taught me the unexpected lesson about being hen-pecked.  Our hosts explained that the rooster had to be separated from the "girls" because if left to their instincts, they would peck that poor rooster to death.

You know, I think that can happen with wives, too. Over my years of studying the Scriptures, I've learned how important it is to allow my husband to be the "man" and allow him to lead.  Also, we wives have a tendency to bring up certain issues again, and again, and again.  Hence, the hen-pecking attribute.  If  we wives persist in these behaviors, our husbands will just naturally separate themselves,  if not physically, then most certainly emotionally.

Yeshua said, "consider the birds..."  Once again, by doing just that today, I received another "bird blessing":  a lesson on living from my feathered friends.
The girls & Nora
Farm-fresh organic eggs

I'm linking up with Spiritual Sundays this week. 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Royal Wedding Party

You are cordially invited to celebrate the wedding of William and Kate with us on Friday, April 29 at 11:00 am, read the beautifully crafted paper invitation.  Well, well, well, now this sounds like fun!

With only a week to get ready, my mind raced with ideas of what a real Royal Wedding party would be like.  My neighbor, who is from London, let me know that in the UK it is a tradition to have a block party on the day of a Royal Wedding, and she wanted her friends and family to experience one with her.

My husband, Jem, really go into the whole English theme, and spoke with a British accent for two days prior to the wedding.  (Yes, he's funny like that.)  He assured me that I really, really could get up at 5 am to watch the wedding on television, which we really, really did.  The wedding was beautiful, but nothing can compare to the wedding Princess Dianna put on.  I'll never forget seeing her arrive in that Cinderella carriage....but I digress.  Back to my neighbor's Royal Wedding Party.  It was one of the most pleasant occasions I've ever experienced, so I wanted to share it with you, my dear readers. 

I love any excuse to wear a hat!!!
Jem with his pith helmet & flag.  (have to represent the USA)

Flags were flying!

Little helpers.

Nose pressed up against the glass.

Beautifully decorated sugar cookies made by Lady Hannah

Real English scones 

Lady Hannah with Prince William's groom's cake.

Jack, our butler...he did a great job!

Three types of sandwiches, quiche, three cheeses and crackers.

Pretty cupcakes with real whipped cream and fresh strawberries.

English tea with milk in Royal Dolton cups.

Lady Dianna's favorite:  cold tomato-dill mousse with lobster on watercress.

The cookbook from which the recipes were taken.

Yes, William and Kate were there!

We'll have to borrow this to plan our trip to Great Britain.

We had a royally wonderful time.  Cheerio and pip pip!  G-d save the Queen and all that.  Keep calm and carry on...
Happy Mothers Day Ya'll.
I'm linking up to Spiritual Sundays