Do you have a prodigal loved one? I pray you will find comfort in this prayer based on Psalm 23.
As you, pray this prayer, picture each scene in your mind:
The L-rd is ________'s tender, loving, caring shepherd ;
The L-RD is providing what _______ needs and is with _______ even though ______ has strayed on to a dangerous path away from the sheepfold.
He will lead ________ to lie down in green pastures: He will lead ______ to still waters and restore ______'s soul.
He will lead _______ to the paths of righteousness for His Name's sake.
Yes, even though ______is walking through the valley of the shadow of death right now, I will not give in to fear: because The L-rd is with _______;
The L-rd's rod and His staff (Holy Word and Spirit) are guiding _______ to His path of righteousness.
The L-rd prepares a table (is bringing good out of what the evil one is trying to do) , and ______ is learning lessons that will anoint _______'s head with oil and cause _______'s cup to run over with blessings.
Surely goodness and mercy follow _______ all the days of his/her life: and ________ will dwell in the house of the L-rd for ever.
I'm linking up to:
Faith Filled Friday
and Spiritual Sundays