Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Thankful Thursday - Pond Tour 2014 - #2

Our next stop on the Pond Tour was at the home of Becky Naylor (above). You are in for a real treat today as we visit her lovely garden and pond.  Becky has the gift of hospitality, as you will see on this tour.  She welcomed us whole-heartedly, and patiently answered our many questions.  Believe me, my husband's honey-do list grew by leaps and bounds after seeing this garden.

I knew I'd found a kindred spirit the moment I walked into her yard.  Becky loves painting, gardening, birds, angels, and the L-rd.  Below is the Scripture she painted by her front door:

As you walk through the gate, you see a shady, tropical walkway that leads to a sitting area under a gazebo.  The swing has decorative crosses hung on the fence.  

The seating area you see on the left has a beautiful painting (done by Becky)

The space between the house and the fence is narrow, but Becky has made the most of every inch.  She does the same for her whole property, as you will see.  There is so much more!

This is the fire pit.  Wouldn't it be lovely to sit the fire and chat in this lovely spot?  Becky's husband does all of the tile work.  He is quite an artist himself, as you will see throughout the whole backyard space.  Below is a tile mosaic on the wall of their patio.

Stunning is all I can say.  They are a talented team of artists.

As you turn the corner, you see the lovely pool area.  Don't you love the plantings along the sides?  

 On your right is Becky's pond, which is small, but so beautifully arranged with stones, statuary, and tropical plants.

There is so much to see in Becky's garden, I've decided to do several posts about it.  Come back next week to see her outdoor kitchen, that includes a pizza oven.  And you have to see her potting area, which was my favorite part.  Becky is one amazing creative woman, and I'm so thankful to have met her.

 Thankful Thursday is my weekly discipline - to express my gratitude to Hashem for His over-flowing, abundant blessings. 


 I'm linking up today with:
 Spiritual Sunday

The Gathering Spot Link-Up

All Things Bright and Beautiful Link-Up

Modest Mom Monday Link-up 

A Wise Woman Builds
Whole Hearted Wednesday 
Wake Up Wednesday
Whimsical Wednesday

Hearts for Home
Favorite Things 

Fab Creative Friday
Friendship Friday 
Freedom Friday

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Wisdom Wednesday #27 - Shalom In The Home


Shalom (  שלום )  is a Hebrew word that has several meanings.  It can mean hello or goodbye, and it also means peace.  

My husband and I pursue peace in our home by keeping an atmosphere of kindness, patience, tolerance and love.  Yes, there are times we get on each other's nerves, especially since we are both retired now, but we work at keeping peace a priority. 

I was talking with a young married woman recently who asked how I cope with my husband not following through on projects or not picking up after himself.  I told her this:  I pray about it first, sometimes for days.  Then I pick a time where I know we can totally focus on each other without distractions.  I tell him what is bothering me, and he always responds with love and care.  He apologizes and takes action to correct the problem.  I do the same for him.  

Now, does he ever forget that conversation and do the same thing again?  If it is a major issue, no, he does not.  If it's a minor issue such as piling up papers on his desk or leaving his shoes in the living room, yes, he sometimes does. That's when I say to myself, "How important is it?"  When I compare this thing to all the other things he does for me, is it really that important?  Most times, it's not and I just let it go.  It's just not worth harping or nagging about it.  It destroys my heart peace and my home peace.   I just pick up his shoes and remind myself that he always opens the door for me, or that he makes coffee for me every morning, or he washes the dishes for me.  His good qualities far outweigh the little things he forgets sometimes. 

I make the choice daily to be thankful for my husband's many virtues.  He does the same for me. We also speak of our love and admiration for each other daily.  This goes a long way to create peace in our home.  

When I focus on those things, the other irritations become trivial, and peace reigns in my heart and in our home.  I also like to remind myself of this verse to remind myself not to nag:

 A continual dropping in a very rainy day 
and a contentious woman are alike. (Proverbs 27:15)

Next week, I'll share more about shalom. I'd love to hear how you pursue peace in your home and marriage.


 I'm linking up today with:
 Spiritual Sunday

The Gathering Spot Link-Up

All Things Bright and Beautiful Link-Up

Modest Mom Monday Link-up 

A Wise Woman Builds
Whole Hearted Wednesday 
Wake Up Wednesday
Whimsical Wednesday

Hearts for Home
Favorite Things 

Fab Creative Friday
Friendship Friday 
Freedom Friday

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Wisdom Wednesday #26 - A Comparison

Last week, I said I would show something interesting about relating the Torah to Proverb 7 and Proverb 31.

According to Jewish tradition, the foolish woman in Proverb 7 is the Evil Inclination personified. In my study, I found this quote related to verses 7-13:  "Heresy, the harlot, bides its time and begins casually.  Someone slowly goes astray, distancing himself from the Torah's moral values, until he becomes the harlot's guest.  He becomes accustomed to going to her, until she controls him."* (Vilna Gaon)

In verses 14 - 15, "Deceitfully, she implies that she is inviting him to perform the good deed of enjoying  sacrificial meat."* (Ibn Ezra)

Have we not found this to be true?  Impulsive decisions lead to associations and friendships that lead one away from G-d and His ways.  Soon, those entertainments are more alluring than Him and His truth.  

The verses also imply that one can be deceived into thinking she is doing a good thing, when actually she is sinning. I will give you an example of this.  

A young woman told me she was going to begin an association with a friend in hope of leading her to the L-rd.  That was good.  The bad part was that she planned to "minister" to this friend by going with her to a bar / club.  I advised against it, but she did it any way.  The young woman fell further and further away from G-d and eventually left her husband and family.

Beloved, we must guard against being deceived in this way by clinging to G-d's Word and guarding our hearts and minds from anything that draws us away from Him.  

In contrast to Proverb 7, the passage in Proverb 31 shows us a model for our lives. In verse 10, we see that we are to be "wise" or "virtuous" or full of "valor".  The Hebrew word used implies more than that though.  I will quote this information:

"It includes the possession of whatever attributes are needed to carry out the task at hand.  The hymn (proverb)contains an alphabetical acrostic as a further allusion to her all-encompassing virtues.  This passage has been interpreted as a metaphor for the Shechinah (Divine Presence), the Sabbath, the Torah, and the soul."

By drawing near to Hashem and reading His Torah, we will have the strength and wisdom to do whatever task is at hand. I encourage you to study both passages and compare the fate of these two different women.  One is cursed.  The other is blessed.  

L'Chaim - Choose Life!

**quotations are commentary from the Tanach (Stone Edition).


 I'm linking up today with:
 Spiritual Sunday

The Gathering Spot Link-Up

All Things Bright and Beautiful Link-Up

Modest Mom Monday Link-up 

A Wise Woman Builds
Whole Hearted Wednesday 
Wake Up Wednesday
Whimsical Wednesday

Hearts for Home
Favorite Things 

Fab Creative Friday
Friendship Friday 
Freedom Friday

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Urgent Prayer Request

Three young boys have been kidnapped in Israel.  Their names are 

Gilad, Naftali, Eya

Join me and the mothers of Israel in praying for the return of these boys.  Join us as we pray this Psalm:

Psalm 121
(1) If I raise my eyes to the hills,
from where will my help come?
My help comes from Adonai,
the maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip —
your guardian is not asleep.
No, the guardian of Isra’el
never slumbers or sleeps.
Adonai is your guardian; at your right hand
Adonai provides you with shade —
the sun can’t strike you during the day
or even the moon at night.
Adonai will guard you against all harm;
he will guard your life.
Adonai will guard your coming and going
from now on and forever.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Thankful Thursday - Pond Tour 2014 - #1

Thankful Thursday is my weekly discipline - to express my gratitude to Hashem for His over-flowing, abundant blessings. 

We had a beautiful day for the annual pond tour, and we enjoyed having my daughter, son-in-law and grandson join us.

Our first stop was a beautiful koi pond under a screen.  At first I thought it was a pool converted to a pond, but the owner said that was not the case.  

The landscaping was gorgeous and I really liked the waterfalls.  Just look at the size of those koi.  The biggest one  (white with orange and black markings)was about a foot long and probably weighed five pounds.  My grandson loved feeding them.

I loved this sea turtle done in a mosaic pattern. 

The homeowners was very hospitable and welcoming, just like this sign.  

Next week, I'll show you another garden on the tour.  We had so much fun, and I took lots of pictures!

Thankful Thursday is my weekly discipline - to express my gratitude to Hashem for His over-flowing, abundant blessings. 

  I'm linking up today with:
 Spiritual Sunday

The Gathering Spot Link-Up

All Things Bright and Beautiful Link-Up

Modest Mom Monday Link-up 

A Wise Woman Builds
Whole Hearted Wednesday 
Wake Up Wednesday
Whimsical Wednesday

Hearts for Home
Favorite Things 

Fab Creative Friday
Friendship Friday 
Freedom Friday

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Wisdom Wednesday #25 - Foolish or Wise?

This week we will look at the remainder of verse eleven as well of the rest of Proverb 7 about the Foolish Woman:

She’s the coarse, impulsive type,
whose feet don’t stay at home;
rather, she stalks the streets and squares,
lurking at every streetcorner.

Being impulsive is not wise.  Yes, I can hear someone saying, "I love being impulsive.  It's fun."  I agree in some cases.  There are times when you get a great opportunity and you take it without even thinking about it.  A good example would be if you were offered a spur of the moment invitation to dinner paid for by a friend.  I know I'd rather eat out than cook for sure. 

This verse is talking about acting on impulse, without thinking things through.  It most certainly includes failing to seek G-d's guidance. (see Proverb 3:6)

It's interesting that the verse links impulsiveness with not staying at home.  If you read further in this chapter, you will see that this woman is married, and her husband is out of town.  Her interests are not centered in the home and her husband.  She has decided to seek excitement elsewhere.  She's decided to go out and party and have some fun.  Obviously, she hasn't thought this through.  

The verse says she was out on the streets.  I don't know if there were bars back during this time, but today's equivalent of being on  the streets would be going to bars and clubs.  It's always been my opinion that bars are frequented by people looking for one of two things: alcohol or relationships.  

Yes, I'm old fashioned and I don't apologize for it.  I believe that if you have friends who like to hang out in bars and clubs, you are asking for trouble, ladies.  If a man sees you there, he thinks you are there for more than alcohol.  And if you are honest, you know he's right.  

Affairs don't "just happen".  There are steps to becoming involved with someone other than your husband.  The first step is impulse:  the quick decision to go out and have some fun apart from your husband.  That is dangerous and it is not wise. 

Thinking things through would include asking yourself:  would I want my husband to do what I'm doing?  Would I want him to be in this environment or situation?  More importantly, would G-d approve of my thoughts and actions? 

Verses thirteen through twenty-three read like a soap opera or a current television show.  This woman's actions are that of a prostitute, although she probably doesn't think of herself that way. 

I see many women, single and married, modeling their lives after the foolish women they see on television, movies and music videos.  Those women are role models of how to be a prostitute.  These are the role models many young girls are aspiring to become.  How sad.

Who is teaching the young women to be G-dly, pure women?  I raise my hand, even though my views are not popular.  I will probably even be called judgmental, but the opinions of others do not sway me.  I look to G-d for His approval, and He has commanded me to teach these truths diligently.  (see Deuteronomy 6:1-9)

Dear Gail-Friends, young and old, this woman is foolish and her behavior will have consequences as we see in the remainder of the chapter:
24 So now, children, listen to me;
pay attention to what I am saying.
25 Don’t let your heart turn to her ways;
don’t stray onto her paths.
26 For many are those she has struck down dead,
numerous those she has killed.
27 Her house is the way to Sh’ol;
it leads down to the halls of death.

Proverb 7 is an example of the woman we don't want to be, while Proverb 31 is an example of the woman we are to become.  I urge you to read these two chapters and evaluate your own behavior.

Proverb 7 is also an example of the type of woman we would avoid, and Proverb 31 is an example of the type of woman we would choose as a friend. Again, read the two chapters and evaluate your friends.  It is not wise to hang out with girlfriends who think the behavior of the woman in this chapter is acceptable.  If you go with a friend just because she doesn't want to go alone, you are putting yourself in a risky situation.

Next week, I will show you some very interesting things about these two chapters related to the Torah.

 I'm linking up today with:
 Spiritual Sunday

The Gathering Spot Link-Up

All Things Bright and Beautiful Link-Up

Modest Mom Monday Link-up 

A Wise Woman Builds
Whole Hearted Wednesday 
Wake Up Wednesday
Whimsical Wednesday

Hearts for Home
Favorite Things 

Fab Creative Friday
Friendship Friday 
Freedom Friday

Monday, June 2, 2014

Celebrate Shavuot


Shavuot begins tomorrow at sundown, June 3, and I hope you have a blessed holiday.  Adonai commands us to observe this feast in Leviticus 23:9 - 20.  I will return to my regular schedule of postings next week beginning on June 10. 

(The following is repost from the past) 

Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. Matthew 24:35

Our long awaited package from Israel had finally arrived! Eyes glistening with tears, Rabbi Jem’s hands shook as he opened the carefully wrapped package. Tenderly, he lifted the precious 350-year old Torah scroll from its’ wrappings. Rabbi Jem and I unrolled the scroll and marveled at the soft dear skin parchment and the beautiful precision of the Hebrew letters. We both were overjoyed because the scroll arrived just in time for our Messianic synagogue’s celebration of Shavuot. How appropriate.

Shavuot celebrates two things. First, we thank God for His blessings on the first of the summer grain crops (barley). The festival reminds us that without Him and His provision of sun and rain, we would not have food. Second, we celebrate the giving of the Torah (the first five books of the Bible) to the Jewish people. When this festival comes, there is great celebration because of our love and gratitude for the Scriptures. The giving of the Torah is God’s blessing, for the Word of God is our spiritual food. On the first day of Shavuot, we read the Ten Commandments from Exodus 20 to remind us of the Laws that give us Life. On the second day of Shavuot, we read the book of Ruth, which is the beautiful picture of Yeshua (Jesus), as our Kinsman Redeemer.

As Messianics (believers in Yeshua as Messiah), we also celebrate Shavuot as the day when the Ruach Hakodesh (Holy Spirit) descended on the believers in Yarushalem (Jerusalem). In Acts 2, you will see how Jews from all over the world were assembled for Shavuot. The Spirit came down, appearing as tongues of fire upon their heads, and they all spoke with other tongues (languages). Thus, the Good News about Yeshua was given to people in their own language. Believers received the indwelling of God, and His Word was written on their hearts. He came inside the believers, and gave them power to be witnesses all over the world and to spread the Gospel (Good News). Thus, these believers were the First Fruits of the Ruach Hakodesh.

As Messianic believers, on Shavuot, we celebrate the giving of God’s Holy Word, physically, and the coming of the Word into our hearts, spiritually. Shavuot is a powerful, visual reminder that God’s Law is important to our lives, and that the power to live that Word has been given through the Ruach Hakodesh. No longer does it need to be hard to follow and obey God, because He, Himself, indwells us to give us the desire and the power to follow and obey.

That night, at our synagogue, we celebrated Shavuot and God’s blessing us with our own Torah scroll. Rabbi Jem explained how many years it takes a person to prepare to write a scroll, and how it can take an entire year or more to actually write. We were in awe to learn that a modern day scroll compared to a 1000 year old scroll would be exactly the same. Not one jot or tittle (the very tiniest Hebrew letters) would be different. We thanked God for His Word, and for the faithfulness of Jews who have preserved it for us.

Later, the scroll was carried on the shoulder of our very first congregation member. We followed behind, dancing and singing with joy, waving flags and banners, and rejoicing that God favored us by giving us His Torah, and that He lives within our hearts.