Friday, February 27, 2015

Music for the Sabbath

Preparing my heart and my home..and music for Sabbath rest.

I enjoy listening to these songs and also enjoy seeing the scenes from Israel.  I hope you, dear Gail-Friends, enjoy them, too.  Good Shabbos to you.

On the seventh day God was finished with his work which he had made, so he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. (Genesis 2:2)

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thankful Thursday - Flowers of February

Pink hibiscus

I am so thankful that while most of the country is dealing with snow, we here in central Florida are enjoying warm temperatures and balmy breezes.  We're also enjoying the beautiful flowers that bring us so much joy.  

My husband and I took a ride along the Indian River yesterday, and below are just some of the glories of G-d's creation. These were all taken with my camera phone.

Isn't this the most delicious shade of orange?

I was captivated by these red flowers covering a large portion of the front yard of a house across from the river.

The river was so still that day

I don't know the name of the flowers below, but they bring back memories.  My cousins and I used to pick them and suck out the sweet nectar.  We did that with honeysuckle, too.  Did you notice the oranges on the tree in the picture?  We have lots of citrus trees here, and so much of it goes to waste.  A local charity group offers to pick the fruit and give it to food pantries, but I still see trees laden with fruit that never gets picked. (sad face)

We were blessed to see a Great Blue that day, too.  He was so close and sat so still.  I was thankful to get such a good picture with my camera phone.

What are you thankful for this week?  Do you find joy in flowers, too?

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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Israel Trip - My New Igbo Friends

This post is part of my series 31 Days of the Holy Land 
I met a delightful couple on my second trip to Israel.  Lazarus and Rosanna Abanonu are from Nigeria, and both members of the Igbo tribe, also known as the Igbo Jews.  Both Lazarus and Rosanna are believers in Yeshua the Messiah.

The Igbo tribe is unique in that they have maintained their Jewish culture over hundreds of years.  These are the traditions they have maintained:
  • Belief in the One True G-d of Israel
  • Circumcision eight days after the birth of a male child
  • Observance of  kosher dietary laws
  • Separation of men and women during menstruation
  • The celebration of holidays such as Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot and Passover.
  • Wearing the tallit and the kippah
I found this fascinating, and enjoyed talking with them about their tribe and about how they came to accept Yeshua. Both were reared as believers by their families.  Both attended Christian schools and accepted Yeshua early in their lives.

Lazarus said the first time he saw Rosanna they were both in elementary school, and he immediately knew she would be his wife.  He pursued her and they were eventually married after they'd both graduated school.  Both went on to college and became educators.  They have five children, all college-educated and holding professional positions.

They came to the United States through a special initiative that allowed a certain number of Nigerians to immigrate to America.  When they moved to this country, they both worked as teachers in the public schools.  Lazarus became a principal and has retired, but Rosanna continues to teach middle school classes.  They both love teaching and I'm sure their personalities have been a big part of their success in working children and teens.

When we left the boat after our trip across the Sea of Galilee, we met some Nigerians.  Rosanna was so excited and kept saying, "Nigeria, Nigeria," and giving them high-fives.  The Nigerians were so excited to be going on the boat and were all singing and praising the L-rd.

The Aboninos are dedicated members of their church, and love to sing.  The first night of our trip, I heard people singing in the hotel, and found out later it was them.  They told me that every night they read the Bible together and sing hymns of praise to Hashem.  They also led us in singing on the bus a couple of times.  When others didn't want to sing, they would sing very quietly to themselves.  It was so uplifting to see their beautiful hearts of praise and worship. Meeting them was one of the highlights of my trip, and I feel blessed to know them.

As we were leaving the Temple Mount, we ran into some more Nigerians.  Don't you love their colorful outfits?  

You can read more about the Igbo tribe at this LINK.

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Charlotte at Spiritual Sundays
My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Friday, February 20, 2015

Friday, February 13, 2015

Music for the Sabbath

I am preparing....

May your Sabbath rest be sweet.  Draw near to Adonai, and He will draw near to you.  Enjoy.
(I love the music and the dancing in these songs, but I do not endorse any of the books or ministries in these videos.)

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Thankful Thursday - Joy In Simple Things

It 's never taken fancy things to make me happy.  I find great joy and gratitude in the simple things.  Here's a beautiful song to listen to while you read:  Simple Things by Jim Brickman

Like sipping tea from the birdie cup and saucer my husband bought for me. I feel happy when I paint water colors, too. 

Or sit on the porch, rocking and writing in my garden journal.  

I love sitting in front of my fireplace DVD, warming my toes.  I do this when the temperature here in Florida gets below 70. Don't laugh. I've lived in Florida all of my life. To me, below 70 is cold.

On a recent Shabbat, we decided to brave the cold and visit Playalinda Beach, which is beautiful and unspoiled by houses and condos.  All one sees there is the glory of G-d's creation and a few visitors.

 A couple of fishermen:

We loved seeing a fish caught:

My joy overflowed when my sweet husband pointed out a heart-shaped leaf on a sea grape plant and said, "I love you".

I stood there taking it all in and thought how I would love to see some pelicans fly over.  Immediately, it happened.  I love how G-d gives me the desires of my heart.

As we left the beach behind, I prayed to see an alligator.  What joy to see this one, about six feet long.

Then I prayed to see an Anhenga, and a few minutes later there he was in all his glory. These are very large birds, probably 2 /2 to 3 feet from the tip of his head to his toes (if birds have toes).

Oh, the joy and awe and happiness to see an armadillo that day, too. He had the loveliest pinky-golden glow from the setting sun.

I'm so thankful for the simple things.

What are you thankful for this week?  Do you find joy in simple things, too?

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Charlotte at Spiritual Sundays
My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Wisdom Wednesday - Listening To My Husband

On our wedding day

This post is part of series about my word for 2015, which is

As I wrote before, G-d told me to listen to His Word, His Voice, my husband, my spirit, my body, and to others.  In this post, I'll be talking about listening to my husband.

Jem and I will celebrate nine years of marriage in just a few months.  He is an amazing person, an inspiring teacher (my own personal rabbi), my dearest friend, and the best husband in the whole world.  Unless you have lived with someone who lives every one of the virtues listed in I Corinthians 13, you won't know what I mean when I say, "He is the perfect example of LOVE". 

He is patient with me and others, especially small children, the elderly, and animals.

He is kind -- more than anyone I've ever known.

He is not jealous, even when a man flirted with me recently, while Jem was sitting right there with us. (Imagine someone flirting with me, at 60+ years old.)  Jem said later, "The guy has good taste.  You're a beautiful woman."

He is not boastful, especially about G-d.  His favorite saying is, "A rabbi who praises himself has a congregation of one." I've been around a great many people who talk about G-d, but he's the only one I've ever seen who actually lived it out twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.

He is not proud.  I've never known anyone so humble.  He is always willing to do the lowliest job.  He has the heart of a servant and is always looking around for someone to help.

He is never rude.  He is a fine, Southern gentleman, and rudeness is frowned upon by their kind.

He is never selfish. He is always looking out for my good.  Always looking for something he can help me with, or do that will make me smile.

He is not easily angered.  This is especially appreciated.  He is always self-controlled.  The only thing that angers him is the perversion of the Torah.  That he cannot abide.  He is like Yeshua in that.

He never keeps a record of my wrongs. This surprised me, as I have known many people who hold grudges.  Not him.  He doesn't punish with silence or aloofness, either.  We discuss things and move on.

He does not gloat over other people’s sins.  He is deeply saddened by them.  Heartbroken, and always willing to forgive and restore.

He takes delight in the truth.  He is happiest when teaching Torah

He always bears up in all things.  With the challenges associated with my mother's illness over the last three years, he has been my rock. I know I can lean on his strength.

He always trusts in G-d, and he always trusts me

He always speaks hope to me.  When I am sad or overwhelmed, he leads me through and encourages me.

He always endures.  He always keeps going even when I know he is exhausted.

I have to admit it - I'm bragging.  I'm proud to be his wife.  I'm blessed.  How could I not listen to someone who loves me like that? Here is a recent example:

Last week was difficult with my mother.  Her dementia is advancing and she has become increasingly angry and even combative at times.  We went to visit her at the nursing home, and she was extremely abusive that day.  I've endured this for the last three years, but it has grown worse lately.  I know it's part of the disease, but it's just heartbreaking and takes a toll on me.  I was especially weary this particular day.  As we were leaving the nursing home, I started crying and verbally beating myself up.

My dear sweet husband, who never raises his voice to me, said loudly, "STOP IT RIGHT NOW!"

I can't tell you how shocked I was that he raised his voice.  I know my mouth was standing open in disbelief.  At first, I was angry and I wanted to shout back at him.  I held my tongue and stood still for a minute to compose myself.

He looked in my eyes and said softly, "You are a wonderful woman, a loving, caring daughter, and you have gone above and beyond to love, honor, respect and care for your mother. You are not to talk to yourself that way."

Then, I heard G-d say, "Listen to your husband.  He is your advocate against satan."  And I knew it was true.  Just as I am my mother's advocate at the nursing home,  Jem was watching out for my care.  He could see that I was under attack, and he fought the enemy for me. 

That, my dear Gail-Friends, is love and better than any gift he could ever give me.  I am blessed.  I must say once again, how could I not LISTEN to someone who loves me with a I Corinthians 13 kind of love?

I listen first thing in the morning when he says, "Good Morning, Gorgeous."

I listen when he tells me he loves me several times a day, every day.

I listen when he calls me "My Lady" and tells me how beautiful I am.

I listen when he tells me to rest, because I'm over extending myself.

I listen when he says, "I'll do the dishes."

I listen when he says, "It's Pampered Princess day.  What would you like for breakfast?"

I know how blessed I am, because my past experience with marriage was not like this.  I'm so glad I said "yes" when Jem proposed to me.  Fear could have held me back, but I listened to G-d instead of fear.  

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Fellowship Fridays at Christian Mommy Blogger
Charlotte at Spiritual Sundays
My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Listen - Music for the Sabbath

My word for 2015 is LISTEN. This month, I will be listening more than posting.  
The Sabbath is my special time to spend with ADONAI.

I'm meditating on the Scripture:

Draw near to ME, and I will draw near to YOU