Friday, March 27, 2015

Music for the Sabbath

The time is near...time to come aside and worship ADONAI.  There is nothing like being in His presence.  This song says what is in my heart. As I listen and worship, I draw close to Him and He draws near to me.  I pray you have a peace-filled Sabbath.

I'm sharing this post with some of my friends at :
Jennifer Dukes Lee Tell His Story
Lyli at Thought Provoking Thursdays at 3D Lessons 4Life
Hope in Every Season Homemaking Party
Laura on Faith Filled Friday at Missional Women
Fellowship Fridays at Christian Mommy Blogger
Charlotte at Spiritual Sundays
My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Friday, March 20, 2015

Music for the Sabbath

Have you learned to dance while you wait on the L-rd?  I'm learning...and this song is a great encouragement for us who wait.  Shabbat shalom - may you enjoy Sabbath peace. 

I'm sharing this post with some of my friends at :
Jennifer Dukes Lee Tell His Story
Lyli at Thought Provoking Thursdays at 3D Lessons 4Life
Hope in Every Season Homemaking Party
Laura on Faith Filled Friday at Missional Women
Fellowship Fridays at Christian Mommy Blogger
Charlotte at Spiritual Sundays
My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Thankful Thursday - Spring Things

Thankful Thursday is my day to focus on and be thankful for the good things in my life. 

I'm thankful for this pretty wall decoration my daughter made for me.  It's one of my favorite verses and a good reminder.  He is faithful to give us His strength when our strength is gone.  I've experienced this many, many times.  Such a wonderful promise.

This week, I'm grateful for free-range eggs.  These are so much better than the store-bought ones.  Big, rich yellow-orange yolks give them a yummy taste.  Aren't they pretty?  Different colors come from the different varieties of chickens.  I'm grateful, too, for the man in our synagogue who supplies them to us.  Farming is not easy, especially in this Florida heat..  

If you look closely at the lid of the egg carton, you can see a Bible verse:  "This is the day that the L-rd has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it."  That's a great way to start the day, don't you think?

The azaleas are in bloom.  This shot brings back memories of my childhood home, which was surrounded by azaleas and with a huge oak tree in the front yard. 

The pink trees are blooming, too!  We always know winter is over when they appear.  Actually, they started blooming mid February. That's when our cold weather ended.  (I love Florida) 

Aren't these begonias lovely?  You can see the pink tree in the background.  Hubby and I were on the deck of a restaurant, enjoying the warm breeze.

I bought these stems from the Dollar Tree (another thing I'm thankful for) and they have brought me so much joy!  I love to keep fresh flowers on my table, but when I saw these I had to buy them. I'll use them as a standby for when one of my fresh bouquets has expired.  They make me happy, happy, happy!

 What are you thankful for this week?

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Lyli at Thought Provoking Thursdays at 3D Lessons 4Life
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Fellowship Fridays at Christian Mommy Blogger
Charlotte at Spiritual Sundays
My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Wisdom Wednesday - Purim Thoughts and Israel

We had a wonderful Purim party at our synagogue, and the whole congregation enjoyed the games and dressing up in costume.  Didn't these two do a great job with their costumes?   We laughed so hard at all of the boo's and cheers during the reading of the whole megillah (book of Esther).

During Purim this year, Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, spoke to our U.S. Congress.  He was invited by Speaker of the House, Boehner, and other congressmen.  Our President was not happy because protocol was not followed, and did not attend the speech.  I found this interesting, as well as very concerning.

I see many things about Netanyahu that I admire, and think he is a good leader.  His speech was respectful of our president, and of our country.  He appealed to the U.S. to stand on the side of Israel against Iran's push to acquire an atomic weapon.  Our president turned a deaf ear and continues to appease Iran.  This is disturbing because in the
Scripture G-d says to Israel,

"I (Adonai) will bless them who bless you, 
and curse them who curse you.
And through you, all the nations of 
the earth shall be blessed."

Netanyahu was born for such a time as this -- to speak for Israel.  He has faced great opposition, ridicule and disrespect for trying the protect his country.  I admire him for that, and I stand on his side.

There is a very interesting book, "Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel" by William R. Koenig that shows the adverse effects to America when she stands against Israel.  The book details the history of devastating storms and natural disasters that have struck following actions, agreements, and treaties that are detrimental to Israel.  It's a very interesting read, and I recommend it to all of my Gail-Friends.

We are living in very perilous times, with a growing anti-Semitism in many countries.  Make no mistake, there is still a hatred of the Jews and a desire to wipe them off the face of the earth. I believe the reason Jews bother people so much is because they stand on truth and righteousness.  They are people of the Book - the Torah.  The anti-Semites hate G-d and the Truth, so they hate the Jews.  But, G-d is for them and said He would never forsake them.  I also recommend the video series, "Against All Odds Israel Survives" which shows how G-d has protected the Jews, especially since the establishment of Israel as a state by the U.N. in 1948.  You will be amazed by the miracles He has performed for them.

Each year, at Purim, I'm reminded that I, like Esther, am born for such a time as this.  I am born to stand for truth and righteousness in an evil, wicked world.  The life I live and the words I say and write are lights in a dark world.  Like Esther, I am in danger for standing up for the Jews and for righteousness, but I will stand.  I will continue to declare the truth and point toward G-d's righteousness because without them, our world will continue to slide toward destruction.

Sadly, my stand for righteousness has cost me.  I've lost friends, jobs, and opportunities because I will not bow to the world's view of what a believer is.  I think it's worth it, because I've been blessed by obeying G-d.  Yes, I've lost jobs, but G-d opened even better doors for me.  Friends?  I still grieve when people decide to follow their flesh rather than G-d, but I continue to pray for them.  Opportunities?  I'd rather follow G-d than be a success in the eyes of the world.  I learned that from Queen Esther...and from Bibi Netanyahu.

You can learn more about Purim in my previous posts by clicking on this LINK

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Laura on Faith Filled Friday at Missional Women
Fellowship Fridays at Christian Mommy Blogger
Charlotte at Spiritual Sundays
My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Friday, March 13, 2015

Music for the Sabbath

Are you getting ready for the Happy Hour?  For me, that is when the sun goes down and the Sabbath arrives. 

This is such a beautiful rendition of the Aaronic Blessing  - Enjoy...and good Shabbos to you all, dear Gail-Friends.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Thankful Thursday - February Gratitudes

Doesn't this just make you smile?  I am so grateful for people with a sense of humor.  I'm sure you'll agree with me that there is no accounting for taste in yard art.  This is one of my favorites of all time because I'm in love with pink birds, both flamingos and roseate spoonbills. These fine specimens are about seven or eight feet tall and grace the lawn of a local business. 

I'm thankful to live where oranges grow.  Fruit is still on the trees and the buds are appearing.  There is no perfume as beautiful as orange blossoms and Confederate jasmine mingled together..

We visited a waterfront restaurant and enjoyed seeing these pelicans wait for handouts

This one caught his own fish. (Must be a conservative)

Here's some of the beauty we saw in February

The buntings will be leaving soon, and I will miss them.  What a blessing they have been this winter.  I counted four males at the feeder at once one day. This male was in the tree just outside my kitchen window.  I rarely see them perching, so was grateful to get this shot.

Winter is over here on the Space Coast.  These droopy elephant ears are due to our final cold day (in February).  It got down to 42 degrees.  That's the coldest weather we've had all winter.  I think we only had four or five times where it felt cold enough to wear a sweater.  I am so grateful to live in Florida.

Oh, and I am so very grateful to be over my sickness.  I missed lots of Purim fun.

 What are you grateful for this week? 

Sharing this post with:
Jennifer Dukes Lee Tell His Story
Lyli at Thought Provoking Thursdays at 3D Lessons 4Life
Hope in Every Season Homemaking Party
Laura on Faith Filled Friday at Missional Women
Fellowship Fridays at Christian Mommy Blogger
Charlotte at Spiritual Sundays
My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Friday, March 6, 2015

Music for the Sabbath

Sorry I've not posted this past week.  I've been sick (in bed) for the past three days.  I had an adverse reaction to an anti-biotic.  Am feeling better today, and preparing for the Sabbath this evening.  Pray for me, as we are having our Purim celebration tomorrow evening, following the Havdallah service.  I trust that Rapha, my Healer will give me strength.  

Enjoy your Sabbath, with much rest and worship of our divine and glorious ADONAI. 

Shabbat Shalom!