We are still celebrating Passover this evening, so I wanted to share a song we sing every year at this time. Eliyahu Ha Navi speaks of the coming of Elijah prior to the return of Yeshua, our Messiah. We believe we are living in the days of Elijah. (You might know that song!) Are you crying out, as I am, for him to come quickly? I long for Yeshua's appearing.
(Several attempts failed to embed the song, so click on this LINK to see the lyrics in English on Youtube.)
Here is another version of the song, with dancing:
Are you having a wonder-FULL, peace-FULL Passover season? We are, and one very special and filled with JOY, because our grandson has accepted Yeshua the Messiah as his Savior and L-rd. Oh, Halleluyah!
To learn more about Passover, a feast that ADONAI has commanded us to observe forever, click on this LINK.
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Charlotte a Spiritual SundaysSpiritual Sundays Janis with Sunday Stillness THE SUNDAY COMMUNITY – #GIVE ME GRACE @SEE SPEAK HEAR MAMA Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life GRAND Social The Beauty in His Grip Link-Up
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