Friday, June 24, 2016

Sabbath Music - Nobody Like You

Are you getting ready for His Sabbath?  I am, and looking forward to it with JOY!  My heart is leaning in to His rest, anticipating the blessings of His drawing near as I draw near to Him.  This week has brought more sad news of another death -- another friend of my daughter.  Please lift her up in prayer.  Losing two friends in one week is a lot of grief.  

I found this song, Nobody Like You by Paul Wilbur, and it is so perfect for the Sabbath.  Praising Him when I'm sad always lifts me above the heaviness.  I pray it blesses and helps you.

This poem also blessed me this week, so I thought I'd share it with you.

Shabbat shalom.

"I leave my prayers with G-d alone 
whose will is wiser than my own. 
Content that He will grant my quest 
or send some answer far more blest."  
(author unknown)


 I sometimes share my posts  with  friends at: 
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 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Wisdom Wednesdays - Happiness

Everyone wants to be happy, right?  

This week, I discovered that Proverbs shows us how.
Which of you takes pleasure in living?
Who wants a long life to see good things?
[If you do,] keep your tongue from evil
and your lips from deceiving talk;
turn from evil, and do good;
seek peace, go after it!

 (Proverbs 34:12-15)
1.  Keep your tongue from evil.  The Torah calls it "lashon hora", the evil tongue.  It includes gossip, slander, spreading rumors, and even complaining.  

I recommend reading Proverbs daily in order to determine what evil is.  This book mentions words, the tongue, and lips many times.  We can learn much from a study of this.  Bible Gateway is a great resource.  Just type in a word, hit search, and every verse that contains the word will pop up for you.

We live in a day where good is evil and evil is good.  In example, just turn on the tv and watch a  sitcom.  You'll see people being mean, disrespectful, vulgar, etc.  This is supposed to be funny? This is thought to be good? To G-d, it is evil.  Children, and adults, are learning to speak evil to each other.  The commercials for these shows are worse because the most offensive parts are put in your face before you can even turn the channel. 

2.  Keep your lips from deceiving talk.  What does that mean? Plain and simple -- don't lie -- tell the truth.  It also means we are to be straightforward in our conversations and say what we mean.  We're not to beat around the bush, trying to hide the truth, or embellish it for our personal benefit.   

3.  Turn from evil.  There's that word again. The Torah is G-d's instruction manual on what evil is.  I recommend an in-depth study of that also.  You'll be amazed to learn that many things the churches teach are evil.  It's been a big eye-opener for me. 

We are living in an evil time, Gail-Friends. I read today, that churches in California are now being required to provide employees with health coverage that includes abortion.  It just chills my soul to think that the government requires people to do evil things.  

It also horrifies me that homosexual preachers are being glorified in our local news, especially since the massacre in Orlando.  When I see that, I turn from it (by turning the channel).

It horrifies me that a prominent Baptist preacher in Orlando said, "Gays are welcome here.  You don't have to change."  It also saddens me that he does not understand repentance, which means to turn away from evil (sin).  By teaching them that they can stay the same, he is perverting the gospel, and leading them astray.  That is evil.

4.  Do good.  One of the most important teachings of Judaism is to love your neighbor, and it is called "doing a mitzvot". This is lived out by always being aware of others around us, and looking for ways to help or bless them.  This includes those in our own homes.  My husband, Rabbi Jem, is such a fine example of this, both at home and in public.  

This also applies to doing the good things taught in the Bible.  Keeping His commandments is a doing good, and shows G-d that we love Him and others.

5.  Seek peace and pursue it.  I prize peace above everything.  We like for our home to be a peaceful place for us and for those who visit.  Soft, peaceful music fills our home most of the time.  Evil tv shows and movies are not welcome in this place of peace.  

We're also to seek and pursue peace in our spirits.  By keeping my mind on what is good, true, lovely and of a good report, I can keep my mind at peace.  This is difficult when I watch the news, so I keep that to a minimum.  I listen to just enough to stay informed about my community.  The national news is mostly propaganda, so I prefer to read about it on the internet.

Seeking peace in relationships is also important.  I've learned to avoid people who are prone to gossip or complaining.  I learned a good lesson from an elderly lady at the nursing home one day:

Miss Ellie and I sat at the table waiting for lunch to be served, and chatted happily together.  Another woman joined us and immediately began to complain about every thing -- the food, the nurses, the weather.  Miss Ellie tried to guide the conversation back to more positive things, but could not.  Finally, she said, "I'm too happy for you," and rolled her wheelchair to another table.  

I learned from that and think of it often.  Some people are determined to make lemons out of lemonade.  I've learned to avoid them.  Proverbs reinforces this lesson and says those who obey Him are wise, and those who do not, are fools.

Wisdom is a TREE OF LIFE to those who grasp her; 
whoever holds fast to her will be made happy.
(Proverbs 3:18) 
There's that word again -- happy.  ADONAI loves us and wants us to be happy.  Obeying Him is the key.

 I sometimes share my posts  with  friends at: 
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 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Friday, June 17, 2016

Sabbath Music - Where Could I Go?

What a sad, terrible, awful, bad week. 

One of my daughter's close friends passed away this past week.  They've been friends for over twenty years.  I'm so broken-hearted over this, and praying for her family and friends.

I got word of a family member who has stage 4 cancer.

So much more, in the news and so close to home, since I live near Orlando:

A precious little boy was eaten by an alligator at Disney.

A talented young woman was killed by a madman in Orlando. 

 A Muslim terrorist killed 49 people, and wounded even more, in Orlando

Our president spoke on national tv and was angry at guns and the people who talk about and disagree with him.  He had no visible anger and passion against the enemies of our country...only anger against America.  I shake my head and wonder how we came to this place.  In addition to my other grief, I'm grieving as I watch the slow death of my country.

The grief and pain have been overwhelming this week.  Yes, I've prayed and had time with my Father but, oh, how I thank Him for the Sabbath and for that special time alone with Him.  After all of the events in the past week, I wonder how anyone can live without Him and His love and comfort.

Tonight we will come together as a family to worship and praise Him at the synagogue.  I will put on the garment of praise to defeat the spirit of heaviness attacking my soul.  I will dance...yes dance.  I will lift my hands and praise ADONAI.  I will take my eyes off of the world around me and let Him restore my soul.  My joy and peace and faith will be renewed as I study His Word and remember His faithfulness and loving kindness to His people.  I will remember that my hope is in Him.

Tomorrow morning, I will sit still on my patio with my Bible and worship and listen to His voice, uninterrupted by the happenings around me.  I will focus on Him, pour out my heart to Him, seek His face and His comfort.  He will minister to me, as always.  I could not survive this world apart from His love.  He has walked with me through many dark valleys and is with me as I walk through this one.
This song, Where Could I Go But to the L-rd, is a song I've heard since I was a child and it has comforted me many, many times.  If you are grieving, as I am, I hope it comforts you.  The lyrics about "the chilling hand of death" say it all.

Shabbat Shalom.


 I sometimes share my posts  with  friends at: 
Charlotte a Spiritual SundaysSpiritual Sundays     Janis with Sunday Stillness       THE SUNDAY COMMUNITY – #GIVE ME GRACE @SEE SPEAK HEAR MAMA Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life     GRAND Social       The Beauty in His Grip Link-Up   

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 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Friday, June 10, 2016

Sabbath Music - Oh, L-rd G-d of Israel

It's almost Shabbat.  Praise the L-rd!   I love His Shabbat -- that special, set-aside time to rest and refresh and honor our Creator.   Each week, we are reminded of these Scriptures:

"Above all, My Shabbats you shall keep."
(Exodus 20:8-11, 31:13)

Tonight, we will have our regular weekly service, and then tomorrow we will have a celebration of Shavuot.  This commanded feast remembers the giving of the Torah to Moses. You can learn about this holiday in my previous post at this LINK.

Here is a beautiful worship song, with Davidic dancing :  Oh, L-rd G-d of Israel by Jonathan Settell. 

Shabbat Shalom to you, Gail-Friends.  I hope you dance!


 I sometimes share my posts  with  friends at: 
Charlotte a Spiritual SundaysSpiritual Sundays     Janis with Sunday Stillness       THE SUNDAY COMMUNITY – #GIVE ME GRACE @SEE SPEAK HEAR MAMA Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life     GRAND Social       The Beauty in His Grip Link-Up   

Classical Homemaking Link-Up    Judith’s Wholehearted Wednesday     Raising Homemakers Wednesday     A Wise Woman Builds       Wake Up Wednesday     A Little R & R Wednesday     Wednesday's Prayer Girls & Link-Up Party Thought Provoking Thursdays at 3D Lessons 4Life     Thursday  Favorite Things 
 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Thankful Thursday - Florida Folk Festival

Greetings, Gail-Friends!

As part of our tenth anniversary celebration,  I am thankful for our four-day vacation to attend the annual Florida Folk Festival.  We enjoyed a wonderful, relaxing trip, and I want to share some photos from our trip with you.  But first, I have to share some of the joys our congregation shared with us.

There was a framed photo collage that says "you + me + 4ever = happiness". So true!

 and an amazing poem, written by LaVonne Craft (one of our talented mishpocha)

my favorite picture from the party.  

and these lovely flowers that lasted a long, long time.  

I'm so thankful for our synagogue family.  We were also showered with gift cards, which were a real blessing on our anniversary trip. Speaking of that, I need to get back to the Florida Folk Festival.

The event is held at the Stephen Foster Memorial Park, which is way down on the Suwanee River, in White Springs, Florida.  This is the carillon at the entrance to the park.

This is the first tent, and where we spent most of our time.  I liked to park there because this is where all of the dancing takes place.  The groups dance and then move on, so you have ongoing entertainment all day long.

I love dancing.  This is an Appalachian group.  Their dancing is kind of like clogging, but a bit looser.

There is so much to see at this event that there is no way to see it all.  There are about a dozen different places to see and hear music acts.  The performers rotate on and off the stage, so again, you could just sit in one spot and see dozens of performers all day (and night) long.  The music goes on till around midnight (officially), then the music continues in the campground nearby.  I hear that sometimes the music goes on all through the night.

We bought a CD from this group -- the Susana Behar Sephardi Music ensemble.  Their sound is a blend of Cuban and  Sephardi (Jewish) music from Turkey.  She was accompanied by Jose Luis Rodriguez, an amazing flamenco guitarist.  I could have listened to them all day, but there was so much more to see and do.  You can hear their music here:

The folk life area was so interesting and educational.  Each year, they focus on a different area of the state, and the focus for 2016 was Miami.  With all the diverse countries represented there, I'm sure they could have spent more than four days sharing more of the music and art and crafts.  The many workshops included Cuban dominoes (which Jem attended), Japanese Ikebana (flower arranging ), Seminole Indian basketry and canoe carving.  I could go on and on because there were dozens of workshops. 

This workshop was about mural painting with spray paint. The artist mesmerized us, telling the story of how he got started as a graffiti artist, then moved into being paid to do murals all over the world.

The folk life demonstrations included presentations about the Jewish community of Miami, and so we attended a workshop on making gifelte fish (whitefish mixed with matzah flour and spices).  Annette Fromm showed us how to mix the recipe and then cook the balls in simmering water. She gave us samples to taste which were hot and spicy and not like any I'd ever tried before.

We also attended her workshop on Jewish traditions where we saw her display of for Passover hagaddahs.

I attended a mountain dulcimer workshop which was very helpful.  I didn't bring my own instrument, so I borrowed one from the instructor.

Here's a snippet of our playing, and I'm sorry to say I cannot figure out how to make this show up horizontally.  So, just listen, Gail-Friends:

One of the places to sit and listen to music is on the banks of the Suwanee River.  The beauty was breath-taking as the sun played through the moss-draped trees that morning.  What a treat to sit in the shade by the water, listening to stories and songs.

Speaking of stories, we attended several story-telling sessions.  My favorite was a husband and wife duo ( who also shared songs from the Civil War.  We had a great time singing The Bonnie Blue Flag with them. 

We were the only ones in the audience who knew the words:  

"Hurrah, hurrah! For Southern rights, Hurrah!  
Hurrah for the bonnie blue flag that bears a single star!"  

You can listen to the song HERE.  This version is from the movie Gods and Generals, and my own dear husband was in that movie.  He's also a Civil War historian, and we often sing that song together.  You never know -- the South could rise again, especially with all the mess this country's going through.  (I won't get started on that...)

Below is one of several cute cottages in the arts and crafts area of the park.  This one housed local-made pottery. Other cottages had fabric arts, leather crafts, and more.

 I was captivated by these whimsical ceramic mushrooms.  I have several similar ones in my garden.

We meandered on the way up to North Florida for the festival, and we meandered back home, too.  I enjoyed stopping to see points of interest.

This church in White Springs caught my eye, and I loved the white crepe myrtle trees lining their main street.

We went through Lake Butler, and saw these bright, happy flowers lining the roadway for several blocks, right through the middle of town.  I had to stop and take pictures.

And here is the explanation.  I'd love to see this done in my town, and every town in Florida.

We went through the town of Seville on the way up and on the way back.  It's a very small place, and Jem noticed that they didn't have a barber shop.  So, he just had to stop and do this:

Who knew he could sing opera?  I love this man and pray we will live to celebrate another decade together.  And then another, and then another, and more.  Yes, I hope we live to be 100+ so we can have a real "GOLDEN (50 years)" anniversary.  I'm so thankful that G-d put us together.

Thankful Thursday is my day to focus on and be thankful for the good things in my life.

P.S.  - Just discovered this link to the Florida Channel's video about the festival that you might enjoy:

It was good to get to see Arlo Guthrie's face on that video.  He didn't perform until 9:30 at night, and we were sound asleep by then.  We missed the Contra dancing, too, because we were tired by 7:00 pm and had already headed to our hotel for supper. We started out at 6:00 in the morning, Gail-Friends, so with all the walking around, we were "give out" as we say in the South.

We were at that Jim Stafford concert on the video where he said this is the BEST festival in Florida.  I agree with him and hope to go again next year.  


 I sometimes share my posts  with  friends at: 
Charlotte a Spiritual SundaysSpiritual Sundays     Janis with Sunday Stillness       THE SUNDAY COMMUNITY – #GIVE ME GRACE @SEE SPEAK HEAR MAMA Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life     GRAND Social       The Beauty in His Grip Link-Up   

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 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Friday, June 3, 2016

Sabbath Music - 10,000 Reasons

What a wonderful week we've had celebrating our tenth wedding anniversary.  We spent two happy days at the Florida Folk Festival in White Springs and two days meandering through the backroads of our beautiful state.  I'll post pics and stories about our trip in the week ahead.

We missed being with our mishpocha at the synagogue, but we had a nice Shabbat service in our hotel room on Friday night.  We're looking forward to being back with our loved ones this evening to sing, dance, praise and worship ADONAI together.

The children in Rabbi Jem's Hebrew class introduced us to this song by performing it for him as a surprise, and we love it.  10,000 Reasons

As you listen, be still, close your eyes, draw near to ADONAI and worship Him.  He will draw near to you.

I hope this song ministers to you as much as it does me, Gail-Friends.  Have a blessed and peaceful Sabbath and week ahead.

 I sometimes share my posts  with  friends at: 
Charlotte a Spiritual SundaysSpiritual Sundays     Janis with Sunday Stillness       THE SUNDAY COMMUNITY – #GIVE ME GRACE @SEE SPEAK HEAR MAMA Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life     GRAND Social       The Beauty in His Grip Link-Up   

Classical Homemaking Link-Up    Judith’s Wholehearted Wednesday     Raising Homemakers Wednesday     A Wise Woman Builds       Wake Up Wednesday     A Little R & R Wednesday     Wednesday's Prayer Girls & Link-Up Party Thought Provoking Thursdays at 3D Lessons 4Life     Thursday  Favorite Things 
 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Wisdom Wednesdays - The "F" Word

I hate the "F" word. That four letter word that starts with "F".  I'm talking about FEAR, Gail-Friends.  That little word used to give me a lot of trouble, especially about my children, but praise be to ADONAI, I have learned how to deal with it.  We all go through hard times in this life.  There are times of troubles and sickness, when fearful thoughts will attack us.  How do we handle it?

First of all, fear is a spirit.  A demon from hell that whispers lies into your mind.  Most of the time, it says, "What if..." and you can fill in the blank.  Your mind begins to paint pictures of the things that could happen.  That spirit is not from G-d, as you can read from the Scripture:

"For G-d has not given us the spirit of fear; 
but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
(II Timothy 1:7)

He has given us power, love and a sound mind.  Oh, Haleluyah!  When fearful thoughts come, and they will come, we rise up in power and resist them:

"Submit yourselves therefore to G-d.  
Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
James 4:7 

We submit ourselves to G-d by agreeing with what His Word says.  We resist the devil by speaking that Word out loud.  That's what Yeshua did when He was being tempted in the wilderness.  Over and over He said, "It is written..." and quoted a Scripture that countered the devil's lies.   (see Matthew 4)

When troubles come, and they will come, we have a choice.  We can tremble in fear, imagining the worst, or we can turn to Him for the right thoughts.  He has promised us His power His love, and a sound mind, which means the ability to think correctly.

The more we read and obey His Word, the more clearly we will be able to think.  Just as we have to have food and water daily, we need the Bread of Life and the Living Water to survive our journey through this world.  Without that daily sustenance, we quickly become hungry, thirsty, and weak.  Only the sweet delicacies of His Word can refresh us.

My favorite go-to Scriptures for the hard times are Psalm 23 and 27.

I read Psalm 23 and remind myself that the Good Shepherd is leading me.  He loves me and He goes before me.  He allowed this hard thing to come into my life.  I grasp His hand and keep walking.  I remind myself of verse 4:

"Yes, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, 
I will fear no evil: 
for You are with me; 
You rod and Your staff they comfort me."

Oh, how those words comfort me, reminding me of His tender, merciful love and care.  I feel His sweet presence with me.  Oh, how blessed I am to have this tender, Good Shepherd!!

Then I read Psalm 27.  This passage always encourages me.  Gail-Friends, I have been through some awful, hard things in my life.  During the worst one, G-d led me to this Scripture, and I clung to it like a drowning woman.  It carried me through an ordeal that caused the greatest fear I've ever known.  I survived because of His mighty strength!  I came through it with the knowledge that my Good Shepherd would walk me to the other side of every dark valley.  

That dark time was a touchstone.  When fear attacks me, I go back in my mind to touch that stone.  That stone reminds me to cling to the Good Shepherd's hand, knowing I can get through anything.  I quote this verse and am filled with His courage:

"Wait on the L-rd:
be of good courage, 
and He shall strengthen your heart: 
wait, I say, on the L-rd."
(Psalm 27: 14)


 I sometimes share my posts  with  friends at: 
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 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew