This verse has been on my mind for the last few days. Our thoughts are so important. The scripture also says, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." So this begs the question: would G-d /Yeshua think the way I'm thinking?
I've also been thinking about how the scripture says, "G-d is the same, yesterday, today, and forever." Yeshua is G-d in the flesh. The same G-d in both Old and New Testaments.
Having grown up in a Christian environment, the focus of teaching was the New Testament. As a little girl, I remember wondering why we didn't study the Old Testament more. I wondered why we did not keep the Sabbath. I wondered why we were not with the Jews, since Yeshua was Jewish.
As a young woman, I wanted to go to a synagogue. I didn't get to visit there until I was in my 40's. I was shocked to see that the inside of the synagogue looked like a church. There was a stage (bema) with a curtain on the wall behind it. I thought, at first, that this was a baptismal pool, but found out later in the service, it was the ark where the Torah scroll was kept.
That visit began my study of Judaism. I visited Israel and was forever changed by the things I saw there. My heart was knit to that land and to the people. I never expected it to happen, but I'm so glad it did. My continued search for wisdom led me to a study of the Old Testament, particularly of Proverbs, and then an in-depth study of the Torah. Who knew this search would lead me to my own personal rabbi? My dear, sweet husband, Rabbi Jem and I were married five years ago.
Being married to someone who "walks the walk" is both wonderful and disconcerting. All of my life I've associated with people who "talked the talk", but didn't live it out. My husband rarely discusses the scripture or G-d outside the bema, but he lives it like no one I've ever known in my life. He lives the Sh'ma (Deut. 6: 4 - 9), as well as the second greatest commandment (Leviticus 19:18) Jem loves G-d with his whole being and his neighbor as himself. He is always conscious of obeying G-d and of looking for someone to help. He calls it "doing the right thing".
Which takes me back to the scripture quoted at the beginning of this post. What mind did Yeshua have? Yeshua was G-d in a human body. He didn't change. He is the same G-d who created the world and everything in and around it. He is the G-d of the Tanach (Old Testament): The Torah, the Prophets and Writings.
The study of Torah has shown me G-d's mind....and therefore Yeshua's mind. I find no conflict between the Old and New Testament when viewed through the lens of the Torah. My study of Torah has given me a discernment I never had in all my years of studying the Bible. Now I understand things Yeshua said that before puzzled me.
My study of Judaism has enlightened me about teachings in the New Testament. I've often heard it said in churches "Jesus is revealed in the Old Testament". I've also found that the Old Testament is revealed in Yeshua (Jesus), and in the New Testament.
Many times, I've heard people say, " I want to be like Jesus". Well then, beloved, stop and think - Yeshua is Jewish, and during his time on earth He studied the Tanach. There is much to be learned through Judaism and Torah study. I know there are those who will say, "that's legalism". I don't see it that way because G-d preserved His Word over thousands of years for our benefit. And how can we say we love G-d and completely ignore the very laws that bring us life? Blessings flow to those who obey Him. His love is revealed in His Word and I am so thankful to be in His Secret Place.
Psalm 91:1
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
I'm linking up to Spiritual Sundays and Brag On God Fridays
Being married to someone who "walks the walk" is both wonderful and disconcerting. All of my life I've associated with people who "talked the talk", but didn't live it out. My husband rarely discusses the scripture or G-d outside the bema, but he lives it like no one I've ever known in my life. He lives the Sh'ma (Deut. 6: 4 - 9), as well as the second greatest commandment (Leviticus 19:18) Jem loves G-d with his whole being and his neighbor as himself. He is always conscious of obeying G-d and of looking for someone to help. He calls it "doing the right thing".
Which takes me back to the scripture quoted at the beginning of this post. What mind did Yeshua have? Yeshua was G-d in a human body. He didn't change. He is the same G-d who created the world and everything in and around it. He is the G-d of the Tanach (Old Testament): The Torah, the Prophets and Writings.
The study of Torah has shown me G-d's mind....and therefore Yeshua's mind. I find no conflict between the Old and New Testament when viewed through the lens of the Torah. My study of Torah has given me a discernment I never had in all my years of studying the Bible. Now I understand things Yeshua said that before puzzled me.
My study of Judaism has enlightened me about teachings in the New Testament. I've often heard it said in churches "Jesus is revealed in the Old Testament". I've also found that the Old Testament is revealed in Yeshua (Jesus), and in the New Testament.
Many times, I've heard people say, " I want to be like Jesus". Well then, beloved, stop and think - Yeshua is Jewish, and during his time on earth He studied the Tanach. There is much to be learned through Judaism and Torah study. I know there are those who will say, "that's legalism". I don't see it that way because G-d preserved His Word over thousands of years for our benefit. And how can we say we love G-d and completely ignore the very laws that bring us life? Blessings flow to those who obey Him. His love is revealed in His Word and I am so thankful to be in His Secret Place.
Psalm 91:1
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
I'm linking up to Spiritual Sundays and Brag On God Fridays