Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wisdom Wednesdays

Today, will be the first installment in my new series Wisdom Wednesdays.  As promised last week, this post will be about Proverbs 31.

As a young woman, I was introduced to this chapter of Proverbs during a workshop at my church.  I still remember sitting in that room, listening to an older woman teach us younger women how to be good wives, mothers, and homemakers.  Miss Bernice inspired me to make this my model for success.  I am thankful for her teaching, as well as her example.

Now that I am an older woman myself, I aspire to be an example to the younger women my life touches.  I have learned much wisdom since I began my journey and I hope some of what I've learned will be an inspiration to you, dear Gail-Friends.

As an introduction, this chapter was written by Lemuel's (Solomon) mother.  He was the king, and she wrote these words to disciple him.  In verse two, the Hebrew says:

"What is it, my son?  And what is it, O son of my womb?  
And what is it, O son of my vows?"

The implication of her statement is:  

"I raised you, I bore you, and loved you so much
 that all my vows were dedicated to you."  

If you have children, you know the depth of that statement.  This mother has her son's best interest at heart, and we are to do the same with our children.  Like Lemuel's mother, the focus of my life, for the most part, has been on and for my children.

I longed to be a mother from the time I was five years old.  When I married, I prayed for children for four years before I bore my first child.  I had a miscarriage before she was conceived.   Then I prayed another six years for my second, and last, one.  I wanted more children, but it was not to be.   Becoming a mother was a dream come true for me.  Becoming a grandmother was another dream realized.  Both taught me a whole new level of love, and wisdom. 

Since the day I bore my first child, there has not been one day I have not thought about my children.  I was a stay-at-home mom and only worked outside the home part time for twenty-seven years.  I don't regret those years.  My philosophy was, and is now, that there will be plenty of time to develop a career once children are gone from the home.

Lemuel's mother is counseling him according to the Scriptures.  This is what we are to do with our children.  We are to teach them G-d's holy ways, not the ways of the world or some denomination or church.  If their teachings do not line up with Scripture, we are sinning against them and against G-d by remaining in that place. 

Is it your heart's desire to be a good mother, wife, and homemaker?  If so, G-d will hear that vow, and He will help you keep it.  He gave us this chapter, and many others to guide us as women, whether we are single or married. 

My heart is always toward my home, husband and children.  I hope some of the things I've learned along the way will help and inspire you, whether you are single or married.  I hope you'll come back next week to learn more about this chapter, especially the Hebrew perspective and insights I will share. Some of them might surprise you. 

1 comment:

  1. Always good. I had forgotten that Solomon's name was also Lemuel.


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