Saturday, May 24, 2014

Thankful Thursday - Romance

My sweet husband and I celebrated eight wonderful, happy years this month.  I am so thankful for him, and that he is very romantic. 

We started the week off with a dinner at a new restaurant in town.  There was a beautiful golden sunset for the Golden's anniversary.  Thank you, Father, for that blessing.

Later in the week, we took a cruise on a riverboat  and I thought my dear Gail-Friends might enjoy seeing some pics from the fun we enjoyed. 

This cruise is on the Barbara Lee, a paddle-wheel riverboat operated by the St. Johns River  Ship Co. in Sanford, Florida. 

The Barbara Lee

I've wanted to take this cruise for a long time, so this was a dream come true.  The boat used to be named the Rivership Romance, and it truly is a wonderfully romantic cruise with glorious views of the beauty of the Florida we both love.

Our table was on the upper deck, and we were happy to have only a few other people on that level.  The lower deck is reserved for groups and it was full to overflowing.  

The musician who provided the entertainment was fabulous.  We danced and reminisced to the old songs from our dating years (the sixties). 

This picture cracks me up.  It was a bit windy on deck, and so I tied my hat on.  I look like a girl from Little House on the Prairie, right? I finally took the scarf off because it was way too hot.  The weather was just so nice and the breeze felt so good.

 Here's hubby doing his Popeye the Sailor dance.  I love being married to a man who makes me laugh.

This was a luncheon cruise and the food was much better than I expected, we had a choice of entrees, and I chose the prime rib meal.  It included appetizers (see below), a salad, garlic mashed potatoes (real), green beans, rolls with butter, tea, coffee, and dessert.  Later in the cruise, they served peel and eat shrimp, which we didn't eat, of course. (not kosher, my friends)  The food was excellent.  There was also a cash bar on board, and the servers were fun and so helpful.  

The appetizers - with sticky buns like your mama used to make

We even drove the boat...Jem really enjoyed that.

The wildlife we saw included lots of birds, turtles, alligators, fish, and....a cow.  Yes, my friends, and a pretty cow he/she (?) was, too.

Great blue herons
A small alligator - probably about 3 - 4 feet long

A turtle, sunning
A mature osprey, with two young ones

The great blue heron, on the left is swallowing a fish.  Anahinga is on the right.  

I'm such a bird nerd, but back to the romance.  My hubby brought me small bouquets of flowers every day for a week.  

And we closed out the week with a champagne toast to our love and our future, and thanking G-d for bringing us together.

Thankful Thursday is my weekly discipline - to express my gratitude to Hashem for His over-flowing, abundant blessings. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wisdom Wednesdays # 24 - Vulgar, the New Normal?

Continuing this week to look at Proverbs 7 as it relates to women.  Let's look again at these verses and focus on verse 11:

10 Then a woman approaches him,
dressed as a prostitute, wily of heart.
11 She’s the coarse, impulsive type,
whose feet don’t stay at home;

The Word says the woman is coarse.  The dictionary defines coarse as rude, crude, indecent, vulgar.

I will give you examples of vulgar (coarse) behavior:  cursing, telling off-color jokes, sexual innuendo, humiliating and insulting others, fighting, bullying,  lewd facial expressions, sexual poses and get the idea (I hope).

I don't know about you, but I see many woman with that description in this day and age.  As a matter of fact, I see young girls emulating women on television, movies and in the music industry who are the epitomy of coarse.  A few examples:  Miley Cyrus, Beyonce, Rihanna, Madonna, Lady GaGa....I could go on.  I can't really tell you many tv or movie stars because we hardly watch anything but old movies any more.  What I know, I've seen on television news and commercials.  Many of the things seen just on commercials make me blush.  I'd hate to see the whole act, show, or movie.   I am quite disturbed by what I see.  Obviously, vulgar is the new normal.  Quite honestly, I don't even want those images in my brain and turn the channel.  The Word tells us to guard our hearts.  We are not even to watch such evil things, much less take part in them.

By trying to be like the popular icons, young girls are being taught to dress immodestly, act like prostitutes, and curse like sailors.  This is wrong and is not pleasing to G-d.  Sadly, it is not only the teens who are doing these things, but the mature women as well. 

The verse is warning a young man to watch out and avoid a woman who acts like this.  But, it is also wisdom for women not to behave in this manner.

I'm thankful for a mother and other women who taught me to sit, talk, and act like a lady.  I feel grieved to see so many women and girls behaving immodestly, and feel it is my duty to share these lessons.  My views are not popular, but  I'm told in the Scriptures to teach the younger women.  I take that very seriously.

Next week, we'll look at the word impulsive.
I'm linking up today with:
 Spiritual Sunday

The Gathering Spot Link-Up

All Things Bright and Beautiful Link-Up

Modest Mom Monday Link-up 

A Wise Woman Builds
Whole Hearted Wednesday 
Wake Up Wednesday
Whimsical Wednesday

Hearts for Home
Favorite Things 

Fab Creative Friday
Friendship Friday 
Freedom Friday

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Israel Trip - Capernaum

I found the sign above intriguing because there are not many signs like this in Israel.  In the U.S., there are billboards and signs galore about every tourist site.  You won't see signs that say "10 miles to the place where Yeshua walked." No, not in this country.  Mainly, I guess, because Yeshua is not revered by the majority of Jews as the promised Messiah.  He is recognized as a historical figure, however. 

During Bible times, Capernaum was a fishing village and is the area where Yeshua did much of his ministry .  This is the town where Yeshua healed the paralyzed man and the Centurian's servant,  drove out a demon, and taught in the synagogue.  (See Mark 1 & 2 and Matthew 8. 

We saw many beautiful doors, and a great deal of the black stone popular to this area.
I just have to praise HIM, too!

Below are the remains of a the synagogue from the Byzantine period (around 400 AD).  There are actually two synagogues built on this site, one on top of the other.  The earlier building was called the "black" synagogue because of the black stones used to build it, and is the synagogue in whichYeshua taught.  The second is known as the "grand white" synagogue due to the use of white stones.  

Shelby, admiring the architecture of the synagogue

Natalie teaching on the history of the synagogue

I visited this same site on my first trip to Israel, and was awed by the small size of the synagogue.  During that time of Yeshua, only the men came into the services.  They were responsible to learn G-d's Word and teach it to their wives and children.  Also on the site is a mikvah, which is a pool used for purification.  Baptism did not begin with Yeshua, my friends.  Immersion was practiced for centuries before His ministry. 

Between the synagogue and the new, modern church, are ruins of homes of the time period. The church is built over the preserved home of Peter, the disciple. 

Peter's home is similar to the one in the photo, but has many beautifully preserved mosaics.  This is usually a sign of a wealthy family, so Peter must have made good money as a fisherman, right? Or maybe he married never know!

We walked down to the shore of the Sea of Galilee, and reflected on the ministry of Yeshua in this place.  The day was so beautiful, with warm temperatures and bright sun.  Oh, the joy of being in this place.

Shelby, taking time to enjoy the beauty of Capernaum

Hello Kitty!

As we were leaving, a friendly kitty came to see us off. 

Our next stop is Tabgha, the church of the loaves and fishes.  I hope you'll come back by next week to see Shelby and me wading in the Sea of Galilee.

Sharing with:
  Spiritual Sunday
The Gathering Spot Link-Up
All Things Bright and Beautiful Link-Up

Modest Mom Monday Link-up 

A Wise Woman Builds
Whole Hearted Wednesday 
Wake Up Wednesday
Whimsical Wednesday

Hearts for Home
Favorite Things 

Fab Creative Friday
Friendship Friday 
Freedom Friday

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thankful Thursday - The Waiting Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the parenting lesson you've given me in Luke 15:

The prodigal's father could have run after his beloved son, tracked him down, and done everything he could to save him from pain and suffering.  He didn’t do that.  He allowed his son to learn his own lessons.

The father stayed at home, doing the work you’d given him to do; but, he was praying and he was believing.  He looked down that road every day, hoping to see his son return.  One day it happened.  He ran to meet the wayward son, and the son ran into his arms. 

Pain had done it’s work, and the son had come to his senses.  Wallowing in the pig pen had accomplished what the father could not do. 

Help, Father,  me to be patient while You do Your perfect work in my child.   
Help me to remember it may take much longer than I want.   

Help me to keep my focus on You and the work You’ve called me to do. Prayer is part of my work, and may I not faint  or grow weary in it. 

Help me to learn my own lessons as I go through the pain of watching my dear child suffer. 

Thank you for Your holy work in my child and in me.

Thankful Thursday is my weekly discipline - to express my gratitude to Hashem for His over-flowing, abundant blessings. 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wisdom Wednesday #23 - Is Your Heart Wiley?

Continuing the study of Proverbs 7 this week, let's look again at the passage in verses 10 and 11:

10 Then a woman approaches him,
dressed as a prostitute, wily of heart.
11 She’s the coarse, impulsive type,
whose feet don’t stay at home;

Last week, we looked at the importance of our clothing.  This week, let's think about the meaning of "wily of heart".

The Hebrew word for heart is "lev" and it means the seat of thoughts and emotions /feelings.  Everything starts in the mind.  This woman's heart is "wily", which means crafty, cunning, or sneaky.  The basis of this behavior is selfishness - wanting to have one's own way.

Further on in the passage, we see that this woman is married, and her husband is out of town.  Sadly, she has decided to leave her home and seek the attention of another man. 

Beloved, please know and believe that there is no excuse for seeking the attention of another man if one is married.  I've heard women and men say, "he/she doesn't understand me/meet my needs" and every other excuse for unfaithfulness.  And, often I've heard someone say, "It just happened."

Unfaithfulness doesn't just happen.  It begins in the "lev", the heart, in the thoughts and emotions.  Dwelling on the negatives in a marriage is the beginning.  Then the thoughts begin to move in the direction of being with someone who will be "better".

I'm not saying that if one has these thoughts, she is a prostitute.  No, never would I say that.  What I am saying is that negative thinking can lead to unfaithfulness and on to adultery.

One can be unfaithful without committing physical adultery.  A woman is adulterating her relationship with her husband when she seeks other people than him for attention.  This is why friendships with men can be dangerous.  We must guard our hearts in this area.  it is not wrong to have a male friend, but it is wrong to be intimate with him and to seek attention from him.  In example, desiring his admiration of herself physically.  One can be intimate with words and by insinuations and with looks.  Be very careful ladies.  Guard your heart and your relationships. 

Many times friendships turn into intimate relationships, and then eventually into sexual relationships.  It is important not to put oneself in a place of temptation, especially if the relationship with the husband is shaky.

As a young woman, my pastor said from the pulpit that his policy was to never be alone with a woman other than his wife.  He would not even give a woman a ride in his car because it might give someone the wrong impression.  I think he was very wise.

I understand that some women cannot avoid being alone with men due to their positions in business.  One can, however, be very careful in thoughts, words and actions to avoid the beginnings of intimacy.  It is not wise to place oneself in a position that could cause people to gossip.  It is important to avoid the appearance of evil.  That point will avoid many problems in the marriage relationship.

In this day of social media, one must guard oneself in wording of text messages, Facebook, Twitter post, etc.  Before posting something, ask yourself, "Would this honor my husband, or would it give him the wrong impression?"

These points are very important, and I pray for those reading them to prayerfully consider what I've said.  I'm sure there are women who have never been taught these things.  I also know that many times women do not realize how their words and actions can be misunderstood by men.  That is why I feel it is important to go into this passage in depth.

I encourage each reader to examine your heart, and see if your thoughts and actions are pure.  Let's not allow them to become wiley.  Let's determine daily to submit to G-d's ways because they are life.


I'm linking up today with:
 Spiritual Sunday

The Gathering Spot Link-Up

Modest Mom Monday Link-up 

A Wise Woman Builds
Whole Hearted Wednesday 
Wake Up Wednesday
Whimsical Wednesday

Hearts for Home
Favorite Things 

Fab Creative Friday
Friendship Friday 
Freedom Friday

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Israel Trip -Mount of Beatitudes

On the way to Capernaum, we stopped at the Mount of the Beatitudes. This is a reported to be the place where Yeshua, our Messiah, preached His Sermon on the Mount, as recorded in Matthew 5 - 7.  This sermon includes many familiar teachings, such as the Beatitudes and the beloved L-rd's Prayer.

As you walk toward the church, you can see the Sea of Galilee in the distance - on the right of the photo.

Unfortunately,  because of the gate pictured above, we could not get to a point where we had a clear view of the place where Yeshua probably stood to speak to the large crowd.   This made me sad, since I remember standing beyond that gate on my last trip to Israel.  

Because standing on that hill was one of my favorite memories, I dug out my photos from my trip in 1996, and scanned some of them to share with you, dear Gail-Friends.   

This is me, on that very hill, with the Sea of Galilee behind me.  I can't tell you what a thrill it was to stand in that spot.  It made the Bible passage come alive, as I pictured Yeshua standing there, speaking to the crowd.   I could easily see how His voice would carry down the hill because it is quite steep.  I could also see how thousands could have been in this place to hear Him. Here's another shot to show the drop of the land behind the church.

On my first trip, we read the Sermon on the Mount together and took time to meditate on the words of our Messiah.  It was a special, holy time I will never forget.

Shelby, taking time to smell the roses.

The grounds of the church on the property are beautiful with gardens and many gorgeous flowers, even in December. 

Many of the flowers we saw in Israel grow in central Florida, too.

The picture below is of a rock garden on the site, which depicts the story of the five loves and two fishes.  This Bible story is recorded in Matthew 14. This site is not, however, supposed to be where the miracle happened.  We visited that place later, and I will post photos.

Below is a shot of our tour guide, Natalie, and some of our fellow travelers.

Shelby and me on the porch of the church:

A couple of shots inside the church:


This church is Catholic, as were all of the churches we visited in Israel.  I am so grateful to those wise souls who preserved these holy sites for His honor and glory.  Their faithfulness has blessed countless visitors to Israel.

One of my many bird photos while in Israel

I also took many photos of cats. 
Since this was a long post, I'll post next week about our trip to Capernaum.  I love your comments, and hope you'll stop by next week.

I'm sharing this post with:
 Spiritual Sunday
The Gathering Place Link-Up

Modest Mom Monday Link-up 

A Wise Woman Builds
Whole Hearted Wednesday 
Wake Up Wednesday
Whimsical Wednesday

Hearts for Home
Favorite Things 

Fab Creative Friday
Friendship Friday 
Freedom Friday