Friday, October 14, 2016

Sabbath Music - Avinu Malkeinu

This past week, we've spent cleaning up after Hurricane Matthew, and putting our house back in order.  All of this while enjoying having our seven-year old grandson stay with us.  We're calling it Camp Gi-Gi-Paw-Paw.  He's with us because his parents have been working night and day to clean up the mess from the roof and water damage inside their home.  Please continue to pray for them.

This picture above was posted by a local radio station, Z88.3 of Orlando.  My daughter had a vision of this very same thing as we were preparing for the hurricane last week.  She and her little family prayed for G-d to push that storm away.  He did that very thing.  The storm was predicted to hit the Space Coast, but "wobbled" west so we did not get a direct hit. Even though she has suffered a lot of damage, she's been faithful to praise G-d for his provision and protection and for the family, friends and neighbors who have reached out with help.

At the end of our Yom Kippur service this week, we all gave testimonies of how G-d helped and protected us through the storm.  It was a Hallelujah time!  It was also a humbling time, as we all are experiencing first hand the reality of His protection and provision in our lives.We also rejoiced in the provision of Yeshua HaMashiach's blood to cover our sins.  This is the song we sang and danced to that night. (Mashiach ben David by Lenny and Varda)

To learn more about Yom Kippur, click on this LINK.

This song is one we sing each year during the High Holy Days.  It is a reverent prayer for G-d to bless us in the year ahead.   This version is by Barbara Streisand, and even though I disagree with her politics, I love her voice.  Listen and be blessed.

Avinu Malkeinu


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