Friday, September 29, 2017

Sabbath Music -The Joy of Holiness

Sundown today will usher in Yom Kippur as well as Shabbat.   On Yom Kippur (Lev. 16:29), we pause for twenty-four hours to search our hearts for hidden sins, to seek reconciliation with anyone we've sinned against, and to ask Adonai's forgiveness for those sins.  This yearly reminder is essential as we acknowledge that sin can creep in.  We are reminded of His holiness and of His desire for us to be righteous people. We also worship Him and praise Him for His forgiveness through the blood of Yeshua our Messiah.

During the past ten days of awe, I've been acutely aware of Adonai's holiness.  I've known His grace and His unfailing love since childhood and been grateful to know it.  Studying Torah has brought a new understanding of His truth and righteousness.  Living without knowledge of both sides of His nature did not bless my life.  Only through obedience have I found peace and blessings.  I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that one cannot fully understand the New Testament without an understanding of Torah. 

 He has burned this thought into my mind and heart over the last twenty-four hours:

Depraved minds 

are devoid of

common sense

Beloved, do you know what it means to be depraved?   It means corrupt, abandoned, perverted, evil, vicious, degraded, vile, degenerate, immoral, wicked, shameless, sinful, lewd, debased, profligate, debauched, lascivious, dissolute, licentious.

 Lack of Biblical truth = depravity.  

Today's feel-good church message, rather than the true gospel, leads to depravity.  We live in a day of depraved churches, preachers, teachers, and church members.  These people believe they will be in heaven when they die.  They don't know the Bible truth about eternal life.  Yeshua said,"on that day (of judgment), I will say, I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness! (Matthew 7:21-23)

Yeshua was telling us to obey His Laws.  

If the "gospel" preached does not include teshuvah (repentance, and obedience to Torah), it is not the true gospel. I pray you will read Matthew 7:13-29 and meditate on the words of Jesus about Judgement Day.  Yeshua obeyed the Torah, His disciples obeyed the Torah, and He told them to go out and teach others to obey the Torah. 

This Yom Kippur, 
may you have a new awareness of 
G-d's holiness
through study of His Torah. 

This week, I have two songs for you, both with dancing: This one is for Yom Kippur, reminding us of His holiness    Kadosh - Hebrew for Holy   And this one is for Shabbat.  It means "The Joy of Holiness." Oh, Gail-Friends,  I love it so much!  The song is in Hebrew, but the second half is in English  Simchat Kadosh

I considered my ways and turned my feet to Your testimonies. 
Without any hesitation, I hurry to obey your commandments. 
Psalms 119:59-60


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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Thankful Thursday - Serenity

As I looked through my photos taken over the last couple of weeks, this one stands out as my favorite.  When I saw this car in a parking lot, I just had to take a picture.  What a great message, both for the driver, and for those who see the message.  I'm so thankful for serenity in my life.  To me, the word means peace, which I prize and pursue. 

I saw the car twice in the last week, and each time it's reminded  me of this well-known prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr, and I say it often:

 God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, 
Courage to change the things I can, 
and the Wisdom to know the difference.

For many years, I felt there wasn't much I couldn't change.  I often said of myself, "I'm a find-a-way, make-a-way woman."  I had lots of courage, too.  It's in my senior years that I've come to realize that wisdom is the key.

Some things are better left to God to change.  There have been many times when what I thought should happen, and worked to make happen, were best left alone.  What I think is the best thing can turn out to be the worst thing.  By the same token, what I think is the worst thing that could happen can turn out to be the very best.  Amazing how acceptance works.

So, I've learned to let go and let God guide me.  Sometimes I have practiced acceptance.  Other times I have to ask Him for courage to change myself or the situation.  It sounds so simple. . . but it's not easy for a strong-willed woman like me.

Here are a few more things I'm thankful for this week:

A vibrant, colorful sailboat

My friend Barbara's cat who had to be right in the middle of our craft project.  I love cats, especially if they belong to someone else.

I thought this sign was so funny. 

I have a friend that I call "Martha" because she's just like her.  I don't have a mother-in-law, but I can imagine what it would be like to have to deal with Ms. Stewart's perfectionism.  I'm thankful that I no longer worry about what people think of my house-keeping skills.  My house is clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy.

This week, I'm thankful to have run across this poem that I remember from long ago. It expresses my sentiments exactly because there's nothing like being out in nature to lift my spirits.

Thanks to Little Birdie Blessings on Facebook for sharing it

Thankful Thursday is my day to focus on 
and be thankful for all of the good things in my life.   
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Friday, September 22, 2017

Sabbath Music - Worthy

May your Sabbath we sweet, dear Gail-Friends.  Rest. . . Refresh. . . Renew your spirit and your body.  Meditate on the words of this song.   Worthy by Paul Wilbur

ADONAI  is ever worthy of our praise and worship.  Every time I listen to this, I am more aware of His glory and His holiness.  He draws near when we draw near to Him.  I pray You know and feel His presence as you worship.  How can we not fall on our faces as we realize His pure and awesome holiness and cry out with the angels, "Holy, Holy, Holy!."

We are in the ten days of awe, coming up to Yom Kippur.  During this time, we seek His face, and realize anew His holiness.  We examine our hearts and pray for Him to reveal any hidden sins. We repent and return to obedience to His Torah, thanking Him for the blood of Yeshua to cleanse us.

Have a blessed and holy week .

I sometimes share my posts with these friends: 

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Thankful Thursday - Shana Tova

Greetings, Gail-Friends!  And Shana Tovah - Happy Year.  

Today, I'm thankful for our congregation coming together on a Wednesday evening to celebrate the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah)
Here are a few photos from our Rosh Hashanah celebration last night.

                                                     There were 100 blasts of the shofar

It's not easy...takes lots of practice, believe me!  I rarely can make a sound.

We sang, worshipped, and remembered Hashem's commandment to observe this holy day.

Our 358 year-old Torah scroll was taken from the ark. We thanked G-d for preserving
 His Word  for our generation.

As the Torah is passing by, we keep our eyes on it.  We do not turn our backs on it.  It is a tangible lessons for how our lives are to be lived.

And then, of course, we ate apples and honey to symbolize our prayers for a blessed year ahead.

 Lots and lots of apple desserts....and always, our traditional gifelte fish!  Someone asked me what it tastes like.  I laughingly said, "Cat food."  Then added, "It's an acquired taste.  I didn't like it at first, but now I love it.  It's best (to me) with horseradish sauce.

I love this picture of Rabbi Jem, taken before the blessing of the bread and wine.

Rabbi and I wish you a blessed year ahead.  

You can learn more about Rosh Hashanah  and why we celebrate it by clicking on the subject on the right side bar of this blog.

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Friday, September 15, 2017

Sabbath Music - Psalm 91: A Prayer of Protection

Over the past seven days, Psalm 91 has been my constant meditation.  I keep reading it and thinking about the blessings of being protected by Hashem.  This song is an adaptation of the psalm, accompanied by Scripture:  Psalm 91 - A Prayer of Protection.  I feel His presence as I listen.  I hope you are blessed by it.

I keep saying over and over and over again, "Thank you, Father."  We're so grateful for His protecting hand   You can read my previous post He Covered Us to see how we fared through the storm.

Last week at this time, we were in preparation mode for the Hurricane Irma's approach.   On that Shabbat, we did not hold a service at the synagogue, but did our service at home and encouraged our congregation to do the same.
That night, we were blessed to enjoy the company of our son-in-law, William.  He'd come by to drop something off for her, and we invited him to join our service.  It was a beautiful, blessed time together as we observed His commandment to honor the Sabbath.   We praised Hashem, prayed together,  read the Scriptures, then blessed and took the bread and wine.  The photo at the top of this post was taken by William.  I took one, too, but I'm not the photographer he is, so he gave me permission to share it.

We're looking forward to our service at the synagogue tonight.  I've been getting praise reports by text and phone, and can't wait to hear more of what Hashem has done this past week.  It's going to be a great Haleluyah time together.

Thank you all for your prayers, Gail-Friends.  I'd love to hear about your praise reports, too.  Just make a comment below.

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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Thankful Thursday - Hurricane Irma Blessings


Thank you, Heavenly Father, for covering us with your mighty hands. And thank you for protecting our family, congregation, and neighbors. Thank you that we kept our roof, that no trees fell on our house, that no one was hurt, that our power was only out for twenty hours. Thank you that we had neighbors and family who helped us with cleanup. We are blessed beyond measure, and we give you all the glory. Haleluyah! (And thank you for the wonderful miracle of air conditioning)

It could have been so much worse.  Our county was declared a disaster zone by FEMA, and we have seen great devastation in photos, videos, and by driving around our area.  We are beyond grateful and humbled by his protecting hand.  This link shows some of the damage in our area.

Here at Golden Cottage, we lost some shingles, a piece of fencing fell down, and we had a new, small pond in the northwest corner of our lot. Minor problems, since the roof did not leak, the fence was easily fixed, and the small pond has dried up.  We lost power for twenty hours, which is why I'm ever thankful for refrigeration, especially air conditioning.  Our wonderful daughter and son-in-law loaned us his generator so that we could have power.  We didn't get to use it though because about the time we got it all hooked up and running - VOILA! - the electricity came back!

The damage was minimal as you can see below.  Our neighbor's bottle brush tree in their front yard fell over into our yard

Our neighbor's bottle brush tree in their front yard fell over into our yard

The biggest damage was to the trees in the backyard -- lots of limbs down, and the huge elephant ears around Golden Pond.  But they will bounce back.  They always do.

More photos from the back yard:

By the time Irma reached our area, she had diminished to a Category 2, but she still did a lot of damage. We are so blessed to have minimal, light problems. We are blessed that she did not retain strength as she passed over our state, into Georiga, Alabama, South Carolina, and Tennessee.

We were cleaning up the million pine cones that fell in the front yard when a little boy on a bicycle came by and said, "Do y'all need help?"  He was only about nine years old, but he worked hard.  He was joined by our next door neighbor's three children.  They made short work of the cleanup, and we were so blessed by their mitzvah.

We have been blessed by the love and care our congregation has given to us and to each other, and for their help of their neighbors.  This is G-d's plan -- for us to help others and seeing it in action must make him smile.

Thank you for your prayers, and please continue to pray for those impacted by the storm in our area as well as across the south.  Many have no power. Businesses, banks, and schools are closed, gas is a problem, cell phone service is sketchy. Some do not have water yet.  Our county is under a boil water alert due to broken water mains.  The long-term effects will be far-reaching as many have lost everything.

Pray for the workers who are helping get things back to normal:  police, firemen, electric workers, nurses, doctors, and emergency management people.  Probably others I can't think of right now.  G-d bless them and the many volunteers helping, too.

We are thankful that both of our daughters had minimal damage, too.  Please pray for our daughter in Jacksonville as that city was impacted with 12" of rain and terrible flooding.  I went through Hurricane Dora in 196, and it was a bad flood then, but Irma was much worse.  All of the storm water is flowing into the creeks and lakes and then pouring into the St. Johns River which flows north into Jacksonville before it empties into the ocean.  It's a bad situation that will get worse before it gets better.

Let me know, Gail-Friends, if you've been impacted by Irma so that I can pray for you.

Thankful Thursday is my day of the week to focus on and be grateful for all the good things in my life.
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Friday, September 8, 2017

Sabbath Music - He Covers Me

photo source unknown
I have a wonderful song to share with you today.  Under His Wings by Christine Jackman, is based on Psalm 91, which I call my hurricane psalm. I love how the children in the video are getting the visual and tactile lesson of the tallit being like the wings of ADONAI.

As I've worked today, I've remembered 2004 when I went through three back-to-back hurricanes.  Psalm 91 was my constant meditation, and it is comforting to me today.  We've been working yesterday and today to prepare for the storm, but this evening and tomorrow, I will be still for the Sabbath.

I will play this song, while draped in my prayer shawl, and imagine His wings covering and protecting us, our family, our congregation, and our whole state.  I will read the passage, and praise G-d for His protection and provision.  I pray you meditate on this Psalm, and join me in the prayer below it.

Psalm 91
(My Hurricane Psalm)

 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

I will say of the
L-rd, “He is my refuge and my fortress;
My G-d, in Him I will trust.”
Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler[a]
And from the perilous pestilence.

He shall cover you with His feathers,

And under His wings you shall take refuge;

His truth shall be your shield and buckler.

You shall not be afraid of the terror by night,

Nor of the arrow that flies by day,

Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness,

Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.
A thousand may fall at your side,
And ten thousand at your right hand;

But it shall not come near you.

Only with your eyes shall you look,

And see the reward of the wicked.
Because you have made the L-rd, who is my refuge,
Even the Most High, your dwelling place,

10 No evil shall befall you,

Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;

11 For He shall give His angels charge over you,

To keep you in all your ways.

12 In their hands they shall bear you up,

Lest you dash your foot against a stone.

13 You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra,

The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.
14 “Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him;
I will set him on high, because he has known My name.

15 He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him;

I will be with him in trouble;

I will deliver him and honor him.

16 With long life I will satisfy him,

And show him My salvation.”
As a native Floridian, I' been through many hurricanes, so I've learned to always be prepared, but I know many people are very afraid as Hurricane Irma approaches.   If you would like us to pray for you or someone else, please post your prayer request in the comments section below.

This is my prayer for all in the path of the hurricane:

Dear Heavenly Father, Master of the Universe, we humbly pray for the storm to move east and out to sea or to dissapate completely.  If it does come over land and there are devastating effects, we know You will give us strength to get through the trial.  You always teach us more about You in times like these.  Because we know this, we praise you and thank you in all things.

Father,  if the storm comes, we pray for the people who will be in the path of Hurricane Irma.  We pray you will help them as they prepare or evacuate.  We pray you will protect them from harm and destruction of body and property.

Father, if the storm comes, we pray for the first responders who will help after the storm.  Protect them, and comfort the families they leave behind as they go out to assist others.  I pray for neighbors to help neighbors and pull together for their communities during this stressful time.

Give them awareness of your presence, especially in times like these.  We pray they will be comforted by your Word and your presence.  We pray they will feel your comfort and protection surrounding them.

Thank you for preserving your Word to guide and comfort us.  Thank you for love and your presence.  We pray and believe, in the power of the name of Yeshua, our Messiah.  Amain.

Shabbat shalom and blessings to you, Gail-Friends.


I sometimes share my posts with these friends: 

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He covers me

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Are You Afraid? Are You Weary? A Song For You

From 2016 - but praying for His hand to protect us again

If you've just gone through Hurricane Harvey. . . or if you're afraid of Hurricane Irma. . . or if you are weary from preparations or cleanup and think you can't go on, please take heart, Gail-Friends.  I pray this post will give you hope.  With G-d's help, we can get through anything.


The photo above is the board I used on my window when I went through three hurricanes back to back -- Charlie, Frances, and Jeanne.  We used them last year for Hurricane Matthew.  We're using them now in preparation for Irma.  Back then I prayed for His protection and meditated on Psalm 91.  That's what we're doing this week, too, while we work to get our home and yard ready to ride out the storm.  It's a lot of work , and we're tired, but we're calling on His strength and trusting Him to protect us.

Have you ever been so weary that you couldn't take another step?  Maybe you feel that way right now.  Take heart, dear one.  You will get through, and He will give you His strength to press on.  All you have to do is ask Him.  Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you.

If you're bone-tired and spirit weary, I hope this song will minister to you, as it has me, many, many times. His Strength Is Perfect by Michael W. Smith

The song was introduced to me about five years ago.  My oldest daughter was in the hospital emergency room in critical condition.  I hadn't slept in almost twenty-four hours. While her husband arranged for her admittance,  I sat with my head back against the wall, wondering how I'd be able to hold my head up one minute longer.  All I could pray was, "G-d, help me hold on."

A security guard walked into the room and sat a radio on the small desk near my chair.  He turned it on and walked away.  This is the song I heard, and it was as if my Heavenly Father wrapped His arms around me.  As I listened to the words, I felt His strength flow into my tired body and exhausted spirit.  I was renewed, and able to continue for several more hours until my daughter was admitted.

I learned a valuable lesson through that hard experience.  I learned about His enabling strength.  It is great, and it's available when we ask Him.  I'm so thankful He taught me this.  As with every hard thing I've gone through in life, I know something about HIM that no one can ever take away from me. 

Please let me know if you need prayer right now for anything.  I'll be blessed to pray for you, Gail-Friends.

I sometimes share my posts with these friends: 

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Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Pray and Prepare

One of our storm shutters from 2004 - when we had three back to back hurricanes
A friend sent me this info.  I've been preparing for hurricanes for many years, but there are some here I've never thought of.  I've always lived by the motto:  "Better to be safe than sorry." 
  Pray and Prepare

Regarding cell phone, and towers being down:  you can download the ZELLO app to your phones, which enables you to use them as walkie talkies.  Folks used this in Texas when towers were down.  If you do this, don't forget to share your USER ID information with those with whom you need to keep in contact..

1. Charge any device that provides light. Laptops, tablets, cameras, video
cameras, and old phones. Old cell phones can still be used for dialing 911.
Charge external battery back ups.

2. Wash all trash cans, big and small, and fill with water for flushing
toilets. Line outdoor trash cans with trash bags, fill with water and store
in the garage. Add bleach to sterilize.

3. Fill every tub and sink with water. Cover sinks with Saran Wrap to keep
it from collecting dust. Fill washing machine and leave lid up to store

4. Fill old empty water bottles and other containers with water and keep
near sinks for washing hands.

5. Fill every Tupperware with water and store in the freezer. These will help
keep food cold longer and serve as a backup water supply.

6. Fill drinking cups with water and cover with Saran Wrap. Store as many as
possible in the fridge. The rest you can store on the counter and use first
before any water bottles are opened. Ice is impossible to find after the

7. Reserve fridge space for storing tap water and keep the sealed water
bottles on the counter.

8. Cook any meats in advance and other perishable foods. You can freeze
cooked food. Hard boil eggs for snacks for the first day without power.

9. Be well hydrated before the storm hits and avoid salty foods that make
you dehydrated.

10. Wash all dirty clothes and bed sheets. Anything dirty will smell without
the A/C, you may need the items, and with no A/C, you'll be sweating a lot.
You're going to want clean sheets.

11. Toss out any expiring food, clean cat litter boxes, empty all trash cans
in the house, including bathrooms. Remove anything that will cause an odor
when the A/C is off. If you don't have a trash day pickup before the storm,
find a dumpster.

12. Bring in any yard decor, secure anything that will fly around, secure
gates, bring in hoses, potted plants, etc. Bring in patio furniture and

13. Clean your environment so you have clear, easy escape routes. Even if
that means temporarily moving furniture to one area.

14. Scrub all bathrooms so you are starting with a clean odor free
environment. Store water filled trash cans next to each toilet for flushing.

15. Place everything you own that is important and necessary in a backpack
or small file box that is easy to grab. Include your wallet with ID, phone,
hand sanitizer, snacks, etc. Get plastic sleeves for important documents.

16. Make sure you have cash on hand.

17. Stock up on pet food and fill up bowls of water for pets.

18. Refill any medications. Most insurance companies allow for 2 emergency
refills per year.

19. Fill your propane tanks. You can heat soup cans, boil water, make
coffee, and other stuff besides just grilling meat. Get an extra, if

20. Drop your A/C in advance and lower temperatures in your fridges.

21. Gather all candles, flashlights, lighters, matches, batteries, and other
items and keep them accessible.

22. Clean all counters in advance. Start with a clean surface. Buy Clorox
Wipes for cleaning when there is no power. Mop your floors and vacuum. If
power is out for 10 days, you'll have to live in the mess you started with.

23. Pick your emergency safe place such as a closet under the stairs. Store
the items you'll need in that location for the brunt of the storm. Make a
hand fan for when the power is out.

24. Shower just before the storm is scheduled to hit.

25. Keep baby wipes next to each toilet. Don't flush them. It's not the time
to risk clogging your toilet!

26. Run your dishwasher, don't risk having dirty smelly dishes and you need
every container for water! Remember you'll need clean water for brushing
your teeth, washing yourself, and cleaning your hands.

27. Put a small suitcase in your car in case you decide to evacuate. Also
, put at least one jug of water in your car. It will still be there if you
don't evacuate! You don't need to store all water in the house. Remember to
pack for pets as well.

28. Check on all family members, set up emergency back up plans, and check
on elderly neighbors.

29. Remember, pets are family too. Take them with you!

30. Before the storm, unplug all electronics. There will be power surges
during and after the storm.

31. Gas up your car and have a spare gas container for your generator or
your car when you run out.

32. If you can, take a video of your house and contents....walk room to
room--open cabinets/drawers and closets. This will help if you need to make
a claim later. It will show proof of items and help you list all the items
(help your memory, so you don't forget anything)

33.  Freeze a cup of water, place a coin on top after it is frozen...keep
this in your freezer to help you gauge the temperature if the power goes
out. If the coin stays on top, the food is staying frozen. If the coin falls
into the water, the freezer thawed out and most food will likely need to be
thrown away. This is super helpful is you have to leave and come back, as it
may appear everything is still frozen, but if the coin is in the cup--you
will know!!

34.  Finally, anything that you want to try and preserve, but you can't take
with you---place it in a plastic bin and put in your dishwasher, lock the
door---this should make it water tight in case of any water intrusion into
your home. But of course, take all the important/irreplaceable items you

  ~ ~ ~ ~
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Thankful Thursday - Battening Down the Hatches

graphic courtesy of Little Birdie Blessings

Please pray for all in the path of Hurrican Irma, including us.   It looks like she will be heading toward us here on the Space Coast.  We're praying for the storm to lose strength, take an easterly turn, and head on out to sea.

As a life-long Florida girl, I've been through lots of hurricanes, but category 4's and 5's are the most destructive and devastating.  I'll never forget a visit to Miami after Andrew.  Every tree was chopped off.  It was like a war zone.  We are prepared to ride out Cat 1-3s, and praying we don't have to evacuate.  Hurricanes are scary, but you can get away from them.  This can be tricky in Florida, though, because everybody has to head north and the roads can become like a parking lot.

We're also still thinking of and praying for the people in Texas and Louisiana.  I want to mention a local ministry that we trust and recommend for any donations you may want to give.  Air Mobile Ministries is run by our friends, Joe and Cindy Hurston.  They make and provide water purifiers for people affected by natural disasters such as hurricanes.  If you'd like to support their efforts, you can mail funds or donate through their website.  We've known the Hurstons for many years, and are confident that your donations will be used for the purpose you designate.

I've much to be thankful for this week.  First, that we are always ready for hurricanes because that's how we roll as Florida residents.  We do have lots to do in the yard, though.  We have to take in all of our garden art and precious potted plants that could blow away.  And, of course, the birdfeeders.

 And I'll have to gether in our flock of flamingos. 

I hope our neighbor takes her cats inside. Toon-Chee has adopted us.  Our front walk is his favorite spot for an afternoon nap.

We had a great Labor Day holiday with our loved ones. I'm so thankful they live nearby.  Every moment is precious.  I'm thankful for his visits because I like cats.  I especially like that he's such a laid-back kind of guy.  He just takes everything in stride, including our dachshund.

More silliness from our grandson, aka Pillow Case Boy:

And I'm so thankful for the blessing of experiencing boys.  Rearing two daughters was nothing like this:

I love this little boy.  He'll be eight years old next month.  How did he get so big so fast????

The picture below is of him with a big old GiGi lipstick kiss on his cheek.  He, of course, tried to wipe it off, but I told him, "You can't wipe off sugar!"

I asked him if he could see better with his new glasses.  He tenderly touched my face and said, "Yeah. I can see your lines in your face."   I'm okay with it, Gail-Friends.  They're my "laugh lines."

I'm thankful for fresh flowers.  So much joy for only $4.00 at Aldi or Publix.  I buy a bunch and can separate them to make two bouquets.  I add some artificial baby's breath and VOILA!  Pure bliss!

It's the little, simple things that make life so sweet.

What are you thankful for this week?

Thankful Thursday is my day of the week to focus on and be thankful for all of the good things in my life.

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