Friday, June 28, 2019

Sabbath Music - Revelation Song

Shabbat shalom, Gail-Friends.  It's almost that beautiful day, so I'm preparing.  Here's a worship-full song for your Sabbath.  Revelation Song   Every time I hear this song, it brings tears to my eyes, and I want to lay on my face in worship. 

I love this line:

"With all creation, 
I sing praise to the King of Kings - 
You are my everything
 and I will adore You."

I have to raise my hands in worship. . . and adore Him.

My prayer is for you to join me in worship and that your Sabbath is blessed with peace and JOY!

I sometimes share my posts with these friends:

Friday, June 21, 2019

Sabbath Music - Prepare the Way

Seems like I catch myself lately saying, "We were born for such a time as this."  It's a message Hashem has laid heavy on my heart. 

I read this Scripture today, and it answers the question about why our society, and the world, are becoming more and more depraved:

Romans 1:   they have become futile in their thinking; and their undiscerning hearts have become darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise, they have become fools! 23 In fact, they have exchanged the glory of the immortal God for mere images, like a mortal human being, or like birds, animals or reptiles!
24 This is why God has given them up to the vileness of their hearts’ lusts, to the shameful misuse of each other’s bodies. 25 They have exchanged the truth of God for falsehood, by worshipping and serving created things, rather than the Creator — praised be he for ever. Amen. 26 This is why God has given them up to degrading passions; so that their women exchange natural sexual relations for unnatural; 27 and likewise the men, giving up natural relations with the opposite sex, burn with passion for one another, men committing shameful acts with other men and receiving in their own persons the penalty appropriate to their perversion. 28 In other words, since they have not considered God worth knowing, God has given them up to worthless ways of thinking; so that they do improper things. 29 They are filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and vice; stuffed with jealousy, murder, quarrelling, dishonesty and ill-will; they are gossips, 30 slanderers, haters of God; they are insolent, arrogant and boastful; they plan evil schemes; they disobey their parents; 31 they are brainless, faithless, heartless and ruthless. 32 They know well enough God’s righteous decree that people who do such things deserve to die; yet not only do they keep doing them, but they applaud others who do the same."

We live in an evil day, my friends.  Sin abounds and our voices are to cry out in this wilderness.  The gospel of Yeshua and obedience to Torah is preparing the way for His appearing.  We are to share the truth of His Torah and the saving power of Yeshua's blood.  This is the gospel - the truth that sets captives free. 

These are the words of Yeshua our Messiah in Matthew 28:

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore, go and make people from all nations into talmidim, immersing them into the reality of the Father, the Son and the Ruach HaKodesh, 20 and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember! I will be with you always, yes, even until the end of the age.”

Yes, he is with us in this day, encouraging us to preach His truth and prepare the way for His return.  This song has that message - Prepare the Way by Paul Wilbur

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Thankful Thursday - Rest For the Soul


I read this article today and wanted to share it with you, Gail-Friends.

This is a post by Nancy Campbell of Above (used by permission)

Surely each one of us want to enjoy rest in our souls and in our hectic lives. We want to find our strength in quietness and confidence. God says in Isaiah 30:15 that all we need to do is to return to Him and do things His way instead of our own way. But what happened? God lamented as He said: “But you would have none of it.”

Again in Jeremiah 6:16 God speaks about rest: “Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls." Another beautiful invitation to God’s rest. But did they receive His invitation? No. Instead they said: “We will not walk therein.” They would rather trust in their own ideas than go back to the old paths, even when it’s stressful.

Jeremiah 17:19-24 speaks about the literal Sabbath Day of rest and not violating it. But this same principle applies to us in our daily lives. God says: “If you diligently hearken unto me, saith the LORD, to bring in no burden through the gates of this city on the sabbath day, but hallow the sabbath day, to do no work therein, Then shall there enter into the gates of this city kings and princes sitting upon the throne of David . . . “

When we bring burdens into our lives through the gates of our minds, we lose our rest. We live in turmoil instead of God’s rest. We allow our burdens to become king in our hearts instead of Christ Himself. Either Jesus is King or our burdens and troubles. It’s our choice.

But did they listen? No. ”They obeyed not, neither inclined their ear, but made their neck stiff, that they might not hear, not receive instruction.” (v. 23).

Do we accept God’s way for rest or try to do it our own way?

* Nancy's article made me think of how blessed we are to have the Torah and Yeshua our Messiah.

Every Friday, I encourage rest on His Sabbath.  Nancy makes the point that we find rest in obeying His laws.  My life changed for the better when I began to follow His ways . . . not the ways of the church, religion, or the current worldly ideas about God.  I cried out to know His wisdom and His ways.  I found rest, peace, and JOY in learning about and following the Torah.   I hope you are blessed by this reading.

***graphic from Little Birdie Blessings used by permission

I sometimes share my posts with these friends:

Friday, June 14, 2019

Sabbath Music - Shir Ahava

Are you weary? Are you heavy-laden?  Hashem has an app for that.  His application is REST.  He even has a special DAY for that.  It's called Shabbat.  I pray you receive it and that you find refreshment on His Sabbath day this week.

Here's a worship song for you Shir Ahava which is Hebrew for Song of Love.  It's in Hebrew with English lyrics, so listen and let those words refresh you.  Lift your hands and worship Him.  Your burden will lift.  Your weariness will melt away.  I promise.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Thankful Thursday - The Mundane

So much to be thankful for this week.  I'm praising Hashem for my wrist being healed.  I've struggled with this injury for eight months.  This week, my ability to use it has returned.  I have a twinge now and then, and I still am aware of not over-using it, but it is much, much better.  Haleluyah!

My title for this post is The Mundane, and the happenings at Golden Cottage have been anything but that.  My thought on that subject will follow all the happy, and not so happy, things I've experienced over the past few weeks.

I didn't share about our trip to the Florida Folk Festival.  How did I miss that?  We enjoyed a great time, with perfect weather and a safe, uneventful trip up there and back.  First thing before we went to the festival, we visited and cleaned Mama and Daddy's graves and added fresh flowers.  It was a beauty-full blessing to have the church bells ring while we were working.  The song is Come Thou Almighty King and it was so worship-full.

After that, we headed on to the hotel.  We always love seeing the stars and bars and are glad it's still waving  There's a memorial there on private property, so it won't be removed.  We're glad to see our Confederate relatives honored for all the passersby on the expressway to see.

This is the entrance to the Stephen Foster Memorial Park and the beautiful bell tower.  I'm so thankful that the funds have been raised to repair the bells.  We were blessed to hear them ring while we were there.

We got to hear my favorite mountain dulcimer player, Bing Futch, perform. He's just amazing.

Comedian Jim Stafford was there, too.  It was fun to join the audience in singing along with him to his hit songs, I Don't Like Spiders and Snakes and My Girl, Bill.  If you're not familiar with those songs, check them out on YouTube.  He's not only a clever songwriter, but is uber talented on the guitar.  It's hard to believe he's eighty years old.  We saw him with his wife, who is a whole lot younger than him.  My guess is thirty or forty years younger, so he has to stay in shape to keep up with her, right?

The only dark spot on our trip was that we both got tick bites. Jem got one and I got three.  Two bites I didn't find out about until two days later. Had to go to the emergency room  because of the swelling, burning and itching.  I learned something from the attending physician.  She asked where we were when bitten. I told her White Springs.  She said, "In that case, we have to do the antibiotic for prevention of Lyme disease."  She said the ticks get infected by biting deer that live in North Florida.  Here on the Space Coast, the bites are not a problem.  Who knew?  So, if you ever go up there for the festival,  wear long pants, spray yourself really well with tick repellent, and don't walk through woodsy areas.  Stay on the beaten paths.

I saw this pretty thing at the gift shop.  That's so true for us, and I'm so thankful for my sweet husband..

And I had to get a picture of this cute little cottage near the park.  I'd like to meet the person who created such beauty.

The peace lilies are blooming here at Golden Cottage.  Aren't they gorgeous?

My dear friend, Brenda, came down for a visit last week.  We had great time together at Cafe Margaux in Cocoa Village.

We celebrated Shavuot last week, and I made a yummy sugar-free cheesecake.  Everybody at the synagogue loved it.  It was a traditional filling, with a nut crust, strawberries and Skinny Chocolate drizzled over the top.  If you want the recipe, it's in the Trim Healthy Mama cookbook.

Speaking of Trim Healthy Mama, I listened to one of their podcasts this week.  The topic was being grateful for the mundane.  Instead of grumbling about having to cook, clean or wash dishes, we can take the attitude of "I don't have to . . . I get to."  I love that thought because it reminds me of a time when I didn't have a kitchen or a laundry room.  I had to wash dishes in the bathroom sink and wash the clothes at the laudromat.  I developed a deep gratitude for being able to have a sink and my own washer and drier.  This sign is one I think I'll duplicate as a reminder to be grateful.  I'll add the words, " And I Get To . . . Haleluyah!"

I hope y'all have a blessed and thank-full week.

I sometimes share my posts with these friends:

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Shavuot - Celebrate His Gift

This weekend, we remembered and observed God's commandment to celebrate the feast of Shavuot.  We put this beautiful hand-made curtain on the ark, which holds the scroll, in preparation for the Torah procession.  It was made by our congregation member, LaVonne Craft, and the Hebrew says - The Torah is a tree of life.  Blessed is the man who takes hold of it.  This is so true of me.  When I began to read and obey the Torah, my life changed dramatically. 

Shavuot is God's commanded day to remember His gift of the Torah to Moses (and us) on Mt. Sinai. Also, this was the day the Ruach Ha Kodesh came down on those who were gathered in a Shavuot celebration at Jerusalem after the resurrection of Yeshua. He wrote the Torah on their hearts that day, and He's still doing it today. Haleluyah! We take His Word wherever we go. We are His disciples - teaching others about Yeshua and His commandments. You can learn more about this commanded feast, and see photos of our past celebrations, in my blog posts HERE. 

 This week, in preparation for Shavuot, I found this video about the Torah.  It asks the question, "What would a world without Torah look like?" We watched this video at our synagogue's celebration, and I hope you will watch it, too, dear Gail-Friends:   If the Jewish People Never Received the Torah

On Shavuot, it's a tradition to parade the Torah and to praise Adonai for His great gift.   I love this video of a celebration of Shavuot.  If this song gets your toes to tapping, grab your gift -- the HOLY BIBLE - and join the dance!

Friday, June 7, 2019

Sabbath Music - Shout to the Lord

I had a new insight about Shabbat this week.  You know our bodies and minds need sleep in order to function at an optimum level, right?  Well, our spirit is the same.  Abba said He made the Sabbath for man.  It is a gift from our Heavenly Father.  He told us we need a whole day to rest.

It's not easy in this day and age to rest and be still.  We have so much to interest and distract us.  Our work can now carry over to home with the advent of the internet and cell phones.  I'm remembering a tv commercial where a man is sitting on a beach, relaxing, when his cell phone rings.  He looks at it for a moment . . .  and then pitches it right out across the waves.

That, in effect, is what we have to do to reap the benefits of the Sabbath.

Turn off the cell phone.

Turn off the laptop.

Turn off the television.

Be still.

Know that He is God and He will draw near to us when we draw near to Him.

Tune in to Adonai's loving, tender, but small and quiet voice.

Enjoy His gift.

Here's a good song for your Sabbath:  Shout to the Lord

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Thankful Thursday - Our Fallen Heroes

source - Wikipedia

D- DAY was seventy-five years ago and today we remember.

Allied casualties on June 6 have been estimated at 10,000 killed, wounded, and missing in action: 6,603 Americans, 2,700 British, and 946 Canadians.**

This poem touches me as I think about that day and all wars.  It reminds me how high the cost is.  I'm thankful for men and women who are willing to lay down their lives for freedom.

For the Fallen

With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children,
England mourns for her dead across the sea.
Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit,
Fallen in the cause of the free.

Solemn the drums thrill: Death august and royal
Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres.
There is music in the midst of desolation
And a glory that shines upon our tears.

They went with songs to the battle, they were young,
Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

They mingle not with their laughing comrades again;
They sit no more at familiar tables of home;
They have no lot in our labour of the day-time;
They sleep beyond England's foam.

But where our desires are and our hopes profound,
Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight,
To the innermost heart of their own land they are known
As the stars are known to the Night;

As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust,
Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain,
As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness,
To the end, to the end, they remain.

 by Robert Laurence Binyon, (1869-1943).

** You can read more about D-Day at this LINK

Sunday, June 2, 2019

A Prayer for President Trump

Today, many Americans are praying a special prayer for our president.  I hope you'll join us.  Please visit the website of Intercessors for America and add your prayer to the count.  And please share this prayer with others.

My daily prayer for President Trump and his family is for their protection.  I also pray for him to be led in the path of righteousness and justice.

A   P R A Y E R   F O R   P R E S I D E N T   T R U M P

H e a v e n l y  F a t h e r ,

We come today as the body of Christ in this nation, to lift up our President, Donald J. Trump. As many voices rise up against this one You have set into office, we lift up our voices, with one heart and mind, to stand in agreement with heaven’s purposes concerning our nation. (Ps 133) We stand by this President who has declared this nation to be under God’s rule and authority and seeks righteousness and justice for our nation. (Ps 89:14)

We welcome and embrace the fear of the Lord as the standard for all righteous rule and repent for the ways in which we have bowed to the fear of man. Cleanse our hearts and renew our minds that we may walk in the light of Your truth. (Ps 43:3) We ask that President Trump would delight in the fear of the Lord in order to walk in the power of Your might and the wisdom of Your ways. (Mi 3:8) May righteousness and faithfulness be his portion so that he may render righteous judgments according to Your Word. (Is 11:3-5)

We ask that President Trump would show no fear toward the evil that assails him (Is 8:12), but rather overcome it with a zeal and passion for Your laws which bring life and liberty to all. (Pr 10:29-32) May he love Your Word and seek your wisdom diligently (Pr 8:17), remaining open and teachable to godly counsel and heaven’s wisdom. (Pr 1:7) We thank You that his heart is in Your hands and that You will direct it according to Your will and purpose. Grant him increased grace and blessing as he heeds your voice and obeys Your word. (Pr 21:1)

We declare over President Trump that he will have true judgments by the Spirit and not according to man. (Is 11:3-4) We declare that he will possess heaven’s knowledge with shrewdness of mind in making right decisions for the good of the people. (Pr 8:12) Fill his mouth with good things (Pr 16:9-13) that he may speak what is true and right. (Pr 8:6) We pray that he will use his God-given authority to execute justice and establish righteousness in this land for the sake of Your glory and Kingdom. (Gen 49:10, Ps 60:7) We declare that he will rule in the midst of his enemies, not backing down or wavering due to threats or intimidation (Ps 110:1-2, Eph 6:13). May his ears become deaf to the assaults from his enemies and may those who seek his life answer to You for their wicked ways. May he know that it is Your hand and Your sovereign purpose that is keeping him and sustaining him in his divine commission. (Ps 38:12-15)

Keep President Trump, and those who serve him, safe from the enemy’s snares and free from the accuser’s traps. (Ps 141:9-10) By Your great hand, Lord, deal with those who oppose righteousness and justice so that all men will know it is You alone who is sovereign and true. (Ps 64:6-9) May the fire of Your presence burn up all Your enemies and consume all those who stand against You concerning our destiny and inheritance as one nation under God. (Ps 97:1-6)

Thank you, Father, for hearing our prayers and empowering us as Kingdom ambassadors on the earth. From the highest office in the land to the least known among men, may we all seek to know You more intimately, serve You more passionately, and praise You more fully so that all men will be saved. Through the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.