Friday, May 29, 2020

Shavuot Celebration!

Shavuot Celebration!

Greetings, Gail-Friends!  This weekend, we will celebrate Shavuot, and I thought I'd share a post I did when we received our Torah scroll at Ma'gen Da'vid Synagogue.  What a joyous memory.  Here's a song for your Sabbath, and for Shavuot, and I pray you will know the JOY of studying the Torah and of receiving the Ruach Hakodesh.  Hene Bati by Michael ben David

Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. Matthew 24:35

Our long awaited package from Israel had finally arrived! Eyes glistening with tears, Rabbi Jem’s hands shook as he opened the carefully wrapped package. Tenderly, he lifted the precious 350-year old Torah scroll from its’ wrappings. Rabbi Jem and I unrolled the scroll and marveled at the soft deer skin parchment and the beautiful precision of the Hebrew letters. We both were overjoyed because the scroll arrived just in time for our Messianic synagogue’s celebration of Shavuot. How appropriate.

Shavuot celebrates two things. First, we thank God for His blessings on the first of the summer grain crops (barley). The festival reminds us that without Him and His provision of sun and rain, we would not have food. Second, we celebrate the giving of the Torah (the first five books of the Bible) to the Jewish people. When this festival comes, there is great celebration because of our love and gratitude for the Scriptures. The giving of the Torah is God’s blessing, for the Word of God is our spiritual food. On the first day of Shavuot, we read the Ten Commandments from Exodus 20 to remind us of the Laws that give us Life. On the second day of Shavuot, we read the book of Ruth, which is the beautiful picture of Yeshua (Jesus), as our Kinsman Redeemer.

As Messianics (believers in Yeshua as Messiah), we also celebrate Shavuot as the day when the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) descended on the believers in Yarushalem (Jerusalem). In Acts 2, you will see how Jews from all over the world were assembled for Shavuot. The Spirit came down, appearing as tongues of fire upon their heads, and they all spoke with other tongues (languages). Thus, the Good News about Yeshua was given to people in their own language. Believers received the indwelling of God, and His Word was written on their hearts. He came inside the believers and gave them the power to be witnesses all over the world and to spread the Gospel (Good News). Thus, these believers were the First Fruits of the Ruach Hakodesh.

As Messianic believers, on Shavuot, we celebrate the giving of God’s Holy Word, physically, and the coming of the Word into our hearts, spiritually. Shavuot is a powerful, visual reminder that God’s Law is important to our lives and that the power to live that Word has been given through the Ruach HaKodesh. No longer does it need to be hard to follow and obey God, because He, Himself, indwells us to give us the desire and the power to follow and obey.

That night, at our synagogue, we celebrated Shavuot and God’s blessing us with our own Torah scroll. Rabbi Jem explained how many years it takes a person to prepare to write a scroll, and how it can take an entire year or more to actually write. We were in awe to learn that a modern day scroll compared to a 1000-year-old scroll would be exactly the same. Not one jot or tittle (the very tiniest Hebrew letters) would be different. We thanked God for His Word, and for the faithfulness of Jews who have preserved it for us.

Later, the scroll was carried on the shoulder of our very first congregation member. We followed behind, dancing and singing with joy, waving flags and banners, and rejoicing that God favored us by giving us His Torah and that He lives within our hearts. 

Click HERE to see more about our past celebrations of Shavuot.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Thankful Thursday - Life is Good on Golden Pond

Greetings, Gail-Friends!  I'm back!  Thought I'd take a break since I posted every day for thirty days.  I don't know about you, but it was good to focus on praise during the quarantine.  It helped me keep my mind off the gloom and doom of the alphabet media.

We watch CBS news - not because we want to know what's going on in the world, but because we want to see what propaganda they're feeding people.  Sometimes I think their sole purpose is to keep people scared to death.  If we didn't have faith and full assurance that He has everything under control, we'd be worried.  But we DO, and we're NOT.

We've been working around Golden Cottage and Pond and it is looking beauty-full.  The photo above is a window box I made with Dollar Tree flowers and an old thrifted basket I've had forever.  I've been cleaning out papers, filing in my office, working on my next book, and Jem (aka Mr. Green Jeans) has been working in the garden.

He's worked so hard - on his hands and knees - re-doing the bricks and paving stones around the pond.  Isn't it gorgeous?

We got to spend some time with our grandson over the last couple of weeks and what a JOY he's brought to our hearts.

We've gone to the park, had picnics, fed squirrels, and watched birds.

and other creatures:

Our neighbor's dog visiting the Golden Cottage watering hole

along with one of those fluffy-tailed rats (aka squirrels) - my nemesis
Our black racer, Sam, who's been around Golden Cottage for many years.

We even saw a rocket launch

And we looked at and talked about helicopters.  He LOVES them.  Knows all about the names and models, etc.  He's like his grandfather Jem, a walking encyclopedia of information.

We wore our masks when we were around other people - 

But now our quarantine is OVER!!!  HALLELUYAH!  Our state is opening up and we are so happy  We celebrated by going out to eat IN a restaurant.

Jem, always the joker, says, "They told us to wear masks!"  I told him, "I vote for YOU as the best person in the whole, wide world to be quarantined with."

WHO IS THAT MASKED MAN????  My dear, sweet, gentleman  hubby, Jem (aka The Lone Rabbi)
I'm thankful that we, and everyone we know, is healthy and unaffected by the virus.  All of our needs are met abundantly, and all is well.  Life is good at Golden Cottage!  Halleluyah Again!

What are you thankful for this week, Gail-Friends?

 I sometimes share my posts with these friends:

Friday, May 1, 2020

30 Days of Praise - Give Away Day!

I'm excited to tell you the winners of the free books today!  I put all the names in a basket and Rabbi Jem drew the names of the winners:

Laura Lane

You ladies have a choice of either of these books:

Golden Moments (inspiring personal stories)
Golden Musings (poetic worship)

Ladies, I'll be sending out your books on Monday so let me know where to mail them.

Congratulations and I hope you enjoy your new book.

Shalom to your home, Gail-Friends!