Monday, June 7, 2021

Leaning on My Beloved



I need your prayers, friends. Please don't ask for details - just pray and believe. This has been one of the hardest years of my life . . . so much death and sorrow.  I've never known such grief . . .

I know that God works everything together for my good because I am called to His purpose.

 I am being drawn closer to My Beloved through every pain and sorrow. I'm leaning on Him and clinging to this promise from His Word: 

 What the righteous hope for will end in JOY.

Proverbs 10:28a  (CJB) 

This beautiful poem is a message that has soothed my soul as I cling to Him.  

(from the author's Facebook page and used with her permission.)
The broken way
Is where we often walk
With grief and weight
That rest heavy
With confusion
And lances the
Heart with pain
Yet it is there
That we find Him
The One who has
Walked this road
Who offers His hand
To take us through
This thin place
Where we feel
Brittle and a bit lost
Until sacredness
Overwhelms and
We find ourselves
On holy ground
Lost in His love


Thank you so much for stopping by today and taking the time to leave a comment! I read each one of them and love to respond back to those who visit! Blessings to you.