Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wisdom Wednesday #23 - Is Your Heart Wiley?

Continuing the study of Proverbs 7 this week, let's look again at the passage in verses 10 and 11:

10 Then a woman approaches him,
dressed as a prostitute, wily of heart.
11 She’s the coarse, impulsive type,
whose feet don’t stay at home;

Last week, we looked at the importance of our clothing.  This week, let's think about the meaning of "wily of heart".

The Hebrew word for heart is "lev" and it means the seat of thoughts and emotions /feelings.  Everything starts in the mind.  This woman's heart is "wily", which means crafty, cunning, or sneaky.  The basis of this behavior is selfishness - wanting to have one's own way.

Further on in the passage, we see that this woman is married, and her husband is out of town.  Sadly, she has decided to leave her home and seek the attention of another man. 

Beloved, please know and believe that there is no excuse for seeking the attention of another man if one is married.  I've heard women and men say, "he/she doesn't understand me/meet my needs" and every other excuse for unfaithfulness.  And, often I've heard someone say, "It just happened."

Unfaithfulness doesn't just happen.  It begins in the "lev", the heart, in the thoughts and emotions.  Dwelling on the negatives in a marriage is the beginning.  Then the thoughts begin to move in the direction of being with someone who will be "better".

I'm not saying that if one has these thoughts, she is a prostitute.  No, never would I say that.  What I am saying is that negative thinking can lead to unfaithfulness and on to adultery.

One can be unfaithful without committing physical adultery.  A woman is adulterating her relationship with her husband when she seeks other people than him for attention.  This is why friendships with men can be dangerous.  We must guard our hearts in this area.  it is not wrong to have a male friend, but it is wrong to be intimate with him and to seek attention from him.  In example, desiring his admiration of herself physically.  One can be intimate with words and by insinuations and with looks.  Be very careful ladies.  Guard your heart and your relationships. 

Many times friendships turn into intimate relationships, and then eventually into sexual relationships.  It is important not to put oneself in a place of temptation, especially if the relationship with the husband is shaky.

As a young woman, my pastor said from the pulpit that his policy was to never be alone with a woman other than his wife.  He would not even give a woman a ride in his car because it might give someone the wrong impression.  I think he was very wise.

I understand that some women cannot avoid being alone with men due to their positions in business.  One can, however, be very careful in thoughts, words and actions to avoid the beginnings of intimacy.  It is not wise to place oneself in a position that could cause people to gossip.  It is important to avoid the appearance of evil.  That point will avoid many problems in the marriage relationship.

In this day of social media, one must guard oneself in wording of text messages, Facebook, Twitter post, etc.  Before posting something, ask yourself, "Would this honor my husband, or would it give him the wrong impression?"

These points are very important, and I pray for those reading them to prayerfully consider what I've said.  I'm sure there are women who have never been taught these things.  I also know that many times women do not realize how their words and actions can be misunderstood by men.  That is why I feel it is important to go into this passage in depth.

I encourage each reader to examine your heart, and see if your thoughts and actions are pure.  Let's not allow them to become wiley.  Let's determine daily to submit to G-d's ways because they are life.


I'm linking up today with:
 Spiritual Sunday

The Gathering Spot Link-Up

Modest Mom Monday Link-up 

A Wise Woman Builds
Whole Hearted Wednesday 
Wake Up Wednesday
Whimsical Wednesday

Hearts for Home
Favorite Things 

Fab Creative Friday
Friendship Friday 
Freedom Friday

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