Thursday, May 26, 2016

Thankful Thursday - Anniversary Week

On last week's Shabbat, we had lots of children under the tallit for the blessing.  I'm always happy and thankful for that.

After the service, the congregation gave Rabbi Jem and me a surprise celebration party for our tenth wedding anniversary.  The love and food and gifts were overflowing and overwhelming to us both.  We have such a loving, close mishpocha and we are so thankful for them.  I didn't take pictures, so I'll have to share some later, after I get some from those who photographed it.

We are celebrating all week, and today we went to a nice waterfront restaurant for dinner.  We took a selfie, but forgot to take our selfie stick.  It is what it is.

And  then Jem took a picture of me. .

and the huge (12 inch long) koi in the pond

I'm thankful for the great backyard shots I got this week.

I'm always thankful when the cardinals stop by

A dove and a woodpecker sharing the suet

My sunflowers are beginning to bloom

Jemima Puddle Duck's face is this lizard's favorite place to sun bathe

Hopefully, I'll have more time to post, and more joys to share, next Thursday.  The anniversary joys especially.  We have lots planned for our celebration this week.

What are you thankful for this week, Gail-Friends?

Thankful Thursday is my day to focus on and be grateful for all the good things in my life.


 I sometimes share my posts  with  friends at: 
Charlotte a Spiritual SundaysSpiritual Sundays     Janis with Sunday Stillness       THE SUNDAY COMMUNITY – #GIVE ME GRACE @SEE SPEAK HEAR MAMA Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life     GRAND Social       The Beauty in His Grip Link-Up   

Classical Homemaking Link-Up    Judith’s Wholehearted Wednesday     Raising Homemakers Wednesday     A Wise Woman Builds       Wake Up Wednesday     A Little R & R Wednesday     Wednesday's Prayer Girls & Link-Up Party Thought Provoking Thursdays at 3D Lessons 4Life     Thursday  Favorite Things 
 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

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