Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Israel Trip - Jordan River Baptism

Another beautiful sunrise across the Sea of Galilee greeted us the next morning.  Two of my greatest joys are sunrises and sunsets and if they are reflected in water I am overflowing with joy.  

Today would be our visit to the headwaters of the Jordan River known as Yardenit - the spot where most followers of Yeshua come for a traditional baptism.

As we ate breakfast and watched the sunrise, I saw a bird in one of the lemon trees that lined the patio.  I believe it is a hooded crow, but perhaps it is a bulbel. 

I told you, I'm a bird nerd, so expect to see more of my feathered friends.  

As we rode the bus, I snapped a couple of pics of the sites on the way to Yardenit.  The pic below is of a fisherman on the Sea of Galilee.  The morning was overcast, so that's why the sky is grey.

When I enlarged this photo, I saw that a couple of birds had photo-bombed my shot.  I love it, even though I can't tell what kind they are.

This photo shows the recreational aspect of the Sea of Galilee, with a beach and picnic area.  I was struck by the lack of development around the other areas of the lake, because in the U.S. every inch of space around a body of water is usually packed to the max.  I enjoyed the beauty and simplicity of this area, and the fact that there were no condos to block the views.

The Yardinit is beautiful.  The trees and plantings are inviting and calming.  I enjoyed a time of quiet meditation while there. Moments like that were rare on this trip because we were packing a great deal into seven days.  Here is some of the beauty I saw:

Looking across to the other side of the river.

 Isn't this a beautiful, restful place?

The people in white robes are waiting to be baptized.  This brought back memories of my first trip to Israel in 1996.  Below is a photo I took the day I visited Yardinet:

Being baptized in this river was one of the highlights of my trip in 1996.  When I was a little girl, I remember reading the story of Yeshua being baptized by John the Baptist in this very river.  The story came alive that day.  I felt chills, and not only from the cold water.  When I was baptized as little nine year old girl, I never dreamed that one day I would be baptized in Israel. It was an awe-filled moment.

The day we visited Yardinet in 1996, there were hundreds of Jews from Russia who were baptized, so we waited a long time to enter the river.  I'll never forget my joy, and the joy of these people as they came up from the water.

Next stop on the tour will be Beit Shean.  I am so excited to show you this, Gail-Friends.  I was never a fan of history or archeology until I visited this place.  Now I am hooked, and I say, "Take me to the ruins!"  Wait till you see it.  "You aint seen nothing yet," as we say down South.


 I'm linking up today with:

Modest Mom Monday Link-up 
Meet-Up Monday

A Wise Woman Builds
Whole Hearted Wednesday 
Wake Up Wednesday

Jenny Marie's Wordless Wednesday 

Favorite Things 

Hearts for Home 

Fab Creative Friday
Friendship Friday 
Freedom Friday

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Thankful Thursday - Pond Tour # 5

Water lilies in one of the many ponds in the backyard

Our next stop on the pond tour was at the home of Pat and Candy Murphy, and they were the most hospitable couple we met that day.  They served hot dogs, drinks, and homemade brownies to everyone who visited their garden between 11 am and 1 pm.  They even invited us to come back for a party on St. Patrick's Day. They enticed us with stories about their corned beef and cabbage dinners.  Sounds like fun to me, so I marked my calendar.

Not only were they hospitable and welcoming, they  also were very generous in sharing their garden wisdom.  They even gave us cuttings from some of their plants. 

You know they love to entertain because they have so many areas for dining.  I counted five dining rooms in their backyard.  Here is the most colorful one:

Above is one view of this colorful and creative outdoor dining room.  There is a small pond in the foreground.  Below is the same room viewed from a different angle.

Don't you just love the eclectic beachy style and colors?

I loved this dining room, too.  So shady and inviting.  On the right is a outdoor bar and grill from which the refreshments were served.  
My daughter wanted a picture with this old wash tub.  We had one when she was growing up, and I called it her swimming pool.  I still have that old thing, too.  I have been called sentimental, and it's so true. 

These are raised garden beds for growing vegetables.  The only thing growing at the time were the two plants above.  I think it is cabbage, but I'm not sure.  He built the supports so he could put shade cloth over the beds.  The sun here in Central Florida is really hard on vegetable plants in the summer.  

 This is another view looking toward the vegetable garden.  There is a pond adjacent to the bench.  The wood stacked there is for the fire pit below:


This is a genius idea.  The fire pit is the brick structure above, which is covered by a moveable table.  There is a pond on the right, and another behind the bush with the blue flowers.  I didn't take pictures of the ponds because I did that last year.  You can see more of this garden HERE.

My grandson really liked this decorative fish.  I remember these being used as lamps in the 70's.  I love how this couple uses all kinds of art to decorate their garden, don't you?  

I love this winding pathway through the backyard, and their use of native plants for landscaping. 

We'll leave this happy garden with a view of some angel statues guarding one of the tiny ponds.  We are not finished with the tour, though, dear Gail-Friends.  Be sure to come back next week to see another beautiful pond and garden.  There is so much more I've yet to show you. 
 (Don't forget to go HERE to see more photos of the Murphy's wonderful garden.)

Thankful Thursday is my weekly discipline - to express my gratitude to Hashem for His over-flowing, abundant blessings.

  I'm linking up today with:
 Spiritual Sunday

The Gathering Spot Link-Up

All Things Bright and Beautiful Link-Up

Modest Mom Monday Link-up 

A Wise Woman Builds
Whole Hearted Wednesday 
Wake Up Wednesday

Hearts for Home
Favorite Things 

Fab Creative Friday
Friendship Friday 
Freedom Friday

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wisdom Wednesdays #30 - Pray for Peace

As the attacks by Hamas continue in Israel, I ask you dear Gail-Friends to continue to pray for peace.  Please see my previous post regarding the history of this conflict HERE.

This prayer request was sent via Jewish Jewels on Facebook:


1. That terrorist all bases and infrastructures, arms factories and weapon’s tunnels will be pinpointed and destroyed.

2. That Hamas rocket attacks against Israel’s Negev communities and across the country will fall short of civilian areas, and for the infallible accuracy of Israel’s Iron Dome system.

3. Intercede for the safety and protection of Israel’s military men and women involved in anti-terrorist activities and for civilians in targeted cities.

4. For the comforting and emotional shielding of victims young and old in the midst of constant life-threatening explosions and disruption of their daily lives. 

5. Intercede for the peace and safety of Jerusalem. 

6. That all terrorists attempting to infiltrate Israel will be detected and dealt with.

7. For the wisdom and strategy of all of Israel’s government and military leaders as Israel deals with unrelenting antagonists and terrorist murderers piloted by Hamas.

8. Please pray for Vision for Israel volunteers now braving rocket fire attacks to deliver daily humanitarian aid.

I saw a video song called "Pray for Peace" by Reba McIntire today, and it tells me others are burdened for peace, too.  If you know your Bible, you know that peace will never come until Messiah Yeshua returns.  My prayer is for the Jewish people to accept Yeshua as their Messiah ben David.  This song is the cry of my heart.  I hope you will listen and pray:   Shalom, Shalom Jerusalem by Paul Wilbur


 I'm linking up today with:
 Spiritual Sunday

The Gathering Spot Link-Up

All Things Bright and Beautiful Link-Up

Modest Mom Monday Link-up 

A Wise Woman Builds
Whole Hearted Wednesday 
Wake Up Wednesday
Whimsical Wednesday

Hearts for Home
Favorite Things 

Fab Creative Friday
Friendship Friday 
Freedom Friday

Monday, July 21, 2014

Israel Trip - Caesaria Philippi

Next stop on our trip that day was beautiful Caesarea Philippi.  Israel is so unique in its topography.  We went from seashore to mountains to lakeside...and now to springs.  Our trip was in the first week of December, and Israel reminded me of my home state of Florida.  We get the color of changing leaves in December also.  

I love the passionate expression on Natalie's face.  What a great tour guide she was.  She shared her wealth of history with us, and also her love of Israel. 

This site is only twenty-five miles north of the Sea of Galilee and at the base of Mt. Hermon.  The large springs there feed into the Jordan River.  While this spot is very beautiful, it is also connected to pagan worship. Many temples were built here to honor false gods, such as Pan. 

Some in our group hiked up the incline to look inside the grotto (above) and get a closer look at the alcoves which formerly housed pagan statues.  I was not interested, and preferred to admire G-d's creation.  

Berries growing near the springs.

Beautiful clear water

I think these are tadpoles...or maybe fish eggs.

Many types of trees.  I beieve these are aspens, and they were so gorgeous in the afternoon sun that day.  Gold leaves, white trunks....awe-inspiring beauty.

A European robin in a fig tree.  

I know it's a European robin because of this sign.  I love birds, so this caught my eye.  I was glad to find a field guide to the birds in the area.  I saw several species, but didn't get photos of them.

This t-shirt caught my eye as we toured the gift shop.  

That's right. Let's stay behind Israel, too.  Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, Gail-Friends.  

Next stop on our tour was the Jordan River....the site where I was baptized in 1996.  Come back next week to see that lovely spot, as well as my photos of the sunrise on the Sea of Galilee.  Oh, the glory!

Shalom Y'all.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Thankful Thursday - Pond Tour 2014 - #4

This week, we'll be touring Becky's garden again.  This is my third post about her beautiful yard, so be sure to check out the two previous posts to see more of this lovely yard.   Today we'll be looking at the potting area, and you're going to love it.  

The photo above is her Victorian greenhouse filled with bits of whimsy.  This area of the garden is a different style from the rest, and I think it tells us a lot about Becky's heart.  As I walked through, I found further proof that we were kindred spirits. 

Becky sells plants and her artwork through her business, My Garden Shop at Home.  This is her creative space, and I love everything about it. 

The entrance to My Garden Shop at Home.  Becky has a knack for making everything pretty, and for using every inch of space. 

 Don't you love the stenciling on the fence?

I love those cute flower pots made of cans.

Her sentiments are mine exactly.

I love these painted rocks.

                                                    Birdhouses!!!  I love them, too.

More proof that Becky and I are kindred spirits.  I agree with every one of these sayings. 

Heading out the door now and I'm sad to leave, aren't you?  I love Becky's garden, and I am so thankful I met her.  

Next week, we'll continue on to the next garden on the pond tour.  I have so much more to show you, dear Gail-Friends, so come back next Thursday.

 Thankful Thursday is my weekly discipline - to express my gratitude to Hashem for His over-flowing, abundant blessings.


Modest Mom Monday Link-up 
Meet-Up Monday

A Wise Woman Builds
Whole Hearted Wednesday 
Wake Up Wednesday
Whimsical Wednesday

Jenny Marie's Wordless Wednesday 

Favorite Things 

Hearts for Home Blog Hop

Fab Creative Friday
Friendship Friday 
Freedom Friday

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wisdom Wednesday # 29 - Pray for Israel

As the conflict in Israel continues, I ask you once again to join me in praying for Israel.  Pray the peace of Jerusalem.  Pray for the people of Palestine to accept the cease-fire plan and Israel's plea for peace.  Please read my post from last week's Wisdom Wednesday that give a brief history of this long conflict.  

This week, Israel has retaliated against the constant bombing.  The media focuses on the deaths in Gaza and indeed it is tragic.  It is not necessary, however, because the IDF notifies the residents prior to the bombing.  The purpose of the bombing is not to kill innocent people.  The bombings are to destroy rocket launchers and Hamas terrorists.  They are warned hours ahead of time to get out of the area.  Many refuse, and even place their children in harm's way. 

This is the Prime Minister's response to this nonsensical actions of Hamas:
“Imagine the United States being bombarded, not in one city or two cities, but in every city between New York and Colorado.  Maybe 20% of the United States would be exempt from this, 80% of your citizens would have to be in bomb shelters or ready to go into bomb shelters within a minute to a minute and a half max…You can’t – no country can accept that, we can’t accept it, and we’ll take the necessary actions to stop it!”  - Benjamin Netanyahu

Please pray for an end to this tragic conflict.


Modest Mom Monday Link-up 
Meet-Up Monday

A Wise Woman Builds
Whole Hearted Wednesday 
Wake Up Wednesday
Whimsical Wednesday

Jenny Marie's Wordless Wednesday 

Favorite Things 

Hearts for Home 

Fab Creative Friday
Friendship Friday 
Freedom Friday