Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Wisdom Wednesdays - Baby Murders - What Can I Do? #2

As more of the Planned Parenthood videos are released, I continue to be grieved in my spirit.  The most recent video (get ready, it's horrible) shows a baby, still alive, having its brain harvested.  My whole body and spirit feels pain when I think of this.  Proverbs 6 speaks about it:

There are six things Adonai hates, seven which he detests: 17 a haughty look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, 18 a heart that plots wicked schemes, feet swift in running to do evil, 19 a false witness who lies with every breath, and him who sows strife among brothers.

Can there be any more innocent blood than a baby killed by abortion?  
    I'd like to write "feel good" posts and pretend that all is well, but then I wouldn't be LISTENING* to what G-d is saying. I read an article yesterday that clinched it for me.  I must not turn away from this horror.  I must pray, and I must add feet to my prayers by taking action.  

In addition to the things I listed in my earlier POST, here is something we can all do to take action against this horrible organization.  This week, the  U. S. House of Representatives will vote on the H.R. 3504, titled The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.  Please contact your representative and ask them to vote yes on this bill.  You can send an e-mail, very easily and quickly, HERE.

Also, Life Chain Sunday is coming up on October 4.  Join others is standing on the street with signs, to draw attention to the need to stop abortion in the U.S.  Contact your local organization, and signs will be provided for your use.  If there is not a group near you, make your own signs and ask others to stand with you.  (The  link shows the signs used in the event.) Be prepared for the haters.  They will scream at you, call you names, and give you the finger, but the majority of passers-by will honk, smile really big  and give you thumbs up.  


My heart goes out to the women who've had abortions, and are now seeing these stories in the news.  They are suffering great pain and guilt for making abortion their "choice". Let me tell you my story of unplanned pregnancies.

My father was one of eleven children.  My mother was one of twelve.  My mother's family had to "adopt out" two children.  My grandfather was a share cropper, and during and after the Depression, times were very hard.  I'm sure it was an extremely difficult decision.  About fifteen years ago, our family was located by my Uncle Albert.  He was overjoyed to find his family.  Aunt Gloria, the other child adopted out, was reared in the same town as some of her siblings and grew up in a loving, wealthy home. 

Sadly, abortion has touched my family, too.  This relative suffers great mental problems due to the decision to choose abortion (a kinder, clinical word for murder).

Every year, we read and study the Torah through from Genesis to Deuteronomy.  Each year, our faith is reinforced with the story of G-d's guidance, provision, and protection of the children of Israel.  He led them,  fed them, gave them water, and met every other need.  This, and other stories in the Torah, remind us of how faithful G-d is to us when we trust Him.

I have experienced this over and over again in my life.  G-d will make a way when there seems to be no way if we will trust Him, follow Him, and obey Him.  His Word is LIFE.

Sadly, the opposite is true.  When we turn away, disobey and follow our own way, we reap death.  When women choose abortion, they experience death. Not only the death of the aborted baby, but death in their spirits.

The aftermath of an abortion is like a beautiful piece of furniture with a deep scratch across the surface.  Marred, but still beautiful and still useful.   There is hope.   Peace is possible.

Beloved, if you have had an abortion, you must agree with G-d that abortion is murder.
Ask His forgiveness for your sin.
Receive that forgiveness as an unmerited gift.  Yeshua died and rose again to pay for your sin.
Thank Him for it daily.
Make amends by speaking the truth about abortion.  Share your experience so that others will not go through what you did.

REMEMBER:  You are loved and forgiven. G-d can use you to help other women. 

This song is so appropriate to help you or anyone else who is contemplating abortion:

I sometimes share my posts  with  friends at :

Charlotte at Spiritual Sundays
Janis with Sunday Stillness


 Jennifer Dukes Lee Tell His Story
Thursday  Favorite Things

Friendship Friday 
  Faith Filled Friday at Missional Women
 Fellowship Fridays at Christian Mommy Blogger


 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew


  1. Hello from Kansas.
    I sat in horror watching these truthful videos being shared.
    Sickening how comfortable the people are with their procedures and products they have to offer.
    Sports car? No problem...just perform a few more abortions and sell the parts. Ridin in luxury with a callous mind.
    Tis eye opening to what has been going on.

    1. We are living in perilous times, but we were born for such a time as this -- to uphold righteousness in an evil, G-dless generation.

      Thank you for your comment, and it is good to know that others are standing for LIFE.



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