I wrote about Max and Beth to defend Christian Trump supporters
By Mario Murillo
As I write you, 50,000 people have read the blog that mentioned Max
Lucado and Beth Moore. Today I want to clear the air about why that
For me to mention the name of a fellow minister is like getting a
root canal. I only do it when all other remedies have been exhausted.
We are family. We are all on the same team. Christian unity is a
witness to a dying world.
So then why did I put out the blog? I did it to defend Christians who are going to vote for Trump.
Whether Max and Beth intended it or not, their remarks had
the effect—I am being delicate and kind here—of questioning Christians
who support Trump.
Max openly wondered how any Evangelical could follow Donald.
Beth did the same to Christian men who support Trump. She can’t
support Trump because he “objectifies women” and she believes he
assaulted women. She can’t see how any Christian man who would support
But they are both doing something else that really hurts Christians who support Trump:
They are being silent about Hillary Clinton. They have said nothing against her. More on this later.
Other celebrity Christian leaders are doing much worse. They have
thrown millions of sincere Jesus followers into Hillary’s basket of
So let’s talk about Christian Trump supporters.
1. Many of them are positive thinkers and entrepreneurs.
They resonate with Trump’s winners approach to life. These are the
church members most likely to give big to a vision or help pay off the
building. They are not the critics and legalistic people that hinder
you pastor.
2. Most Christian Trump supporters are patriotic.
They love America. They believe that we live in the greatest country
on earth. They are angry our laws are being disregarded by secular
progressives. They are angry with pro athletes who disgrace our flag
and national anthem. They stand with cops, the military and first
3. The majority of Christian Trump supporters are all about common sense. They believe:
-Our trade deals with other nations make no sense.
-Political correctness is a silly idea that has morphed into a tedious tyranny.
-It makes no sense to judge Trump’s past bankruptcies while ignoring someone who will carry on Obama’s disastrous spending.
-It makes no sense to leave our borders unsecured and allow an influx
of criminals. They have committed of millions of crimes and have
killed our children.
-It makes no sense to oppress the church with regulations that force
Christians, Churches, and Christian employers to pay for contraceptives
and abortions.
-It makes no sense to support a woman who will turn Christian witnessing into a hate crime.
-It makes no sense to reject Trump for statements he made 11 years
ago when you have no proof he is not a changed man. Bill Clinton is not
a changed man. We know from a recent statement by General Colin Powell
that Bill Clinton is still committing adultery and Hillary still covers
it up.
-It makes no sense to compare Donald’s tax forms to 33,000 emails
that Clinton criminally erased—emails that pose a national security
-It makes no sense to deny you are helping Hillary if you
don’t vote—or if you vote for a third candidate. It’s a two-person
race. Trump is the underdog. He needs every vote he can get, and every
vote he does not get, helps her. You can numb your conscience all you
want but facts are facts…if you don’t vote for him, you are helping
– It makes no sense to talk about Trump but never talk about Clinton.
I respect both of these Christian leaders and I refuse to engage in a
war of words. Nevertheless, they need to know—innocently or
deliberately—millions of sheep feel wounded and betrayed.
As I said before, what hurts them the most it is this: You speak against Trump but remain totally silent about Hillary Clinton.
-You say Trump is rude? How rude is it to ignore
repeated cries for help and send four Americans to their death in
Benghazi? How rude is it to lie—to the parents and family of the slain
at their funeral—by blaming their death on a video.
-You reject Trump because you support women?
Hillary has never denied laughing at a 12-year-old girl who was raped.
She has never denied trying to bury the women her husband raped. She
has enriched her foundation with millions from nations that kill women
and enslave them. Hillary Clinton believes it is okay to kill a baby
even after nine months of pregnancy. Abortion is murder but what does
killing your baby even if its head is crowning out of the womb do to
that child let alone the mother?
believer who supports Trump is horrified by your silence. They see you
tweeting and pontificating about Trump but you offer no answer for the
undoing of the Constitution—the trashing of the Supreme Court—the threat
to America that Obama and Hillary’s foreign policy has created.They
want to know if celebrity Christians live in a bubble. They wonder,
“what is your solution to the national disaster?” Are you that out of
touch with reality?
4. Christian Trump supporters believe voting for him is a moral thing to do:
Laura Ingraham says her support of Trump is an extension of her faith:
“The truth is that those of us who support Trump understand all too
well the reality of the choice that faces us, and are doing the best we
can to save this country.
On the other hand, not voting for Trump — and hoping that he loses — also represents a moral choice:
It means aligning yourself, at least temporarily, with left-wing
nightmares Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and all the other radicals who want
Trump to lose.
It means turning a deaf ear to your fellow Americans who can’t take
four more years of decline, and who are desperate for new leadership.
It means allowing another four or eight years of flat-lining wages and growth, and high taxes on American businesses.
It means hardening your heart against people those who have spent 40 years trying to stop abortion.
It means doing nothing when The New York Times, and The Washington
Post, and every other left-wing outlet mocks and ridicules the Trump
supporters as racists and bigots.
It means cheering (silently or not) along with every smear and every
snide comment that Hollywood and the media can use to attack Trump’s
That’s the choice the NeverTrumpers have made — a decision to do
nothing, to wash their hands of the election, of the Republican Party,
of the country itself.
That may represent some people’s version of morality. But it’s not mine.”
5. Christian Trump supporters believe it is all about the Supreme Court: Columnist
Thomas Sowell hit the nail on the head when he said, “The issue is
judges that stick to the law versus judges who ignore the law. That is a
huge distinction. It is the difference between living in a
self-governing democracy and living under tyrants on the bench.”
Through his or her appointments, the next president will determine
whether the federal judiciary respects its proper, limited role in our
self-governing democracy, or whether we continue to slide ever further
toward judicial tyranny. There is no more important issue in this
election. We already know the kind of judges she will nominate.
Franklin Graham summed it all up: “A lot of people are
slamming evangelicals for supposedly giving Donald J. Trump a pass.
That’s simply not true. No one is giving him a pass. I’m certainly not,
and I’ve not met an evangelical yet who condones his language or
inexcusable behavior from over a decade ago. However, he has apologized
to his wife, his family, and to the American people for this. He has
taken full responsibility. This election isn’t about Donald Trump’s
behavior from 11 years ago or Hillary Clinton’s recent missing emails,
lies, and false statements. This election is about the Supreme Court and
the justices that the next president will nominate. Evangelicals are
going to have to decide which candidate they trust to nominate men and
women to the court who will defend the constitution and support
religious freedoms. My prayer is that Christians will not be deceived by
the liberal media about what is at stake for future generations.”
On Friday, October 28, 2016, the news came out that the FBI has reopened the email case against Hillary Clinton. So, that means a candidate for the presidency of the USA is under criminal investigation. This is a new concern. We must not sit by and be silent in this matter. Pray and put feet to your prayers. Call your representatives in Washington and let them know you want her removed from the ballot.
The major television news outlets are not doing their job. If they are your news source, you're not getting the whole picture. These are other concerns not being reported by television sources such as CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC:
James O'Keefe's Project Veritas - undercover investigation videos showing DNC election dirty tricks and fraud related to voting machines and causing violence at Trump rallies.
Julian Assange Wikileaks postings related to emails from President Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, and other DNC leaders. These emails show lies, devious plans and coverups of their corruption. These make Watergate look like a child's story book.
You can find all of these news stories on Youtube. If you love America, please do your own investigation. Your future depends on knowing the truth, not the lies and deception being fed on the major news outlets. They are a big part of the problem.
Please read my reaction to the news that Donald Trump WON the election HERE.