Thursday, November 24, 2016

Sabbath Music - Feed the Birds

I hope you had a good Thanksgiving, Gail-Friends.  I cooked for three days (a lot of food) so we'd have plenty of leftovers through the weekend.  I love cooking at Thanksgiving.

The robins have arrived for their winter journey through central Florida.  That's one of our snowbirds in the photo above.  I love seeing them this time of the year.  That's just one of the things I'm grateful for right now.

I love watching birds, and this song, Feed the Birds has been running through my head all day.  It's not a religious song, but Yeshua did tell us to "consider the birds", and I love watching them on the Sabbath.  Sitting still on my back porch and watching them visit our feeders and birdbaths fills me with wonder and joy as I observe the beauty of His creation.  I've learned a great deal from observing them, too.  You should try it.  I think you'll like it.

I hope you have a worship-FULL Sabbath.  Thank Him, praise Him, and most of all receive His gift of rest.

Blessings to you, Gail-Friends, and Shavu'a Tov (Have a Good Week).


I sometimes share my posts with these friends:

Spiritual Sundays      THE SUNDAY COMMUNITY – #GIVE ME GRACE @SEE SPEAK HEAR MAMA Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life     GRAND Social       The Beauty in His Grip Link-Up   

Classical Homemaking Link-Up    Judith’s Wholehearted Wednesday     Raising Homemakers Wednesday     A Wise Woman Builds       Wake Up Wednesday     A Little R & R Wednesday     Wednesday's Prayer Girls & Link-Up Party Thought Provoking Thursdays at 3D Lessons 4Life     Thursday  Favorite Things 

Thankful Thursday - Blessings Overflow

Enter his gates with Thanksgiving and his courts with praise;
 give thanks to him and praise his name. Psalm 100:4.

I hope y'all are having a happy and thank-FULL Thanksgiving Day.  I'm thank-FULL, grate-FULL, and just plain FULL. After a great morning of cooking, then eating, and napping, I'm getting ready for a walk around the block.

Counting my blessings today, including a wonder-FULL husband, who has helped me by washing dishes, as I've been cooking for the past three days. (I love a man with dish-pan hands!)

Also, I'm thank-FULL for all the years my mama cooked Thanksgiving dinner for us.  It is a labor of love that she passed on to me.  I love doing it for my family, just as she did all those years.  I always miss her most this time of the year.  Her gift of hospitality blessed so many family, friends, and neighbors. (Here's my post about her from last year.) 

And here's another post about her:  What My Mama Taught Me

I mentioned last week that I'd share some photos from our Simchat Torah celebration, so here you go. There was dancing, singing, and praising Hashem for the glorious gift of His Torah.  Everybody, young and old, gets the blessing of parading the Torah.  It brings tears to our eyes as we remember the blessings His Word has brought to our lives.  Here's Rabbi Jem dancing with the Torah, which isn't easy because it is quite heavy. 

Rabbi Jem carrying Torah
Me carrying Torah

On Simchat Torah, it's a tradition to stay up all night studying Torah, singing and dancing, eating and drinking (caffeine) and giving praise to Hashem.  We had fifteen people who stayed all night, including a ten-year old boy.  He was alert and asking questions all night long.  I heard this from Rabbi Jem because, alas, I'm not one of the ones who made it through the night.  I'm notorious for turning into a pumpkin at 10:00 p.m. 

Evan, our youngest Torah scholar on Simchat Torah.

I've so much more to be thankful for over the past three months.  One of our greatest blessings is having many children under the tallit on Shabbat.

I'm thank-FULL for my country, and for my highly decorated, hero husband and his love and service to America.  Here he is saluting the flag during the recent Veterans Day parade.  He is a Purple Heart recipient (wounded in Viet Nam) and leads our congregation to love and honor our country.

I'm very proud of my patriotic husband.  (Note how many people are honoring the flag....very sad.)

We both voted to Make America Great Again, and are thank-FULL that Donald J. Trump has been elected as our next president.  May G-d protect, preserve and guide him in the paths of righteousness and justice.

The Goldens during early voting.

I'm also thank-FULL to have lived another year, and for the blessing of good health and strength.  Here are some photos from my delight-FULL birthday party last month.

I love gardens, so they decorated with a garden theme.

So many creative ladies in our synagogue

Arene't these flower cupcakes beauty-FULL ????

In the words of one of my favorite songs:
 My Cup Runneth Over With Love

I hope your Thanksgiving Day was wonder-FULL, thank-FULL, and FULL of praises to our wonder-FULL Heavenly Father.  We are all blessed just to wake up every day and be able to see, hear, walk, talk, think, and have strength.

What are you thank-FULL for, Gail-Friends?


I sometimes share my posts with these friends:

Spiritual Sundays      THE SUNDAY COMMUNITY – #GIVE ME GRACE @SEE SPEAK HEAR MAMA Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life     GRAND Social       The Beauty in His Grip Link-Up   

Classical Homemaking Link-Up    Judith’s Wholehearted Wednesday     Raising Homemakers Wednesday     A Wise Woman Builds       Wake Up Wednesday     A Little R & R Wednesday     Wednesday's Prayer Girls & Link-Up Party Thought Provoking Thursdays at 3D Lessons 4Life     Thursday  Favorite Things 

Friday, November 18, 2016

Sabbath Music - Mashiach ben Da'vid

Greetings Gail-Friends:

We are preparing for Shabbat tonight, as well as for a Bar Mitzvah.  Shabbat is a blessing, and having a big celebration makes it a double blessing.  Donald is not turning thirteen which is the usual age for a Bar Mitzvah.  He is an adult who found out he is Jewish through a DNA test.  He is excited to have this celebration to announce his decision to embrace Messianic Judaism. 

This is the song Donald loves best, and he loves to dance to it.  The song is Mashiach ben David by Lenny & Varda.  It means Messiah of David in English, and is about our Messiah Yeshua.  This video shows women dancing to this song.  We'll be worshipping Him and dancing for Him tonight through this song, and it will be a great time of JOY.

Blessings to you, Gail-Friends, and have a good week ahead.


I sometimes share my posts with these friends:

Spiritual Sundays      THE SUNDAY COMMUNITY – #GIVE ME GRACE @SEE SPEAK HEAR MAMA Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life     GRAND Social       The Beauty in His Grip Link-Up   

Classical Homemaking Link-Up    Judith’s Wholehearted Wednesday     Raising Homemakers Wednesday     A Wise Woman Builds       Wake Up Wednesday     A Little R & R Wednesday     Wednesday's Prayer Girls & Link-Up Party Thought Provoking Thursdays at 3D Lessons 4Life     Thursday  Favorite Things 

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Thankful Thursday - Sukkot 5777

This is a photo of the moon on the night of our Sukkot celebration. 

The High Holy Days are past, along with Feast of Tabernacles and Simchat Torah.  All of this, plus the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew, and the election have made for a very busy  two months. 

So many blessings and photos to share with you, Gail-Friends, that I may have to break this up into two posts. 

After some teaching about Sukkot, we enjoyed some singing and dancing.
Then, it's time to build the sukkah. We used bamboo from the backyard of the Golden Cottage.

This year, we tried something a bit different -- a bamboo screen to wrap around three of the walls.

TA-DA!  I think it turned out really well, don't you?

Then, it's time to decorate. It was a great joy to have our daughter's decorating expertise. :)

Even the little ones can help.

On Sukkot, we wave the lulav.  Everybody in the congregation gets their turn.

And then, it's time to eat, and boy did we have some good food. 

We have some really good cooks at Ma'gen Da'vid.

To learn more about Sukkot and see some of our past celebrations 
(including our sukkahs), click on this LINK.

The High Holy Days are my favorite time of the year, and Sukkot is the most joy and fun filled.  If you celebrated Sukkot, I'd love to hear about it in the comments below.  

Next week, I'll share about Simchat Torah and some of the other happenings at the Golden Cottage.  


I sometimes share my posts with these friends:

Spiritual Sundays      THE SUNDAY COMMUNITY – #GIVE ME GRACE @SEE SPEAK HEAR MAMA Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life     GRAND Social       The Beauty in His Grip Link-Up   

Classical Homemaking Link-Up    Judith’s Wholehearted Wednesday     Raising Homemakers Wednesday     A Wise Woman Builds       Wake Up Wednesday     A Little R & R Wednesday     Wednesday's Prayer Girls & Link-Up Party Thought Provoking Thursdays at 3D Lessons 4Life     Thursday  Favorite Things 

Friday, November 11, 2016

Sabbath Music - I'm Proud To Be An American

What a week...busy and stressful, right? I'm really looking forward to my Sabbath rest.

So much has happened in America since I last posted.  We have elected a new president, and I'm very thankful to have Donald J. Trump as our new leader. My prayers have been answered.  

I've been reading posts on Facebook by people who are really hurting because Hilary didn't win. I know exactly how they feel. EVERY single day for the past eight years, I've grieved as I watched my country "change" into something I don't recognize.

I've seen my Biblical values condemned, ridiculed and destroyed by executive orders and by the Supreme Court decisions to abandon the Constitution and make their own laws.

I've seen Christian religious freedom stomped in the dust, while a religion that espouses death to infidels was applauded and glorified.

That is not my America. I voted to change it back and to Make America Great Again. 

I'm celebrating today. I'm praising G-d today, because only HE could have made this happen.  He heard the prayers of those who cried out to save our country.

My thoughts all week have been, we have been given a reprieve. 

Our job now is to share Truth (His Word) and to help people see and understand that obedience to G-d's laws are what made our country great.

Our Judeo-Christian heritage preserved us, and there are many who do not know that history. I am energized to get to work in sharing G-d's mercy and truth at every opportunity - both in person, through social media, and in my writing. He has shown mercy on us, friends.  We have another chance to teach people G-d's Truth and help them turn from their wicked ways and heal this land. 

Don't let anybody rain on your parade, friends.


Donald Trump is not perfect.  Neither am I.  Neither are you.  

I am praying for G-d to lead him in the paths of righteousness and justice.  I hope you'll join me.  

To those who are going off the deep end, I say this:  Put Your Big Girl Panties On...and Deal With It.  
That's what I've done for the past eight years.  

And now, I am singing this song (unlike Michelle Obama) - I'm Proud To Be An American.


I sometimes share my posts with these friends:

Spiritual Sundays      THE SUNDAY COMMUNITY – #GIVE ME GRACE @SEE SPEAK HEAR MAMA Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life     GRAND Social       The Beauty in His Grip Link-Up   

Classical Homemaking Link-Up    Judith’s Wholehearted Wednesday     Raising Homemakers Wednesday     A Wise Woman Builds       Wake Up Wednesday     A Little R & R Wednesday     Wednesday's Prayer Girls & Link-Up Party Thought Provoking Thursdays at 3D Lessons 4Life     Thursday  Favorite Things 

Friday, November 4, 2016

Sabbath Music - G-d Bless America

Rest.  Do you find it hard to do? Is your mind running like a hamster wheel, thinking, planning, and never stopping? 

G-d has set aside a day for you.  It's one of the first thing He did in the book of  Genesis:

Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, along with everything in them. On the seventh day God was finished with his work which he had made, so he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. God blessed the seventh day and separated it as holy; because on that day God rested from all his work which he had created, so that it itself could produce. (Genesis 2:1-3)

That was the first Sabbath, and it was set apart as holy by G-d, for rest.  

I hope you'll rest in Him this Sabbath, worship Him, read His Word, listen to His voice, and pray for America as we head into the election on Tuesday.

Here's a song very appropriate for this season:  G-d Bless America  

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Our Next President #4

This article by Joel Rosenberg is compelling, and I hope it will touch you as much as it did me, especially the Scriptures he references.  My mind has been made up a long time, but this may help you, or someone you know, who is still undecided.  


After much prayer and soul-searching, I have reluctantly decided to vote for the Trump-Pence ticket. Here’s why.

This is not easy for me. I did not get to this point lightly. Rather, it has been a matter of intense examination of the candidates and party platforms, studying the Scriptures (particularly I Samuel 8-12; see below), and listening to many thoughtful voices in the debate.

Anyone who has been tracking my writing during the course of this campaign knows how deeply concerned I am about Mr. Trump — his lack of experience, flip-flopping on issues, and the unkind and at times even vulgar or vitriolic language he uses against his critics. I had hoped he would be defeated in the primaries. Or challenged by a plausible third party candidate. Or would drop out after the release of the deeply offensive video of him speaking with Billy Bush.

But this is where we are. Now, it is truly is a binary choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. There’s no way around it, and the moment of decision has arrived.

True, I had previously stated that I could “never” vote for Mr. Trump. So I readily concede this is a reversal. I have no doubt I will disappoint some for changing my position. But this is where I am, and I want to explain how I got here.

The heart of the matter is this: I have been going through what many Evangelicals are going through – an internal battle between competing convictions.

I could never support Hillary. Indeed, much of my professional life has been fighting the Clintons, dating back to when I worked for Bill Bennett and Jack Kemp at Empower America, and for Rush Limbaugh as director of research. So the question for me has been this: should I vote for Trump, a third party candidate, write-in a candidate, or not vote at all? For many of my friends, this hasn’t been a difficult choice. For me it’s been difficult to determine which of my deeply held convictions should be elevated as paramount, even when the others I hold so dearly are being violated.

To be sure, my vote is not more important than anyone else’s. I know many Americans are struggling the same way I am. Indeed, in writing this I’m not even trying to persuade you to agree with me. I have friends whose deepest convictions tell them they simply cannot vote for Mr. Trump, that they will trust the sovereignty of God and live with the consequences. I respect them. I don’t question their motives. I know exactly where they’re coming from.

But for those who are interested, here are ten reasons why I have decided to vote for the Trump-Pence ticket:
  1. The most important is this: Hillary Clinton must never be elected President under any circumstances. She must be stopped. As I have written, she would be an absolute catastrophe for America. Should she be elected and the Democratic Platform  **enacted, this dynamic would accelerate the country towards divine judgment and implosion.
  2. Hillary and her advisors may have committed federal crimes. The decision by the Director of the FBI to reopen the criminal investigation put into sharp relief for me  the gravity of the situation facing us.
  3. Electing Hillary could very well lead to a constitutional crisis that could paralyze the federal government and make us vulnerable. These were points made this week by Doug Schoen, a senior Democrat pollster and strategist who once worked for President Bill Clinton. Schoen announced that he – a long-time Hillary supporter – could no longer in good conscience vote for her. This helped persuade me that I could no longer in good conscience avoid casting a vote to stop her.
  4. Aside from criminality, Hillary is the most corrupt and flawed candidate ever to run on a major party ticket for President. Americans are exhausted by the culture of corruption and scandal that perennially surrounds the Clintons. Four more years would distract us from tackling the serious challenges facing the American people.
  5. Hillary Clinton is the poster child for “politics as usual” at a time when we need change.
  6. Yes, as I stated above, I have deep reservations about Mr. Trump. I have not sugar-coated these concerns. Rather, I have written and spoken about them throughout the campaign. In January I wrote 39 reasons why a Trump presidency would be a catastrophe (see here and here). I concede this could still turn out to be true. But it also should be noted that in the ten months since I wrote those columns, an excellent Republican Platform was drafted and approved. Also, Mr. Trump has made a series of very specific and attractive commitments. He has promised:
    1. To pursue pro-life policies at the federal level
    2. To appoint Supreme Court Justices in the model of Antonin Scalia (and has issued a specific – and impressive – list of names from which he promises to draw to make his appointments to the Court
    3. To defund Planned Parenthood
    4. To rebuild the American military
    5. To protect America’s borders
    6. To strengthen America’s alliances with Israel and our Sunni Arab partners
    7. To repeal and replace Obamacare
    8. To cut taxes, reform the tax code, revitalize American manufacturing, create jobs for Blue Collar Americans, and expand economic freedom and opportunity for all Americans
  7. Do I have concerns as to whether Mr. Trump will keep all of these promises? Yes. But I have come to believe it is worth electing him in the hopes that he will keep his word. I am certain Hillary will aggressively pursue an agenda that goes against everything I believe.
  8. I believe Governor Mike Pence would make a superb Vice President.
    1. Lynn and I know Mike and Karen and have the highest respect for them. In our personal time with them, we have been deeply encouraged by their humility and character.
    2. Mike and Karen are devout Evangelical Christians.
    3. Mike is a principled conservative and is deeply knowledgeable and experienced in economic, social and foreign policy matters.
    4. Karen is a great friend, soulmate and counselor to her husband.
    5. More recently, we spent time with them in Jerusalem when the Governor led a trade delegation to Israel. They love Israel deeply. They love the Jewish people. Mike gets the seriousness of the threats posed by Radical and Apocalyptic Islam and is serious about countering them. He has deep respect for our Sunni Arab allies and understands the importance of working together with all our allies in the Middle East to counter Iran and ISIS.
    6. Mr. Trump was wise to choose Gov. Pence to serve as Vice President and deserves credit for the choice. If this is a signal of the type of leaders he will appoint in office, this would be a good thing.
  9. Hopefully, Mr. Trump would also appoint solid, experienced conservatives to key positions throughout the Cabinet and Executive Branch. I know for certain Mrs. Clinton would appoint hardcore liberals if she is elected.
  10. Finally, I have been studying I Samuel chapters 8 through 12 as I’ve been wrestling with the question, “Can I vote for a candidate for whom I have serious reservations?” In this fascinating passage, the Hebrew judge and prophet Samuel is grieved by the direction ancient Israel is going. He is grieved by Israel’s rebellion against the Lord. They want an earthly king, someone tall and strong and decisive — rather than the Lord — to govern them, lead them, protect them and solve their problems. Samuel goes to the Lord with great anguish to protest, but the Lord tells him three times to “listen to the voice of the people.” The Lord even directs Samuel to publicly anoint and bless a seriously flawed and woefully inexperienced man named Saul to be the king. The Lord does this even though He knows that Saul will fail the people and need to be replaced. But the Lord gives Samuel one further directive: Make sure the people understand what they are doing, and how urgently they need to turn back to the Lord – not to a man – to see their nation blessed and saved. “Now then, listen to their voice,” said the Lord. “However, you shall [also] solemnly warn them.” Did God tell Samuel to support a flawed man for the highest position of leadership in the nation even though it went directly against Samuel’s conscience? Yes, He did. But Samuel was never to stop calling the nation back to the Lord until the day he died. Now I am not Samuel, and Mr. Trump is not Saul. The details are different. But the principle is intriguing, and it has been helpful to me.
Today, I live in Israel and am a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen. But I was born and raised in the United States. I am an American citizen and profoundly grateful for this birthright. Heroic men and women have laid down their lives to give me the right to vote, and I am grateful. I can’t say I am happy with the choices I have, but I am finally at peace about what I should do.

To be clear, I am not endorsing Mr. Trump. I am simply saying I am going to vote for him (by absentee ballot) because Hillary must be stopped.

In the meantime, I will continue to pray faithfully and earnestly for the Trump, Pence, Clinton and Kaine families and for their teams. I will pray the Lord has mercy on them, and mercy on each and every American.

Finally, I will also keep meditating on a sobering passage of Scripture at this critical moment — 1 Samuel 12:22-25 – and encourage other believers to do the same:
“For the Lord will not abandon His people on account of His great name, because the Lord has been pleased to make you a people for Himself,” said Samuel to his nation. “Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray for you; but I will instruct you in the good and right way. Only fear the Lord and serve Him in truth with all your heart; for consider what great things He has done for you. But if you still do wickedly, both you and your king will be swept away.”
[This column is based on my personal beliefs and opinions. I share them in my personal capacity as an American citizen and an author. They do not necessarily reflect the views of The Joshua Fund, which is a non-profit organization and takes no political or legislative positions.]

** Please Note:   The link provided in the above article was broken, so I replaced it with a direct link to the information about the Democratic Party Platform, which was put in place at the 2016 Democratic Convention.  (Gail Golden, 10/4/2018)  I found this graphic online, and think it explains things very well.  I'm praying and believing there will be a RED WAVE on November 6, 2018

Please read my previous posts about this presidential election:  Our Next President Number 1 - 3  for several more thoughtful articles I've read over the past couple of weeks.  

I am focused on reading the news from different outlets, and praying for our nation. The I am praying and putting feet to my prayers by talking with friends and family and encouraging people to vote for Donald J Trump.  Please read my reaction to the news that Donald Trump WON the election HERE.

Our Next President #3

Gail-Friends, I believe this is the most important presidential election of our lifetime.  We stand at the brink of the loss of the American way of life.  It's a choice between capitalism/ the American Way and Socialism / the New World Order.  It's a choice between religious freedom  and domination of a god-less, immoral regime.

I don't know the writer of the following post, but I like his ability to communicate what's happening in this presidential election.   Also, read these previous posts about who to vote for on November :

Our Next President #1

Our Next President #2


Today, you’ll hear terrifying things about our government. But it may be a miracle.

By Mario Murillo

posted on his blog 11/3/16

In the next few hours you are going to hear some truly terrifying things about our government.  Today you will find out things you were never supposed to know.  An avalanche of facts will confirm some of our worst fears and God’s great mercy.

Remember when you thought the president was supposed to protect us?  Remember when you thought the Department of Justice was supposed to bring justice?  Remember when you thought the State Department was supposed to keep us safe?

Well sit down…because here comes the truth: We have not had a democracy for 8 years.  We have been led by a junta—a crime family.  They have finally been outed.

Here is what you already know:

CNN fed debate questions to Hillary Clinton.

George Soros owns voting machines.

Barack Obama ordered the FBI not to indict Hillary and stopped them from convening a Grand Jury to indict the Clinton Foundation.

The Clinton campaign paid people to start fights at Trump rallies.

Facebook, Google and Twitter conspired to manipulate information to place Hillary in a good light and Trump in a bad light.  They lied and censored to advance her campaign.

We know that 65% of all Americans believe Hillary has broken federal law.

We know that 53% believe it was wrong not to indict her.

Today you are going to find out how deep and wide this collusion really is.  You get to meet the many tentacled beast.

These people did not merely blur the Separation of Powers Act of the Constitution…they removed it.

They formed a legislative monopoly—one that pools power and freely operates above the law.

One of the first to discover this was Bernie Sanders.  Only, they scared him so badly that he is terrified to tell us the truth—he even turned on his own supporters.

Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Loretta Lynch, the Department of Justice, the State Department, the IRS and our mass media, newspapers, magazines and social media including Google, Facebook and Twitter all work together.  They collaborate… they plan things.

This was how John Podesta could tell Hillary every move the DOJ was making in advance.  Then it all came out in the open.

We now know that at least 5 nations have hacked and now own Hillary Clinton’s emails.

We now know there is a 99% chance that Bill and Hillary Clinton will be indicted for criminal activity involving hundreds of millions of dollars.  They are under suspicion for selling influence to enrich themselves.  They sold favors to nations that are sworn enemies of the U.S.!

We are still at the tip of the iceberg.  James Comey has been aware of this information for almost a year.  He has even more information…enough to fill an ocean liner.   He finally caved and sent a letter to Congress to announce he was reopening the Clinton email investigation.

Why did Comey brave the wrath of the ruling family?  Because  “Rogue”  FBI agents couldn’t take the filth, lies and abuse of power on the American people anymore.  They forced Comey’s hand.  These agents are true American heroes.

While I do not condone stealing emails, we must admit that WikiLeaks was key in finding out things we never would have known.  If it were not for Fox News you would not see it on television.

Today you will be hearing things even Thomas Wolfe could not put in a scandalous novel.  Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might as you hear the horrifying reality that God is trying to spare us from.  A tidal wave of information will be coming out within hours.

Again, you were never supposed to find out about this.  I believe this is an answer to the prayers of the saints.  You had better realize you have been given a miracle.  If you and I do not seize this miracle, then we deserve all the tyranny that Hillary will hand out.

Today I believe God has had mercy on us to expose this before the election.  Time to dump Bill and Hillary like nuclear waste…and drain the swamp.


Please don't listen to the network news.  They either ignore what's happening or spin every story in order to deceive and control people for their own evil agenda.   Read the following outlets for the real news:
read the emails for yourself at

If you don't like Trump, vote for the platform he represents.
  Please read my reaction to the news that Donald Trump WON the election HERE.

Our Next President #2


This is a follow up to the Mario Murillo article last week.  The post below is from his website.


I wrote about Max and Beth to defend Christian Trump supporters

I wrote about Max and Beth to defend Christian Trump supporters

By Mario Murillo

As I write you, 50,000 people have read the blog that mentioned Max Lucado and Beth Moore. Today I want to clear the air about why that happened.

For me to mention the name of a fellow minister is like getting a root canal.  I only do it when all other remedies have been exhausted.  We are family.  We are all on the same team.  Christian unity is a witness to a dying world.

So then why did I put out the blog?  I did it to defend Christians who are going to vote for Trump.
Whether Max and Beth intended it or not, their remarks had the effect—I am being delicate and kind here—of questioning Christians who support Trump.

Max openly wondered how any Evangelical could follow Donald.

Beth did the same to Christian men who support Trump.  She can’t support Trump because he “objectifies women” and she believes he assaulted women.  She can’t see how any Christian man who would support Trump.

But they are both doing something else that really hurts Christians who support Trump: They are being silent about Hillary Clinton.  They have said nothing against her.  More on this later.

Other celebrity Christian leaders are doing much worse.  They have thrown millions of sincere Jesus followers into Hillary’s basket of deplorables.

So let’s talk about Christian Trump supporters.

1.  Many of them are positive thinkers and entrepreneurs. They resonate with Trump’s winners approach to life. These are the church members most likely to give big to a vision or help pay off the building.  They are not the critics and legalistic people that hinder you pastor.

2.  Most Christian Trump supporters are patriotic. They love America.  They believe that we live in the greatest country on earth.  They are angry our laws are being disregarded by secular progressives. They are angry with pro athletes who disgrace our flag and national anthem.  They stand with cops, the military and first responders.  

3.  The majority of Christian Trump supporters are all about common sense. They believe:
-Our trade deals with other nations make no sense.
-Political correctness is a silly idea that has morphed into a tedious tyranny.
-It makes no sense to judge Trump’s past bankruptcies while ignoring someone who will carry on Obama’s disastrous spending.
-It makes no sense to leave our borders unsecured and allow an influx of criminals.  They have committed of millions of crimes and have killed our children.
-It makes no sense to oppress the church with regulations that force Christians, Churches, and Christian employers to pay for contraceptives and abortions.
-It makes no sense to support a woman who will turn Christian witnessing into a hate crime.
-It makes no sense to reject Trump for statements he made 11 years ago when you have no proof he is not a changed man.  Bill Clinton is not a changed man.  We know from a recent statement by General Colin Powell that Bill Clinton is still committing adultery and Hillary still covers it up.
-It makes no sense to compare Donald’s tax forms to 33,000 emails that Clinton criminally erased—emails that pose a national security threat.
-It makes no sense to deny you are helping Hillary if you don’t vote—or if you vote for a third candidate.  It’s a two-person race.  Trump is the underdog.  He needs every vote he can get, and every vote he does not get, helps her.  You can numb your conscience all you want but facts are facts…if you don’t vote for him, you are helping Hillary.
– It makes no sense to talk about Trump but never talk about Clinton.

I respect both of these Christian leaders and I refuse to engage in a war of words.  Nevertheless, they need to know—innocently or deliberately—millions of sheep feel wounded and betrayed.  As I said before, what hurts them the most it is this: You speak against Trump but remain totally silent about Hillary Clinton.

-You say Trump is rude?  How rude is it to ignore repeated cries for help and send four Americans to their death in Benghazi?   How rude is it to lie—to the parents and family of the slain at their funeral—by blaming their death on a video.
-You reject Trump because you support women?  Hillary has never denied laughing at a 12-year-old girl who was raped.  She has never denied trying to bury the women her husband raped.  She has enriched her foundation with millions from nations that kill women and enslave them.   Hillary Clinton believes it is okay to kill a baby even after nine months of pregnancy.  Abortion is murder but what does killing your baby even if its head is crowning out of the womb do to that child let alone the mother?

WHY, WHY, WHY AREN’T YOU TALKING ABOUT HER?  The believer who supports Trump is horrified by your silence.   They see you tweeting and pontificating about Trump but you offer no answer for the undoing of the Constitution—the trashing of the Supreme Court—the threat to America that Obama and Hillary’s foreign policy has created.They want to know if celebrity Christians live in a bubble.  They wonder, “what is your solution to the national disaster?”  Are you that out of touch with reality?

4. Christian Trump supporters believe voting for him is a moral thing to do:

Laura Ingraham says her support of Trump is an extension of her faith:
“The truth is that those of us who support Trump understand all too well the reality of the choice that faces us, and are doing the best we can to save this country.

On the other hand, not voting for Trump — and hoping that he loses — also represents a moral choice:
It means aligning yourself, at least temporarily, with left-wing nightmares Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and all the other radicals who want Trump to lose.

It means turning a deaf ear to your fellow Americans who can’t take four more years of decline, and who are desperate for new leadership.

It means allowing another four or eight years of flat-lining wages and growth, and high taxes on American businesses.

It means hardening your heart against people those who have spent 40 years trying to stop abortion.

It means doing nothing when The New York Times, and The Washington Post, and every other left-wing outlet mocks and ridicules the Trump supporters as racists and bigots.

It means cheering (silently or not) along with every smear and every snide comment that Hollywood and the media can use to attack Trump’s voters.

That’s the choice the NeverTrumpers have made — a decision to do nothing, to wash their hands of the election, of the Republican Party, of the country itself.

That may represent some people’s version of morality. But it’s not mine.”

5. Christian Trump supporters believe it is all about the Supreme Court:  Columnist Thomas Sowell hit the nail on the head when he said, “The issue is judges that stick to the law versus judges who ignore the law. That is a huge distinction. It is the difference between living in a self-governing democracy and living under tyrants on the bench.”

Through his or her appointments, the next president will determine whether the federal judiciary respects its proper, limited role in our self-governing democracy, or whether we continue to slide ever further toward judicial tyranny. There is no more important issue in this election.   We already know the kind of judges she will nominate.

Franklin Graham summed it all up: “A lot of people are slamming evangelicals for supposedly giving Donald J. Trump a pass. That’s simply not true. No one is giving him a pass.  I’m certainly not, and I’ve not met an evangelical yet who condones his language or inexcusable behavior from over a decade ago. However, he has apologized to his wife, his family, and to the American people for this. He has taken full responsibility. This election isn’t about Donald Trump’s behavior from 11 years ago or Hillary Clinton’s recent missing emails, lies, and false statements. This election is about the Supreme Court and the justices that the next president will nominate. Evangelicals are going to have to decide which candidate they trust to nominate men and women to the court who will defend the constitution and support religious freedoms. My prayer is that Christians will not be deceived by the liberal media about what is at stake for future generations.”


On Friday, October 28, 2016, the news came out that the FBI has reopened the email case against Hillary Clinton.  So, that means a candidate for the presidency of the USA is under criminal investigation.  This is a new concern.  We must not sit by and be silent in this matter.  Pray and put feet to your prayers.  Call your representatives in Washington and let them know you want her removed from the ballot.  

The major television news outlets are not doing their job.  If they are your news source, you're not getting the whole picture.  These are other concerns not being reported by television sources such as CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC:

James O'Keefe's Project Veritas - undercover investigation videos showing DNC  election dirty tricks and fraud related to voting machines and causing violence at Trump rallies.  

Julian Assange Wikileaks postings related to emails from President Obama,  Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, and other DNC leaders.  These emails show lies, devious plans and coverups of their corruption.  These make Watergate look like a child's story book.  

You can find all of these news stories on Youtube.  If you love America, please do your own investigation.  Your future depends on knowing the truth, not the lies and deception being fed on the major news outlets.  They are a big part of the problem.

Please read my reaction to the news that Donald Trump WON the election HERE.