Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Golden Cottage & Garden Musings

Greetings Gail-Friends!

This will be a quick post to catch up on the happenings at Golden Cottage and Garden.  We've been busy 'round here - mostly in the garden.

But first -- I saw this photo (up top) on the highway median and snapped a quick pic.  Sorry it's so blurry.  It says, "Every thing will be OK."  God bless whoever put it there.  It's a message for us all.  God is still on His throne.  He holds the world in His hands.  Our job is to trust His plan.  This, too, shall pass, Gail-Friends. And if we are called according to His purpose, it will all work together for our good.  Here's a pretty bouquet just for you, Gail-Friends.

I love carnations and these variegated ones caught my eye at the local grocery store.  I just add some faux baby's breath and voila!  Instant cheer!

Here in paradise, things are pretty much back to normal.  We go about our normal business, go out to eat, go shopping, and to our doctor appointments.  We're catching up on all of the ones that were cancelled due to the "dampanic."

Speaking of doctor appointments, I had cataract surgery this past Monday on my left eye.  I've been blind in that eye all of my life.  The only letter I could ever see is the giant "E" and that was very blurry.  The day after surgery, I went for my post-op visit and they checked my vision.  Gail-Friends, I shouted, "YAHOO!"  Why?  Because I could read two other lines on the chart! This is the first time in my life! 

Before the surgery, my vision was 20/400.  That day it was 20/250.  And it could improve further after the swelling goes down!  I just thanked God over and over -- and I'm still praising Him.  The doctor was very encouraged because he said my left eye was very hard to work with due to a big, nasty scar which made it difficult to measure accurately.  I told him many people were praying for him.  He did a great job (with God's guiding hand and the angel's protection).  Halleluyah!

At the eye doctor's office, I thought this fish was funny and had to take his picture. 

We rarely wear masks -- mostly at the doctors offices, because they require it.  I've had more than one health professional say they DO NOT wear masks outside their place of work.  People are living in fear and are being scammed on this point.  I believe this will all be over once the election happens.  .I believe it's a way to control people and keep them in fear.  I've read plenty of articles and seen many videos.  Masks are for sick people.  Not for healthy people.  Our country has been through many flu seasons and this one is no different.  What's different is the way they are doing to manipulate people.  Good hygiene and good old common sense are the most important things.

On Memorial Day, we visited a local veterans memorial cemetery.  It was pouring rain, but we thought it important to remember and honor those who loved and gave their lives for our beloved country.  This cemetery had been long neglected and was grown over with weeds.  A local DAV group, along with a Boy Scout, spearheaded an effort to revitalize it.  They did a wonderful job and now it's very beautiful.

Flags were raised for each branch of the military, and Jem was honored to hoist the flag for the Navy.  I held the umbrella for him 'cause, like I said, it was really raining.  The ceremony was short, but very moving.  God bless all who died in service to preserve freedom.

As always, Jem put out lots of flags for Memorial Day and Flag Day.

Have you heard of Bright Line Eating?  Well, it's a healthy way of eating and I've been learning about it.  Basically, you don't eat sugar or flour and you eat lots of healthy protein, veggies and fruit.  Giving up bread is the hardest part for me. (I''ve already given up sugar.)  Jem and I went to Panara recently and this painting pretty much depicts how I feel about giving up bread. (LOL) We laughed about it, but I am serious about getting healthy.  I'll keep you posted on my progress in the weeks ahead.  I'm already feeling better and sleeping better, too.

On the subject of sleep, it's not uncommon for women my age to have sleeping problems.  I can go to sleep, but staying asleep is my problem because my brain keeps thinking and thinking like the Energizer Bunny. But praise to Hashem, I've found the key for me. I visited a local herbalist and found the answer!  I use two 500 mg capsules of passion flower and 500 mg of magnesium about thirty minutes before bed..  This has been working very well and is an answer to prayer.  I've been getting seven to eight hours of sleep every night.  Halleluyah! 

We were taking a ride in the country last week and Jem spotted something on the side of the road.  He thought it was a coiled up snake ready to strike.  We turned around, and saw that it was a leather-back snapping turtle with his head raised up high.  He took off into the grass when we stopped to take a picture. 

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On Fathers Day, we took a ride up to Oak Hill for a seafood dinner at Goodriches Restaurant.  Jem wore his Trump hat and got some good comments.  We love our president and lots of others do, too!  The weather was gorgeous, warm and breezy.  We sat on the deck and enjoyed watching the birds and the boats pass by. 

I love this man!  He's a mensch and a mentor.  He never had children of his own, but has been a father and a bright and shining example to many children, teens, and other men.  I admire and honor him above all men I've ever known.

Wouldn't you love to take a ride on this beauty?

Our gardener (Rabbi Jem aka Mr. Green Jeans) has been building a pathway from the back door to the pond.  It's so nice not to have to walk in a clean path instead of the dirt.  He's been working every morning before noon on this project.  By noon, the sun has moved to the backyard and it's too hot to bear.  Isn't it gorgeous? 

My peace lilies are blooming profusely.  Twenty-five at last count!

And we had our first night-blooming cereus.  I always love, love, love seeing those beauties.

We planted veggies, and they are bearing well - except for the squash.  The rains came and they all died. I've been cutting lettuce every other day, and we get about fifty of the little golden tomatoes daily.  They are so good and sweet.  The beefsteak tomatoes and the peppers have not matured yet, but they're coming! We had our first mess of green beans yesterday and ate them for supper.  I forgot to take a photo.  The spinach didn't come up at all.  Gardening in this hot central Florida weather is challenging, Gail-Friends!

Well, Gail-Friends, that's all for now.  We're looking forward to the 4th of July.  We live in a wonderful country.  God has surely shed His grace on us.  We were born for such a time as this -- to pray and put feet to our prayers.  Let's stand up for our country, our president, our flag, and our anthem.  If we don't, we will lose it.  Seek God's face to see what He'd have you do to preserve our life and liberty.

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