Friday, August 11, 2023

Memorizing Psalm 91


Psalm 91 is what I call my hurricane psalm because I read it over and over while going through a major hurricane.  What a comfort it is.**  I've written about this psalm six times here on my blog.

Over the past several months, I've been trying to commit Psalm 91 to memory. Believe me, Gail-Friends, it is so hard!!  I'm so grateful for the Bible verses I learned as a child because as I/we grow older, memorization becomes more difficult. 

Recently I discovered this musical version of Psalm 91 by Aaron Shust.  It's a catchy tune and I really like it.  I hope you will listen, song along, and be blessed.  It's a great song for the Sabbath.  

Shabbat shalom. 

**Since I've lived in Florida all of my life, I've gone through many hurricanes (three of them in 2004).  Here's a post about going through hurricanes.

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