Thursday, November 30, 2023

Bible Translations


After you read this post, please read my blog post about this subject.  I agree with the following post, and want to add an important note.  I recommend The Complete Jewish Bible and also the Tree of Life Version.  I checked both Bibles related to the Scriptures above.  They both have a footnote with the "missing" verses.   Also, I recommend using the Bible Gateway website for comparing translations.  It is eye opening and an invaluable resource.
VERY CRITICAL ALERT!!! (from Jude Seddon on Facebook)
 "The NIV and English Standard Version (ESV)has now removed 64,575 words from the Bible
including . . . Calvary, Holy Ghost, and omnipotent to name but a few... 

The NIV and ESV has also now removed 45 complete verses. Most of us have the Bible on our devices and phones especially "OLIVE TREE BIBLE STUDY APP."Try and find these scriptures in NIV and ESV on your computer, phone or device right now if you are in doubt: will not believe your eyes.
Refuse to be blinded by Satan, and do not act like you just don't care. Let's not forget what the Lord Jesus said in John 10:10 (King James Version).
If you must use the NIV and ESV, BUY and KEEP AN EARLIER VERSION of the BIBLE. A Hard Copy cannot be updated. All these changes occur when they ask you to update the app. on your phone or laptop etc. Buy and KEEP EARLIER VERSIONS AND STORE THEM.
There is a crusade geared towards altering the Bible as we know it; NIV, ESV and many more versions are affected."
I hope you will take this to heart, Gail-Friends, and please, please, please take a look at "The Message", a version that is being promoted to young adults and teens.  The only thing I can say is do your research and make careful comparisons.  It is abominable.

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