I'm thankful to celebrate both the birth of Yeshua and the Festival of Lights (Hanukkah) every year. I'm filled with joy as we light the candles for eight nights. We remember the victory of the Maccabees, the miracle of the oil, and celebrate the birth of our Messiah Yeshua as the Light of the World.
This week, a member of our congregation, Sherry Goetsch, shared this writing about Hanukkah:
"Happy Birthday Jesus…
has always been in the world, in fact, He was there when the world was
formed. His birth in human flesh is
absolute pure love for us and part of a promise fulfilled.
He is the Temple, He showed us how to build His Temple (The Tabernacle), and
through transgressions it was destroyed.
Another Temple was built by Solomon and it was desecrated due to worldly
compromise. It was restored back to its
honor and rededicated. Annually, God’s
people celebrate(d) that victory. Even
Jesus himself partook in one of the annual celebrations (The Festival of
Dedication aka Hanukkah). Eventually, it
too was destroyed; however, Jesus’ death allowed us to become His Temple! Wow!
His Temple cannot be destroyed!
I light each Menorah candle for the first time this year I will reflect on all
the aforementioned and give praise and thanks for the personal relationship He
has allowed me to have with Him (which is the same for all people). I am personally responsible for the care of
this Temple. His Temple in me is under constant construction with the help of
His Holy Spirit.
Birthday, Jesus, and Happy Hanukkah!
His light shine bright through you and bring you joy!"
I love this writing, and I love watching the joy Sherry has in celebrating both Hanukkah and Christmas. As Messianic Jews, we don't give up our Jewish beliefs and traditions. We have the double blessing of seeing Yeshua, the Messiah in them.
Although we don't know exactly when Yeshua was born, we join in the acknowledgement of His coming. Aren't you glad that His name is being spoken? Aren't you glad that a day is set aside to recognize Him? Aren't you glad that the Christmas carols on the radio acknowledge and worship Him? It's a WONDER-FULL time of JOY!
Let's remember that He came for this purpose:
"To give Light to those who sit in darkness and in the
shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace" (Luke 1:79).
Let's show His love to those around us: our family, friends, neighbors, and those we connect with each day. Let's give them our time and attention, love and care all year long...not just at Christmas. Let's guide them to love and observe His ways because that is the way to peace.
Let's not take Christmas lightly, because forces are at work to remove acknowledgement of His coming altogether. I've read news stories this month of how atheists are being successful in removing these celebrations from public schools, government displays, and meetings. Office workers are now having "winter holiday / solstice parties". An atheist has been allowed to put up a rainbow pole alongside a Christmas display in our state capitol. The Muslims are also pushing to remove Christmas completely because it offends them.
I'm thankful that we are still a nation with a Judeo-Christian basis and ethic, but these beliefs are under attack by the evil one. He wants to steal, kill and destroy every acknowledgement of ADONAI. So, let's enjoy this season. Let's say "Merry Christmas" to all. When we do, we take His Name and His Light into the world.
I pray you and your family have a blessed a worship-FULL Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah.
To learn more about how we combine Christmas and Hanukkah, click HERE.
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Spiritual Sundays THE SUNDAY COMMUNITY – #GIVE ME GRACE @SEE SPEAK HEAR MAMA Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life GRAND Social The Beauty in His Grip Link-Up
The Art of Homemaking Mondays
Monday of Many Blessings
Wordless Wednesdays Jennifer Dukes Lee Tell His Story Teaching What Is Good Link-Up
Classical Homemaking Link-Up Judith’s Wholehearted Wednesday
Raising Homemakers Wednesday A
Wise Woman Builds Wake Up Wednesday A Little R & R Wednesday Wednesday's Prayer Girls & Link-Up Party Thought Provoking Thursdays at 3D Lessons 4Life Thursday
Favorite Things Monday of Many Blessings
Wordless Wednesdays Jennifer Dukes Lee Tell His Story Teaching What Is Good Link-Up
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