Friday, February 28, 2020

Thankful Thursday - Lots of Blessings

I'm back! Here's what's been happening 'round Golden Cottage:

I've been busy writing, editing, and formatting my next book.  Hopefully, it will be published in a couple of weeks.  

Our bird of paradise is finally blooming, and I'm so thankful.  I'd about given up on it because it hasn't bloomed since we potted it two or three years ago.  Now, it has two more blooms coming on.  

We were thankful to spend a nice afternoon with our grandson and son-in-law at an area historical event called Frontier Day.  We visited Sam's House on Pine Island which is the oldest standing home in Brevard County (circa 1875). The Sams Cabin is now a museum within the 1,000-acre Pine Island Conservation Area. There were lots of things to do and see in addition to touring the old cabin and the newer two-story home.

This is the parlor of the newer home.

Our grandson had fun doing things like digging for archeological artifacts, trying to rope a steer, and his favorite:

milking a cow - don't you love her expression?

roping a steer isn't as easy as it looks
The steer was a bale of hay with a set of horns.

The Civil War reenactors were there with several exhibits:

I was glad to see the register to vote booth.  When we said we were staunch Republicans, they frowned.

Jon liked sitting on a log 'round the campfire with the reenactors.  He had to show me his muscle - which is a stress ball he slid into his shirt.  I asked, "Are you ever stressed?"  He thought about it a minute and said, "Sometimes."

We loved listening to the music that day, too.  Good, old-timey folk tunes are my favorite.

I love these pics of my grand-boy.  He was pretty tired at the end of the day:

I'm so thankful for him.  These childhood days are passing by too soon.  He's going on eleven now, and every day we spend with him is precious.  I love this boy!

Toonie Woo, Esq. is doing good.  He's still not adapted to being an indoor cat and cries to go out a lot.  His nose is finally looking almost normal, after almost a year.  I hate to tell him no, but he has to stay inside for his health and well being.

My friend, Barbara, told me about a fun idea to keep the squirrels out of my birdfeeders.  A Slinky!

Well, as you can see it didn't work.  But it was fun seeing him try it the first time...going boing, boing, up and down the pole, then sliding slowly to the bottom!  It did my heart good!

We had some bad weather last week - lots of rain and wind gusts of thirty miles an hour.  We were going across the causeway and saw this  (wind kicking the waves up to four feet along the bulkhead):

Jem and I had a celebration of our love on February 14.  We're still happy as clams after almost fourteen years of marriage.  I'm so blessed and thankful.

He brought me a beautiful bouquet, card, and a sweet letter.  I gifted him with a brandy decanter (filled) with matching glasses and some of his favorite candies.  We went out that evening to a prime rib dinner at the American Legion.  They had a photo booth set up, so we had our picture made.  I love this man.  The medal box on the table is one Jem made for my father.  Those are the medals he earned during his time in the Navy during World War II.

One evening last week, we saw a gorgeous sunset.  It reminded me of a soft pink and blue baby blanket.  I never get tired of sunsets or sunrises, do you?  I feel like they are greetings and blessings from God every morning and night, and I just have to praise HIM

We've been taking some great bird rides, and I'll share some pics next week.  Winter is when all the snowbirds visit our area and I love it!  Speaking of winter, I love Florida winters.  We've been having two to three days of cool temps (highs in the low 60's), followed by three to four days of warm temps (highs in the 80's).  That's the way I like it, Gail-Friends.

Blessings to y'all and have a good week. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Pray for Rush Limbaugh

source - Wikipedia

If you, like me, are a fan of the Rush Limbaugh radio show, you are saddened to hear  his latest news.  Rush was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer.  He announced it on his radio show and you can read his statement on his website

What a thrill it was to see him receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom during the State of the Union address last week.  This is the highest civilian award an American citizen can receive and it is well deserved.  God bless President Trump for his actions to recognize Rush's love and actions to preserve the USA.

I started listening to his show in 1989, and read his book The Way Things Ought To Be.  I was so happy to hear him every day because he agreed with me about things happening in our government.  George H. W. Bush was president at that time, and the Democrats were attacking him and causing hate and discontent just like they do with every Republican president.

I've heard it said by media elites that Rush shapes public opinion, but I disagree.  On the contrary, he expresses my conservative opinions.  He is a true patriot and encourages those of who love America.

Please join me in praying for Rush's complete recovery.  You can encourage him on Facebook, Twitter, through his website, and by sending a personal card or letter by mail to Rush at this address:

The Rush Limbaugh Show
125 West 55th Street
10th Floor
New York, NY10019

Friday, February 7, 2020

Thankful Thursday - So Much Winning

Wow! What a week! And so much to be thankful for!

First, and foremost, I'm thankful that  President Trump has been acquitted in the sham impeachment trial.  It's shameful what the Democrats have done to him and his family.  I pray for President Trump and his family daily, especially for their strength, because they are at the forefront of this fight to save America.  God bless him, Melania, and all who are in the battle.

Over the  past weeks of the trial, I have consistently prayed and remembered this Scripture:  "Some trust in horses and some in chariots, but we will trust in the Name of Adonai."  I replace the word horse with senators and the word chariots with lawyers.  Why? Because I know, from past experience, that God can make a way where there seems to be no way.  My faith is not in Trump or anyone in this fight but in my mighty, all-powerful God.  How things turn out is in His hands.  I thank Him for having mercy on us this week.

I'm also thankful that we can watch the impeachment trial on the internet.  I didn't say television because not all of the major networks covered it, and I think that's shameful.  We are watching history play out right before our eyes, Gail-Friends.  I'm so thankful for other news sources besides the biased, alphabet television news.  I gave up on those news outlets many, many years ago because I see them as propaganda machines for the progressive agenda that is trying to fundamentally change America.   We have options now because of the internet:  CSPAN covers government hearings and events and archives the videos.  I'm thankful for YouTube (although they are notorious for censoring and removing conservative videos).  We have the websites of Breitbart News, One America News, and Right Side Broadcasting who report the news with a conservative viewpoint.

I'm grateful for the president's State of the Union Address on Tuesday night.  I loved seeing the recognition of America's heroes and especially the presentation of the Medal of Freedom for Rush Limbaugh.  I enjoyed hearing about the accomplishments of President Trump over the past year, and I'm thankful that he is keeping the promises he made in his campaign.  It's so great to have a president who believes in the American ideals I grew up with, and who encourages excellence and individual effort to be outstanding.  God bless him for turning his back on Obama's doom and gloom about America being finished.  Our country is roaring back to life in so many ways and I give God the glory for all of it.

I had a conversation with a friend about President Trump this week.  We both agreed that he has some very rough edges and often says things we find objectionable.  But this is how I look at it:

There is a famous artist and author that I dearly love.  I have her art and her books in my home and they bring me great enjoyment.  Sadly, she is a very liberal Democrat.  She hates Republicans and she hates Trump.  She loves Obama and Hillary Clinton.  She's a proponent of baby murder.  I never knew her political views until recently when she posted about it on her blog.  She's alienated many of her followers and clients because of this, including me.  I will never give her another penny because I don't want to support her in her efforts to destroy America.  But I still love her art and her books.  But I will only buy them second hand - so that she can make no profit from me.  I pray for her to have eyes to see and ears to hear the truth.  I pray for her to know Messiah Yeshua and to obey His Word.  I pray for her to completely turn to Adonai, the God of the Universe and follow His ways.

I pray the same for President Trump.  I don't like some aspects of his personality and I can't, and won't, defend his brashness and profanity.  But I love what he's doing for my country.  That's what I support because he's doing a fantastic job of making America great again.

I also remember that we are all on a journey.  I have been blinded in the past.  I said and did things that I'm ashamed of now.  I've repented, and thank God for His forgiveness through Yeshua.  I did not understand things about God and His Word that I see clearly now.  So, I pray for people like Trump and "the artist."  I pray for them to be humbled and to turn to God.  I pray for them to know the life that results when one follows Him whole-heartedly.

Another thing I'm grateful for this week is that evil is being exposed.  This is an answer to my prayer.  During the President's SOTU address, the Democrats refused to stand up or applaud for all of the good things mentioned in that speech.  It was shameful.  Their hate of America was on full display for all to see.  And the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi was on camera the whole time, making faces and shaking her head "no" on almost every point.  She was signaling the Democrats what to do and not do.  And at the end, she tore up her copy of the president's speech to show her pure contempt of him and his message.  Through her actions, she also showed contempt for all the good done over the past year, and of the wonderful heroes like Rush Limbaugh.  It was shocking!

Well, you may say, do I pray for Nancy Pelosi and show her the same tolerance as Trump and the artist?  Yes, I pray for her, but I also recognize the pure evil on full display.  Discernment and wisdom are equally important in this fight, Gail-Friends.  There's a difference between someone being immature in their faith and someone who has an agenda straight from Hell.
Strong words, right?  I say that because abortion is murder.  Adultery, homosexuality, transgenderism, pedophilia, and other sexual aberrations are clearly defined in the Bible as sin.  The Democrat party embraces, promotes, and even glorifies these horrible sins.   They also support illegal immigration, civil unrest, and disrespect of our military and police force. 

And so, my friends, I must ask the question -- how can you say you are a follower of Yeshua and be unequally yoked with the platform and actions of the Democrats?  Please think about it.  Research it for yourself.  Look up what the Democrat party stands for (their platform) and then search the Scriptures to see if that platform aligns with God's Word.

I'm so grateful we live in a country where we can stand up against evil and work to end actions that are damaging to our families, neighbors, states, and beloved country.  It is our civic and spiritual duty, and we must take it very seriously.  The Democrats do -- and they are very active in their pursuit of changing America. 

We cannot rest on our laurels because of this wonderful victory.  We must pray and put feet to our prayers.  I'll post more about that in the days ahead.  Like Esther, we were born for such a time as this.