Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Getting Ready for Hurricane Ian


We're getting ready for Hurricane Ian. Battening down the hatches as the old saying goes. Having lived in Florida all of my life, I've been through so many I've lost count.  You can read about my recent experiences at this link:   hurricanes

And here's a post about how to get ready when a hurricane is coming your way.  hurricane prep

But, the most important thing about my hurricane experience is the comfort I've found in Psalm 91. my hurricane psalm

I'm praying for all in the path of the storm.  Most likely, Ian will affect the whole state of Florida.  So, please join me in those prayers, Gail-Friends.  Let me know if you have any special prayer requests.  

Blessings to you all, with love. 

** photos from Pixabay with permission

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