Thursday, August 9, 2018

Thankful Thursday - Birthday Blessings Galore

Last week, we celebrated Jem's birthday.  We had a party for him with our mishpocha (family).  Thank you to David for taking these photos.

Carrot cake!!! And sugar-free pudding!

The congregation gifted him with a very nice flagpole for the front yard, a heavy-duty, super-duper nice American flag, and an American flag box to store all of his many flags.  Oh . . .and a beautiful bottle of Merlot, (which he pronounces like, "Thanks a LOT!")

One of Rabbi Jem's dreams has always been to attend the running of the bulls in Spain.  Well, one of our creative synagogue members made it happen:

Everybody roared, especially Rabbi Jem.  LaVonne is the queen of .creativity.  (I'll be doing another blog post about her beautiful creations soon.)

We also had a little at-home dinner party with family.  Rabbi Jem wanted a German chocolate cake. Since I don't eat sugar, and our daughter, Amanda, doesn't either, I made a sugar-free dessert for us. So Good!!!

We decided 72 candles would be tough to blow out, so we used numbers.  Jona-FUN had fun putting them on.

He did it!!!

There is no blessing like family, and I'm so thankful for both kinds.  We are abundantly blessed for sure!

What are you thankful for this week, Gail-Friends?

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