Friday, August 28, 2015

Sabbath Music - The Good Life

Something to meditate on during Shabbat:

 Come, children, listen to me;
I will teach you the fear of Adonai.
Which of you takes pleasure in living?
Who wants a long life to see good things?
[If you do,] keep your tongue from evil
and your lips from deceiving talk;
turn from evil, and do good;
seek peace, go after it!
 The eyes of Adonai watch over the righteous,
and his ears are open to their cry.
 But the face of Adonai opposes those who do evil,
to cut off all memory of them from the earth.
From Psalm 34:11-15(Complete Jewish Bible)

And here is a Hebrew song based on the beautiful.


I sometimes share my posts  with  friends at :

Charlotte at Spiritual Sundays
Janis with Sunday Stillness


 Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life 

  All Things Bright and Beautiful Link-Up

 Jennifer Dukes Lee Tell His Story
Thursday  Favorite Things

Friendship Friday 
  Faith Filled Friday at Missional Women
 Fellowship Fridays at Christian Mommy Blogger


 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Thankful Thursday - I'm Spoiled

Mr. Spoiler

I'm thankful to be spoiled rotten.  Yes, my husband is the culprit.  He spoils me with love and kindness every day of my life.  The first thing I hear in the morning is, "Good Morning, Gorgeous."  Then the last thing I hear at night is a sweet compliment for something I've done that day, followed by, "I love you."   

Sunday is "Pampered Princess Day" and he always cooks a special breakfast for me.  Last Sunday he made Belgian waffles.  The picture above is the extras he made to put in the freezer.  Below is one of the blueberry waffles, topped with fresh fruit.  What a man.  I call him the "Sweetest Man In The Whole Wide World."

I'm also thankful for the sweet wedding we had this week at our synagogue.  Mazel Tov to Will and Dawn.We pray you will be as happy as you were on your wedding day. 

We always have much to be thankful for when we spend time with our grandson.  We have the most interesting experiences with him. (More about his later...I'll be doing a series of posts about Camp Paw-Paw & GiGi)

Yesterday was National Dog Day, so I'd be remiss if I didn't thank G-d for our little Doxie.  She is a faithful friend, and a vicious watch dog (she is a biter).  This is a picture of her on the living room couch (which she is forbidden to get on....but oh well!) She deserves all the spoiling we give her.  She is blind, so we indulge her a lot.  Mr. Spoiler does it more than me, but that's just how he rolls.

I'm thankful for the new solar lights Mr. Spoiler put up along our front walk way yesterday.

And I'm thankful for this beautiful painting, frame, and banner donated to our synagogue.  

Thankful Thursday is my day to focus on and be thankful for all of the good things in my life.

What are you thankful for this week?

Charlotte at Spiritual Sundays
Janis with Sunday Stillness


 Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life 
  All Things Bright and Beautiful Link-Up

 Jennifer Dukes Lee Tell His Story
Thursday  Favorite Things

Friendship Friday 
  Faith Filled Friday at Missional Women   


 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wisdom Wednesdays - My Treasure

A Heart for Prayer
 (photo from Little Birdie Blessings)
As a little girl growing up in church, I remember songs like What A Friend We Have In Jesus, and All That Thrills My Soul is Jesus and wondering about it.  I didn't know G-d that way then, but I do now, and He is so precious to me.  

This is my view when I sit in my quiet place

I love the early morning and spending time with Him on my porch.  The  art and verse at the top of this post are so illustrative of my heart, and this poem expresses it so well :

“My heart is there!

’Where, on eternal hills, my loved one dwells

Among the lilies and asphodels;

Clad in the brightness of the Great White Throne,

Glad in the smile of Him who sits thereon,

The glory gilding all His wealth of hair

And making His immortal face more fair

THERE IS MY TREASURE and my heart is there.


“My heart is there!

’With Him who made all earthly life so sweet,

So fit to live, and yet to die so meet;

So mild, so grand, so gentle and so brave,

So ready to forgive, so strong to save.

His fair, pure Spirit makes the Heavens more fair,

And thither rises all my longing prayer.

THERE IS MY TREASURE and my heart is there.”
(author unknown) 
When I read it, I just had to praise Him as I remembered His provision and faithfulness to me.  

Remembering is important in maintaining a strong faith.  In the Torah, the word "remember" is mentioned over and over, especially regarding the exodus from Egypt, the Passover, and the other Feasts and Festivals.  Hashem adjures us to remember things that have happened in the past (His provision and faithfulness) as a way to strengthen our faith.  

My personal journals and prayer journals help me remember His great faithfulness to me throughout my life.  I started keeping a diary at age nine, because I wanted to remember things I was going through.  I wanted to remember how it felt to be mistreated and misunderstood, so that I would not treat anyone else that way. 

Even as a young child, my journals reflected a faith in G-d.  Over the years, the writing reflects a growing faith, and an understanding that matures over the years.  The trials were great teachers and drew me to Him. 

As a young woman in my twenties, I read George Mueller's biography and learned to record my prayers.  Oh, how it strengthens my faith to look back over them, and remember His answers.  The answers weren't always "yes", but over time I learned that His "no" answers were just as loving as "yes".   A dear friend once told me, "G-d leads by stops as well as starts".  I've never forgotten that, and learned to pay close attention to the stops.  

I remember trying to sell as house once, and it would not sell.  I prayed long and hard, but the answer was "no".  I finally gave up and acquired a renter.  Years later, I put the house up for sale, and it sold within a week.  He knew the right time and His timing was perfect to meet my need.  I learned to trust Him, because He sees ahead what I cannot.

It is joy and peace to trust in Him.  He is a loving, tender, caring, attentive Father.   Matthew 6:21 says, "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."  He is my treasure, and my heart is there.

Charlotte at Spiritual Sundays

Janis with Sunday Stillness


 Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life 
  All Things Bright and Beautiful Link-Up

 Jennifer Dukes Lee Tell His Story

Thursday  Favorite Things

Friendship Friday 
  Faith Filled Friday at Missional Women   


 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Monday, August 24, 2015

Mazel Tov - A Wedding!

Dawn and Sarah....Almost Ready

The bride circles the groom

Saying their vows

A kiss...

and a hug...


Mr. and Mrs. Will Monroe
A very happy couple

One more kiss

We are blessed to share their JOY !

Oh, Happy Day !

And the paperwork...OY VEY !

Friday, August 21, 2015

Sabbath Music - Full Surrender

That sacred time of stillness is upon us.  He calls us to come aside, rest and turn our hearts toward Him.  Sometimes it is hard.  We are busy.  We have many reasons to keep going at full speed.  But when we surrender and obey His command, we find the JOY of obedience.

This poem spoke to my heart today during my devotions.  It's from Streams in the Desert, and I understand every portion.  G-d calls us to full surrender many times as we walk this road of life.  Each level of surrender teaches us more about Him, if we are willing.

Fearing to launch on "full surrender's" tide,
I asked the L-rd where would its waters glide
My little bark, "To troubled seas I dread?"
"Unto Myself," He said.

Weeping beside an open grave I stood,
In bitterness of soul I cried to G-d:
"Where leads this path of sorrow that I tread?"
"Unto Myself," He said.

Striving for souls, I loved the work too well;
Then disappointments came; I could not tell
The reason, till He said, "I am thine all;
Unto Myself I call."

Watching my heroes--those I loved the best--
I saw them fail; they could not stand the test,
Even by this the L-rd, through tears not few,
Unto Himself me drew.

Unto Himself! No earthly tongue can tell
The bliss I find, since in His heart I dwell;
The things that charmed me once seem all as naught;
Unto Himself I'm brought.


Shabbat shalom, Gail-Friends, and  I hope you are blessed by this music today.  This is one of the songs we sing on Shabbat. 

I sometimes share my posts  with  friends at :

Charlotte at Spiritual Sundays
Janis with Sunday Stillness


 Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life 
  All Things Bright and Beautiful Link-Up

 Jennifer Dukes Lee Tell His Story
Thursday  Favorite Things

Friendship Friday 
  Faith Filled Friday at Missional Women   


 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Two Desserts and a Spatula

Sugar-free Lime Cheesecake

I promised you a recipe for my sugar-free lime dessert.  Isn't it beautiful?  I actually have two desserts for you today, and a funny story along with them.  

My sweet hubby's birthday was earlier this month, and I made his favorite, a German chocolate cake.  The recipe is pretty simple, just two boxes of cake mix and two tubs of icing, plus extra pecans for the top layer.  That's how I roll, and it really has been a long time since I baked a regular cake.  I don't eat sugar, and it's too tempting to make something I can't have, so I usually just buy him a cake.  

Well, I made the first layer (in a 9 x 13 pan), cooked it, and put it out to cool while I started on the next layer.  I mixed it up, and put it in the oven while I put my feet up for a bit.  After about fifteen minutes, I started washing the dishes, and much to my dismay, found this:

What in the world to do?  It was way too late in the day to bake another cake.  If I tried to find it in the cake, I'd tear it up.  Oh, I forgot to mention, that the cake mix also had chocolate chips in it, which  would make it near to impossible to find that missing edge of the spatula.  So, when Jem got home we made the decision to let it go and tell everybody to be careful while eating it...

At the party, Jem said, "How many of you have ever been to New Orleans?"  Some raised their hands and gave him funny looks.

"And how many of you have ever had the King Cake?"  Some raised their hands and looked at each other quizzically.  (Not sure about that word, but it fits this situation.)

"Well, tonight we're introducing the Jewish version."  More funny looks.

"My dear wife has baked a wonderful German chocolate cake for my birthday, but there's one small problem."  I am turning red with embarrassment at this point.  "It seems that a small corner of her spatula has disappeared into the cake batter."  By now, I am truly, completely mortified and red as a beet.

"So, we've decided that whoever finds the spatula gets a prize!"  He beamed, while everybody roared with laughter.  I laughed, too, but I was totally done in because everybody turned to me to see if this was another one of his jokes.  (He's famous for being a jokester.)

I nodded my head, "It's true...and I haven't baked a cake in so long, my spatula dry-rotted!"  Everybody roared with laughter and I did, too.

So, everybody was very careful as they ate the cake, which they all said was fabulous.  After a few minutes of munching, the stray spatula corner was found by LaVonne, and she won the prize -- a styrofoam ice chest full of used golf balls. (You guessed it -- that was the jokester's idea.)  We all cheered, and after that, everybody relaxed and enjoyed their cake and vanilla ice cream.

It was a fun party and it was a birthday cake that will live on in infamy. Here's a picture of the cake, and the birthday boy.

Now, here's that recipe I promised you:

Lime Cheesecake (sugar-free)


1 c. almond meal
1/2 c pecans, chopped fine
1 T. Stevia in the raw
4 T. butter, melted
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/8 tsp salt


8 oz. cream cheese (at room temperature)
1 package of sugar free instant pudding
1/2 c. lime juice (these were fresh off our own tree, hand-squeezed on my mama's antique juicer)
1 cup skim milk


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 

Mix together the crust ingredients and then press into a lightly greased pie pan. (I used a square glass one).  Bake the crust until the edges are slightly browned (about 10-15 minutes). Place the dish on a rack to cool.


Mix all of the filling ingredients  with an electric mixer until well blended. (Use a deep bowl, or you'll make a big mess like I did).  Pour the filling over the cooled crust.  Refrigerate 3 to 4 hours.  


My husband and I loved it, and I hope you will, too.  Let me know if you try it.


 I sometimes share my posts  with  friends at :

Charlotte at Spiritual Sundays
Janis with Sunday Stillness


 Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life 

  All Things Bright and Beautiful Link-Up

 Jennifer Dukes Lee Tell His Story
Thursday  Favorite Things

Friendship Friday 
  Faith Filled Friday at Missional Women
 Fellowship Fridays at Christian Mommy Blogger


 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wisdom Wednesdays - The Olive Tree

In my porch time this week, I read the above Scripture, and as I meditated on it and sat still to LISTEN, I  had to paint this picture.  In Judaism, the olive is very symbolic.  These are just a few interesting facts:
  • The olive tree is symbolic of peace.  After the flood, a dove brought an olive branch to Noah to show that the waters had begun to recede. (Genesis 8:11)
  • Olive oil was used to light the eternal flame in the Tabernacle and also to anoint it, along with all of the ritual items and the priests.  (Exodus 27-30) 
  • The olive tree was listed as part of the "good land" the Israelites would be given. The good land (Exodus 8:8) was a "land of wheat, and barley, and vines, and fig trees, and pomegranates; a land of oil olive, and honey."
  • Olive oil is used to light menorahs (the seven-branched candelabra) and is symbol of "the Light of the World".
  • Olive trees bloom in spring and bear fruit around the time of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles)
  • The trees can survive and thrive in poor soil, and can live 1,000 years or more.  

    Olive trees in the Garden of Gethsemane, Mount of Olives, Jerusalem, Israel  (2013)


As I read these facts, I understood why Hashem had impressed this verse on my heart.  I realized that, like the Psalmist, He has made me very much like an olive tree because:
  • Hashem has given me such glorious peace.  I am so enamored with peace and seek it above everything, both in my heart and in my home. I especially love the peace I feel when I sit on my porch and spend time alone with Him.
  • Like the olive oil, I am a light to the world because the Light of the World lives in me.
  • Just as Israel was given the "good land" and "good fruit", I have been given a good life through His grace and through obedience to His Truth.  I am good fruit because He lives in me, speaks to me, works in me, and moves through me, His servant.
  • Just as the olive tree lives and bears fruit even though very old, I am bearing fruit in my old age.  My desire is to live even longer and bear much more fruit for His Kingdom.
  • Like the olive tree, I was planted in rocky soil.  I've survived many storms and hardships, but am still alive, thriving, and bearing fruit for His glory.
  • All of this is true because I trust in Him and His grace. Great trials have made me strong and have taught me truths about Hashem that no one can take from me.  I give Him all the glory and praise.  What a blessing to be a part of His family, and to call Him my Father.

We have many olive tree art pieces in our synagogue as a reminder of this blessing from Hashem. This is one of my favorites.
One of my favorite places in Israel was the Garden of Gethsemane, which is an olive grove on a hill across from the Eastern Gate of the Old City.  The photo above is from the Mount of Olives, and you can read about my visit and see more photos HERE.


 I sometimes share my posts  with  friends at :

Charlotte at Spiritual Sundays
Janis with Sunday Stillness


 Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life 

  All Things Bright and Beautiful Link-Up

 Jennifer Dukes Lee Tell His Story
Thursday  Favorite Things

Friendship Friday 
  Faith Filled Friday at Missional Women
 Fellowship Fridays at Christian Mommy Blogger


 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew