Thursday, May 31, 2018

Thankful Thursday - Bird Nerd Happiness

My mystery Mother's Day rose

Greetings Gail-Friends!

I've been super busy lately.  We just returned home from the Florida Folk Festival and I was pretty pooped.  We were up every morning by 6 am, and back to the hotel by 7 pm, so they were long, full days.  I'll have some photos for you next week since I don't have time to edit right now.

I have to share my Bird Nerd Happiness with you.  Recently, I caught a photo of a new bird at the feeders.  It was green with darker feathers on the wings.  I looked and looked through every bird book I have and could not identify it.  Well,  I was looking through some photos I took over the last month or so and found this!

I took this photo through my kitchen window, screen and all.  I forgot about it until today when I was scanning through my pics.  When I took the photo, it was very dark, so today I lightened it up and enhanced it and VOILA!  Mystery solved!  This is a male Indigo Bunting and a female on the right.  She is the mystery bird!  If I could, I'd do a cartwheel . . . Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!  You have to be a Bird Nerd to understand my enthusiasm!!!!!

I thanked God because I have prayed to identify the bird, and also to get a good photo of the male Indigo Bunting.  This one is fully mature, while the one I shared a while back was a young one whose feathers had not reached full color.  Isn't God good?  He cares about the smallest things - the desires of our hearts.  He's a wonderful Father!

I'm thankful for a special surprise I received on Mother's Day.  We had gone out to dinner, and when we returned home, I found a beautiful rose sitting at my front door.  No card was attached to tell me who it was from.  Everyone I've asked has said it wasn't them.  So, it's a mystery.  But whoever you are, I truly thank you.  You have no idea what a blessing you were to me.  Hugs and kisses to you and lots of love.

May was a wonderful month with many blessings!  My book, Golden Moments, was published and is being well received.  Thank you to all who've purchased it.  If you enjoyed it, I'd deeply appreciate your writing a short review on Amazon.  Here's the link:  Golden Moments

I saw this quote and wanted to share it with you because it's about thankfulness.  Yes, we are to be grateful for God's benefits which are more than we can ever number.

What are you thankful for this week, Gail-Friends?

I sometimes share my posts with these friends:
  Spiritual Sundays  GRAND Social      Modest Mom Monday Link-up      The Art of Homemaking Mondays
   BLOGGING GRANDMOTHERS LINK PARTY     Share Your Cup Wednesday Wordless Wednesdays    Classical Homemaking Link-Up     
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Sunday Thoughts Link-Up

Friday, May 25, 2018

Sabbath Music - Torah Ora

Graphic used by permission from

Shabbat Shalom Greetings and Blessings to You, Gail-Friends.

We had a wonderful celebration of Shavuot at the synagogue, with everyone having the blessing of carrying the Torah.  I always enjoy seeing people dancing with joy as they parade the scroll around the room.  This is the song we dance to (meaning is Torah is Light):  Torah Ora 

Juan had tears in his eyes as he held the Torah scroll:

During Shavuot, it is a Jewish tradition to read the Torah passages related to the giving of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 19-20).  As I read,  I reflected on how the Sabbath day has been changed.

When I was nine years old, I questioned  my Southern Baptist pastor about why we didn't observe God's commandment about the Sabbath, which is Saturday.  He told me it was changed, but I never found anything to back that up in the New Testament.  Twenty-two years ago, I  decided to obey Yeshua (Jesus) and stopped following preachers, teachers, religions, and denominations that taught me to disobey God.  The Bible calls them false prophets.

I found something interesting this week that you may not know.  The article is about how the Sabbath was changed by the Catholic Church.  I knew the history of this change because I'd researched it for myself over twenty years ago.  I highly recommend the book Our Father Abraham - Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith by Marvin R Wilson.  Here's the link to the article I read this week:

Something to think about . . .

Here's another video for your Sabbath worship.  I love the lyrics that say, "May everyone find Sabbath rest one day".     Sabbath Rest by Liberated Wailing Wall

I took a bit of a break from posting this week, but I will resume regular posting after Memorial Day.


I sometimes share my posts with these friends:
  Spiritual Sundays  GRAND Social      Modest Mom Monday Link-up      The Art of Homemaking Mondays
   BLOGGING GRANDMOTHERS LINK PARTY     Share Your Cup Wednesday Wordless Wednesdays    Classical Homemaking Link-Up     
    Favorite Things Home and Garden Thursday at Delightsome Life  Paula's Weekend No Rules Blog Party Friendship Friday 
Sunday Thoughts Link-Up

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Pray About Everything?

Do you find it hard to pray about the little things in your life?

It took me a long time to learn that God cares about every detail of our lives. 


Trials such as dead batteries, job searches, and even duct tape have taught me that He cares about every single detail of my life, and I share the stories to encourage you to pray about every problem you face, too.

Golden Moments,  is a collection of short, personal stories about God working in my daily life. I hope that my struggles and prayers will inspire you to see God working in the small, everyday happenings of your own life...and that you'll be encouraged to pray about everything.


Golden Moments has been enjoyed by both male and female readers and is available online through Amazon.  If you're an Amazon Prime member, shipping is free!

If you live in the continental U.S., you may purchase the book from me directly by sending an email to gggolden77@gmail. Cost:  $6.00 (plus  $3.00 S/H) 

Friday, May 18, 2018

Sabbath Music - Shavuot Celebration!

Greetings, Gail-Friends!  This weekend, we will celebrate Shavuot, and I thought I'd share a post I did when we received our Torah scroll at Ma'gen Da'vid Synagogue.  What a joyous memory.  Here's a song for your Sabbath, and for Shavuot, and I pray you will know the JOY of studying the Torah and of receiving the Ruach Hakodesh.  Hene Bati by Michael ben David

Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. Matthew 24:35

Our long awaited package from Israel had finally arrived! Eyes glistening with tears, Rabbi Jem’s hands shook as he opened the carefully wrapped package. Tenderly, he lifted the precious 350-year old Torah scroll from its’ wrappings. Rabbi Jem and I unrolled the scroll and marveled at the soft deer skin parchment and the beautiful precision of the Hebrew letters. We both were overjoyed because the scroll arrived just in time for our Messianic synagogue’s celebration of Shavuot. How appropriate.

Shavuot celebrates two things. First, we thank God for His blessings on the first of the summer grain crops (barley). The festival reminds us that without Him and His provision of sun and rain, we would not have food. Second, we celebrate the giving of the Torah (the first five books of the Bible) to the Jewish people. When this festival comes, there is great celebration because of our love and gratitude for the Scriptures. The giving of the Torah is God’s blessing, for the Word of God is our spiritual food. On the first day of Shavuot, we read the Ten Commandments from Exodus 20 to remind us of the Laws that give us Life. On the second day of Shavuot, we read the book of Ruth, which is the beautiful picture of Yeshua (Jesus), as our Kinsman Redeemer.

As Messianics (believers in Yeshua as Messiah), we also celebrate Shavuot as the day when the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) descended on the believers in Yarushalem (Jerusalem). In Acts 2, you will see how Jews from all over the world were assembled for Shavuot. The Spirit came down, appearing as tongues of fire upon their heads, and they all spoke with other tongues (languages). Thus, the Good News about Yeshua was given to people in their own language. Believers received the indwelling of God, and His Word was written on their hearts. He came inside the believers and gave them the power to be witnesses all over the world and to spread the Gospel (Good News). Thus, these believers were the First Fruits of the Ruach Hakodesh.

As Messianic believers, on Shavuot, we celebrate the giving of God’s Holy Word, physically, and the coming of the Word into our hearts, spiritually. Shavuot is a powerful, visual reminder that God’s Law is important to our lives and that the power to live that Word has been given through the Ruach HaKodesh. No longer does it need to be hard to follow and obey God, because He, Himself, indwells us to give us the desire and the power to follow and obey.

That night, at our synagogue, we celebrated Shavuot and God’s blessing us with our own Torah scroll. Rabbi Jem explained how many years it takes a person to prepare to write a scroll, and how it can take an entire year or more to actually write. We were in awe to learn that a modern day scroll compared to a 1000-year-old scroll would be exactly the same. Not one jot or tittle (the very tiniest Hebrew letters) would be different. We thanked God for His Word, and for the faithfulness of Jews who have preserved it for us.

Later, the scroll was carried on the shoulder of our very first congregation member. We followed behind, dancing and singing with joy, waving flags and banners, and rejoicing that God favored us by giving us His Torah and that He lives within our hearts.

You can see pictures of our celebration of Shavuot 2009 at our website photo gallery:Ma'gen Da'vid Messianic Synagogue - Shavuot Celebration

I sometimes share my posts with these friends:
  Spiritual Sundays  GRAND Social      Modest Mom Monday Link-up      The Art of Homemaking Mondays
   BLOGGING GRANDMOTHERS LINK PARTY     Share Your Cup Wednesday Wordless Wednesdays    Classical Homemaking Link-Up     
    Favorite Things Home and Garden Thursday at Delightsome Life  Paula's Weekend No Rules Blog Party Friendship Friday 
Sunday Thoughts Link-Up

Sunday, May 13, 2018

A Mother's Legacy

Happy Mothers Day, Gail-Friends!  

I'm so blessed to be a mother.  As a child, my only goal was to be married and have children.  I married young, at eighteen, and my heart's desire was to have five children. After three years, I became pregnant but lost that little one after only three months.  I conceived again, and one long and anxious year later, I was blessed with my first daughter. After six more barren years, my second daughter was born. I prayed long and diligently to conceive and bear my children, so both are my special gifts from G-d and I treasure them dearly.

Every year on Mothers Day, I remember the day when I first held them in my arms. (This was back in the day when you went to sleep and woke up with a bathed and powdered baby.)  Melissa looked like a little angel with her blond hair standing up around her head like a shiny halo.  Amanda, looked like an angry school teacher, squinting up at me.  We found out later that she was trying hard to focus and started wearing glasses at three years old.  Those two days I count as some of the happiest of my life. 

My girls, their wonderful husbands, and my precious grandson have brought me an abundant and overflowing JOY!  Yes, there have been some challenges and tears along the way, but that's a part of life and motherhood, right?  In my heart, the good memories far outweigh the bad.

I found a lovely poem this week and wanted to share it with Y'all.  I believe it expresses the most valuable thing a mother can leave her children. 

The Legacy

She could not give her children gold,
So she gave them faith to have and hold.

She could not give them royal birth...
A name renowned throughout the earth.
But she gave them seeds and garden spot
And shade trees when the sun was hot.

She could not give a silver spoon
Or servants waiting night and noon.
She gave them love and a listening ear
And told them God was always near.

She could not give them ocean trips
Aboard majestic sailing ships.
But she gave them books and quiet time,
Adventures found in prose and rhyme.

She could not give them worldly things
But what she gave was fit for kings.
For with her faith and books and sod,
She made each child aware of God.

by Alice Leedy Mason

Proverbs 31:28.... Her children arise up,
and call her blessed;

her husband also, and he praiseth her.

What are your happiest memories of motherhood?  I'd love to hear about them.

I hope you have a wonderful and blessed Mothers Day, Gail-Friends.

I sometimes share my posts with these friends:
  Spiritual Sundays  GRAND Social      Modest Mom Monday Link-up      The Art of Homemaking Mondays
   BLOGGING GRANDMOTHERS LINK PARTY     Share Your Cup Wednesday Wordless Wednesdays    Classical Homemaking Link-Up     
    Favorite Things Home and Garden Thursday at Delightsome Life  Paula's Weekend No Rules Blog Party Friendship Friday 
Sunday Thoughts Link-Up

Friday, May 11, 2018

Sabbath Music - Ma Navu

Greetings, Gail-Friends!  I have a beautiful song for your Sabbath. Ma Navu is Hebrew for "How Beautiful" and is sung by Barry and Batya Wooten  Ma Navu

I have Israel on my mind and heart today due to the bombings this week.  Please join me in praying for the peace of Jerusalem.

Enjoy your Sabbath rest and have a good week.

I sometimes share my posts with these friends:
  Spiritual Sundays  GRAND Social      Modest Mom Monday Link-up      The Art of Homemaking Mondays
   BLOGGING GRANDMOTHERS LINK PARTY     Share Your Cup Wednesday Wordless Wednesdays    Classical Homemaking Link-Up     
    Favorite Things Home and Garden Thursday at Delightsome Life  Paula's Weekend No Rules Blog Party Friendship Friday 
Sunday Thoughts Link-Up

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Thankful Thursday - Answered Prayers

Oh, how I thank ADONAI for the gift of prayer.  To think that the G-d of the Universe listens to us when we call out to Him.  It is a blessed privilege that I cherish with all of my heart.  I've been thinking lately about the thousands of prayers He has answered for me, for my husband and children, and many, many others I know.

Do you know that He always answers our prayers?  Sometimes He says YES, sometimes He says NO, and sometimes He says WAIT A WHILE.

Do you know He says, "Pray about everything"?  Here's the verse from the King James Version, which is how I memorized it years ago:

Be careful for nothing;
 but in every thing by prayer and supplication 
with thanksgiving 
let your requests be made known unto God.
(Philippians 4:6)

I've learned to do that.  He answered one of my prayers with big YES today with this:

I'd been praying to find a club chair with a matching ottoman for many months.  Hashem said, "Wait a while."  I've learned to be patient on these type of prayers.  I found this like-new chair, with matching ottoman, at a thrift store today. . . and they were having a half-off sale.  I got this beauty for $12.50.   This photo doesn't do it justice because it was a quick shot to catch Zoe trying the chair out.  We'd just taken it out of the car when she jumped right up to try it out.  She did give it her seal of approval, but she was shamefaced because she's not allowed on the furniture.  (She forgets sometimes.)

Every day, I'm thankful for answered prayers for our country.

The eight years under Obama were horrible.  I watched almost every value I hold dear be stomped in the ground.  I wept when he was elected (both times).  Did I riot in the streets?  Did I stand on street corners or parade in the streets with filthy language on signs?  Did I threaten him or his family?  No, I prayed and I stood up for and spoke out for my beliefs and believed that ADONAI would bless America again.  And He said YES!!  He's using Donald Trump to accomplish His plan.

In the beginning, I didn't really want to vote for Trump, but I did by election day. He has been an amazing president. . . like none I've seen in my lifetime and I'm so thankful that he's keeping his campaign promises.  Here are just a few of his accomplishments within his first fifteen months:

He's supportive of Bible-believers and encourages Americans to pray and depend on G-d.
He has supported the National Day of Prayer and spoke at this year's event.
He supports respect for the American flag and our national anthem.
He supports and encourages deep respect for our military, police, and first responders.
He's supportive of our Second Amendment rights.
He loves America and believes patriotism is a good thing. (Me, too!)

He's turned the country around financially, bringing the stock market to an all-time high.
His policies have brought businesses back to America.
Joblessness is at an all-time low for all Americans, including minorities and women.
The number of welfare recipients is at an all-time low.
He spear-headed a tax-cut and bonuses for middle-income Americans.
He's restoring our military and respect for the leaders of each branch.
He supports the Constitution.
Our standing and respect among other countries have improved.  (He doesn't kiss the ring of anybody. I like that.)

He brought North Korea to the negotiating table to give up their nuclear weapons.  They are cooperating!
He brought three prisoners back home from North Korea TODAY!
He got us out of the terrible Iran nuclear deal from Obama's regime.  (Would love to see held accountable for the pallets of CASH sent to Iran.)
He's enforcing our immigration laws and building the wall on the Mexico border.
He's clearing out the do-nothing members of Congress.  (He calls it draining the swamp. I agree.)
He's working on the disaster called Obamacare. (Did you know premiums will be sky-rocketing this year?)
He has cleaned up Facebook, Google, Twitter, and others to protect our internet privacy rights.

I like President Trump because:

He's not beholden to anybody in D.C.
He's not a politician.
He's a businessman and I believe he will lead our country to balance the budget and get out of debt.
He tells it like it is.
He TWEETS!!! (Nobody can twist his words.)
He calls out FAKE news!!!  The major news outlets report fake stories and don't apologize when they're found to be untrue.  They also spread blatant propaganda to promote a globalist, progressive agenda aka socialism, communism, and the New World Order.

There's much more, but the main thing is this:  I believe Trump has America's best interest at heart.  I pray for him and his family daily and thank G-d for giving us Trump for such a time as this.  He's doing a fine job.  I continue to pray for him to be led in the paths of righteousness and justice.

The list I made was off the top of my head, but you can follow this link to see another list.  
I also recommend this YouTube video of Trump speaking at his last campaign stop before the November, 2016 election.  It made me want to stand up and holler!!  (I did stand up and holler when I heard him speak in person that year.)    Here's an excerpt from the speech:

"Just imagine what our country could accomplish if we started working together as one people, under one God, saluting one American flag.  I’m asking you to dream big because with your vote we are just hours away from the change you’ve been waiting for your entire life.  So to every parent who dreams for their child and to every child who dreams for their future I say these words to you tonight.  I am with you.  I will fight for you and I will win for you.  I promise.

To all Americans tonight in all of our cities and in all of our towns, I pledge to you one more time. Together we will make American wealthy again.  We will make America strong again. We will make America safe again and we will make America great again!"
Trump has done a lion's share to turn this country around and we each have a responsibility to help him.  The mid-term elections this year are critical to replacing the upcoming empty seats in the Congress.  Our support of conservative candidates are vital to Trump being able to continue to make America great again.

I'm committed to do my duty as a citizen:  to let my elected officials know my thoughts and desires about important issues and votes in Congress; to vet the ones who run for office; to pray for, work for, and vote for the candidates who support Judeo-Christian values; to vote out those who work for their own selfish ends instead of America's best interests.  I pray you will do the same.  G-d being our helper, let's all make this pledge:

What are you thankful for this week?

I sometimes share my posts with these friends:
  Spiritual Sundays  GRAND Social      Modest Mom Monday Link-up      The Art of Homemaking Mondays

Share Your Cup Wednesday  

Wordless Wednesdays    Classical Homemaking Link-Up   

Oh My Heartsie Girl's Wonderful Wednesday  
    Favorite Things Home and Garden Thursday at Delightsome Life 

 Paula's Weekend No Rules Blog Party Friendship Friday 
Sunday Thoughts Link-Up

Friday, May 4, 2018

Sabbath Music - May You Shine

This beautiful song, May You Shine by Zemer Levav,  is based on several Scriptures that are perfect for meditation on Shabbat.

But those who can discern will shine like the brightness of heaven’s dome,
 and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.
(Daniel 12:3)

 For you have made Adonai, the Most High,
who is my refuge, your dwelling-place.
No disaster will happen to you,
no calamity will come near your tent;
for he will order his angels to care for you
and guard you wherever you go.
(Psalm 91:9-11 CJB)

In the road of righteousness is life;
no death is in its pathway.
(Proverbs 12:28 CJB)
 The fear of Adonai is hatred of evil
 I hate pride and arrogance, evil ways and duplicitous speech.
(Proverbs 8:13)
I will make him who wins the victory a pillar in the Temple of my God, 
and he will never leave it.  
Also I will write on him the name of my God and the name of my God’s city, 
the new Yerushalayim coming down out of heaven from my God,
and my own new name. 
(Revelation 3:12 CJB)

And I saw the dead, both great and small, standing in front of the throne. 
Books were opened; and another book was opened, the Book of Life;
 and the dead were judged from what was written in the books, 
according to what they had done.  
(Revelation 20:12 CJB)

 How blessed are those who wash their robes, 
so that they have the right to eat from the Tree of Life 
and go through the gates into the city!
(Revelation 22:14 CJB) 

Shabbat Shalom to you all, 
May You Shine! 


I sometimes share my posts with these friends:
  Spiritual Sundays  GRAND Social      Modest Mom Monday Link-up      The Art of Homemaking Mondays
   BLOGGING GRANDMOTHERS LINK PARTY     Share Your Cup Wednesday Wordless Wednesdays    Classical Homemaking Link-Up     
    Favorite Things Home and Garden Thursday at Delightsome Life  Paula's Weekend No Rules Blog Party Friendship Friday 
Sunday Thoughts Link-Up

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Golden Moments Has Arrived!

The happy day has arrived, and I'm having a "golden moment" right now because my book, Golden Moments, is finished and available on Amazon.  


Do you struggle with the concept of God? Do you wonder if He cares about you? Do you find it hard to pray about the little things in your life?

Golden Moments is a collection of short stories about God working my daily life. I hope that my struggles and prayers will inspire you to see God working in the small, everyday happenings of your life. . .and that you'll be encouraged to pray about everything.

Golden Moments has been enjoyed by both my male and female pre-readers.  I think the book is a perfect gift for Mother's Day, and you should receive it in plenty of time for that special day.  I know that mothers, daughters, and friends will be blessed to receive it.  If you're an Amazon Prime member, shipping is free!


It's been a learning experience to publish this book, and I have to give thanks to my writing buddies, LaVonne, Betty and Peggy for all the help they've given me.  I greatly appreciate all of my pre-readers, too, for their input in spotting the typos.


Above all,  I must give praise and thanks to God for His inspiration, help and guidance on this project.  


I'm really thankful for the day we live in, Gail-Friends.  When I started writing for publication, the process of having a book published was long and hard.  With the current print-on-demand process, it is much simpler and much quicker.



I sometimes share my posts with these friends:
  Spiritual Sundays  GRAND Social      Modest Mom Monday Link-up      The Art of Homemaking Mondays

Share Your Cup Wednesday  

Wordless Wednesdays    Classical Homemaking Link-Up   

Oh My Heartsie Girl's Wonderful Wednesday  
    Favorite Things Home and Garden Thursday at Delightsome Life 

 Paula's Weekend No Rules Blog Party Friendship Friday 
Sunday Thoughts Link-Up