Friday, May 25, 2018

Sabbath Music - Torah Ora

Graphic used by permission from

Shabbat Shalom Greetings and Blessings to You, Gail-Friends.

We had a wonderful celebration of Shavuot at the synagogue, with everyone having the blessing of carrying the Torah.  I always enjoy seeing people dancing with joy as they parade the scroll around the room.  This is the song we dance to (meaning is Torah is Light):  Torah Ora 

Juan had tears in his eyes as he held the Torah scroll:

During Shavuot, it is a Jewish tradition to read the Torah passages related to the giving of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 19-20).  As I read,  I reflected on how the Sabbath day has been changed.

When I was nine years old, I questioned  my Southern Baptist pastor about why we didn't observe God's commandment about the Sabbath, which is Saturday.  He told me it was changed, but I never found anything to back that up in the New Testament.  Twenty-two years ago, I  decided to obey Yeshua (Jesus) and stopped following preachers, teachers, religions, and denominations that taught me to disobey God.  The Bible calls them false prophets.

I found something interesting this week that you may not know.  The article is about how the Sabbath was changed by the Catholic Church.  I knew the history of this change because I'd researched it for myself over twenty years ago.  I highly recommend the book Our Father Abraham - Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith by Marvin R Wilson.  Here's the link to the article I read this week:

Something to think about . . .

Here's another video for your Sabbath worship.  I love the lyrics that say, "May everyone find Sabbath rest one day".     Sabbath Rest by Liberated Wailing Wall

I took a bit of a break from posting this week, but I will resume regular posting after Memorial Day.


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  Spiritual Sundays  GRAND Social      Modest Mom Monday Link-up      The Art of Homemaking Mondays
   BLOGGING GRANDMOTHERS LINK PARTY     Share Your Cup Wednesday Wordless Wednesdays    Classical Homemaking Link-Up     
    Favorite Things Home and Garden Thursday at Delightsome Life  Paula's Weekend No Rules Blog Party Friendship Friday 
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