Friday, October 4, 2019

Sabbath Music - Hine Bati

This is one of my dear husband's (who is also my personal rabbi) favorite songs.  I love it, too, and I love the video which shows scenes from Israel.    The songs lyrics are taken from Psalm 40:8-9


 Hine Bati (translated Here I Come) is today's song for your Sabbath meditation and worship.  The YouTube video says this about Michael ben David:

"Shot in the Qumran and at the Dead Sea, this latest Music Video invites the Viewer to experience Micha'el's Discovery Journey of TORAH TRUTH that has set Him FREE to worship the Holy One of Israel in Spirit & in Truth as He encountered HaKadosh Baruch Hu/The Holy One Blessed Be He, in Israel over a decade ago in a deeper Way than Micha'el had even known before and since then he has entered the Narrow & Difficult Road to God's Calling on his life, his Destiny and Purpose in the Kingdom of YHVH! "Broad is the way that leads to destruction" therefore Micha'el upon being called to break away from the norm and the cold routine of the religious worlds infiltrated with falsehood and doctrines of Satan, did not hesitate to walk purposefully and face to Face with the One Who is altogether Lovely and HOLY; and it has NOT been easy at all. Micha'el encountered much opposition from fellow believers and non-believers alike along the Way! Despite all the challenges and difficulties and misunderstandings coming from every direction, Micha'el remains STRONG and determined for the Good Hand of YHVH is upon Him to be as "a Repairer of the Breach and a Restorer of the Ways to dwell in" to build the Wall just as Nehemiah and Ezra of old and to stand in the Gap as Ezekiel for the Generation of Jacob who will praise HIM in Spirit & in Truth~the Full Counsel of YHVH!

Born and Destined to be a Voice in the Wilderness as He prepares the WAY of the Coming of the LORD with His Songs of Zion, Micha'el has set his face like flint! He will NOT turn to the left or the the right of His Calling! His Aim is first and foremost to please His Heavenly Father and NOT to please men! Let He who has Ears to hear take heed and understand and consider the wonders and mysteries of YHVH and turn and be saved! Oh the JOY of doing the Will of our Creator and of embracing His Full Counsel, the Commandments of YHVH and Faith in YESHUA HAMASHIACH.... Micha'el unashamedly proclaims God's Righteousness and is a Voice to our Generation! For this is the Generation of Jacob who will praise YHVH!

From Tehilim/Psalm 40:8-9 (Hebrew) "Then I said: 'Behold I come; in the Scroll of the Book written of Me. Elohai I delight to do your will and Your TORAH is deep within Me!"

This Video was shot at Qumran and at the Dead Sea where Bible Scrolls were found! Reenacting the fact that God's Voice is still to be heard and discovered in the Midbar/Desert Wilderness of Life! It is there that we can receive His Torah, His Instructions for LIFE! And say YES to His Will! May you too delight in doing His Will!"

A point to ponder on this Sabbath day -- Do I delight to do His will?


  1. Hello Gail. With Yom Kippur approaching, do you spend much time in prayer? Repenting? I'm a Christian that has not honored Yom Kippur before. How do you honor Yom Kippur?
    Blessings to you,

    1. Yes, during the ten days of awe between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we seek His face about any sin in our lives. We also think about our relationships. If anything can be done to seek peace, we pray for Him to show us. Then we go to that person and try to mend that relationship.

      During our Yom Kippur service, we go over a list of sins that may have crept back into our lives over the previous year. It's a holy time of introspection that causes us to search our hearts. It's also a time of remembrance of the blood Yeshua poured out for those sins. Yom Kippur is a somber time, but it's also a time of gratitude for His great mercy.

      I hope this answers your question. If not,or if you have other questions, please let me know. Also, you might read my past posts about Yom Kippur by clicking on the subject list on the right of this blog. I've written extensively about Yom Kippur.

      I'm very encouraged that you are seeking God's will about His ways. You will be blessed as you begin to observe His commandments...because they are LIFE!

      Thanks for stopping by today and blessings to you

    2. Thank you Gail. I appreciate this reply.


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