Thursday, April 5, 2018

Passover Blessings 2018

 As promised, here are a few photos from our seder on April 1, 2017

The sweet ladies of the synagogue helped with the preparations.  Aren't they lovely?

The red ribbon down the center of each table is a visual reminder of the blood that was placed over the door on that Passover night, and the blood of Yeshua our Passover lamb.

  The seder plates were prepared and ready before the service began:

The matzah is our reminder of the body of Yeshua that was pierced and broken for us.  He was without sin, which is why we don't eat leaven during the eight days of Passover.  Leaven represents sin, and there was no sin in our Messiah.  Each person holds up the matzah to see the stripes, and the piercings.  It's a sobering reminder, and fills our hearts with awe and gratitude for His sacrifice.

When it was time for the four questions, the youngest child came up to help the rabbi.  She's four years old, and isn't she the cutest?

These are the four questions:

Why is this night different from all the rest?
Why do we eat matzah?
Why do we dip the bitter herbs twice?
Why do we recline at the table tonight?

 Do you know the answers?

This darling love also found the affikomen.  She was excited because she got money from Rabbi Jem for finding it!

At the end of the seder, we sang Eliyahu, which is a traditional song for Passover.  It tells of our yearning for the Messiah to return.

Of course, part of the seder is food and fellowship.  We had lots of good, and healthy, food as you can see:

I hope your Passover seder was spent with friends and family, and that you spend the eight days remembering our Messiah's love and sacrifice.  It was for JOY that he laid down his life for us.  Haleluyah to His Name forever.

To learn more about Passover and to see our past celebrations, click on PASSOVER in the list on the right of this blog.

Blessings to you, Gail-Friends.


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