This quote caught my attention this week, and got me thinking:
"The hardest thing in the world for me to understand is boredom.
My universe has always been too stimulating . . .
too many sights and sounds and smells,
too much to touch and taste and feel,
too much to remember,
and at times, alas, too much to forget."
-Alice Mackenzie Swaim- Scottish Poet.
I agree with her because there is so much to experience and enjoy in this great big, beautiful world. Aren't we blessed and thankful that we have cameras in our cell phones so that we can capture that beauty? Here are a few things that stimulated my imagination and brought me JOY lately.
I saw a nest with three eggs in a bush near a friend's doorway (photo above). I felt holy awe and overflowing JOY! How often do you get to see a birds nest up so close and near the ground? It's rare, and I received it as a gift from my Heavenly Father. I'm so grateful for such a loving Father who knows the desires of my bird-nerd heart.
This bright bench in the village made me feel so happy! Don't you love people who take the time to create beauty out of the mundane?
These silver, glittery shoes with perky bows were worn by a little four-year-old girl at our Passover Seder. I felt happy just seeing them. Wouldn't you love to have a pair in your size? I would, and I'd love to have a pair of those tennis shoes that light up when you take a step. Do they make them for adults? They would make me happy, happy, happy!
This graphic from Garden of Bright Images on Facebook made me smile:
Doesn't E. E. Cummings have a way with words? The "ragged meadow of my soul" is so descriptive of how one feels after a long, hard winter. I love reading this over and over.
"Where's my suet?" |
I'm so thankful that the painted buntings are still here. I treasure every day because I know the central Florida heat will drive them away soon.
I saw this young woman at the local library and was delighted to be able to take a photo. Her hair was dyed to match her blouse. Don't you admire her creativity and her courage to do something unique? I love it!
There is so much going on in the world, so much to learn, and so many people around us to amaze and delight us.
L'Chaim, (To Life) Gail-Friends and may your week be filled with JOY. Click on this LINK to hear the song (from the play Fiddler On The Roof). I hope you dance as you listen!
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Spiritual Sundays GRAND Social Modest Mom Monday Link-up The Art of Homemaking Mondays
BLOGGING GRANDMOTHERS LINK PARTY Share Your Cup Wednesday Wordless Wednesdays Classical Homemaking Link-Up
Favorite Things Home and Garden Thursday at Delightsome Life Paula's Weekend No Rules Blog Party Friendship Friday
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