Friday, April 20, 2018

Sabbath Music - Psalm 71

This morning, I was reading and meditating on Psalm 71, especially on these verses:

"I will always hope
and keep adding to your praise.
15 All day long my mouth will tell
of your righteous deeds and acts of salvation,
though their number is past my knowing.
16 I will come in the power of Adonai Elohim
and recall your righteousness, yours alone.
17 God, you have taught me since I was young,
and I still proclaim your wonderful works.
18 So now that I’m old, and my hair is gray,
don’t abandon me, God, till I have proclaimed
your strength to the next generation,
your power to all who will come,
19 your righteousness too, God,
which reaches to the heights.
God, you have done great things;
who is there like you?

My heart just swells as I look back on my life and see the wonderful works He has performed.  I've been abundantly blessed, even though I've gone through hard times.  Each one of those trials has taught me more of his love and care for me, His child. 

This past week, I spent a few days visiting with dear, close friends who are like family to me.  I have one friend who has been in my life since first grade.  What a blessing.  I met with friends from my high school, too.  We'll be celebrating our 50th reunion this summer.  How beautiful it is to sit and talk with them all about our life in Adonai Elohim and give praise as we remember the joy of knowing Him.

I found this song about Psalm 71 that is so beautiful.  The lyrics don't follow the Scripture word for word, but are very close.  I'm amazed that someone could put this Bible passage to music in such a pleasant way.  I hope you enjoy it: Psalm 71 by Jason Silver.

This is a wonderful meditation for Shabbat.  I challenge you to read it and write about the memories that come as you listen.  List all the times Adonai has rescued you, provided for you, and shown you His love.  Praise Him for those times, Gail-Friends, and have a wonderful Sabbath.

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