Friday, December 24, 2021

The Purpose of Christmas is Worship


We acknowledge You, Yeshua (Jesus)....the one day when stores are closed  & we remember that You were born. Your name  is proclaimed. Songs about you, our Savior, are played on television and radio. You are lifted up. Your salvation is proclaimed. May it always be so in America. Glory to God in the highest...thank you for coming to save us. Thank you for the JOY you have brought to my life.

 I pray that all my Gail-friends have a wonderful time of worship and celebration of the birth of the Messiah.  Haleluyah!


Here's a beautiful gift of song for YOU, dear friends.  A playlist of worship songs by my daughter.


Monday, December 20, 2021

Put Feet to Your Prayers


I've been greatly informed and inspired by this LIVE event - America Fest 2021.  Speakers like Sarah Palin and Marjorie Taylor Greene (my heroines) have reminded me to Take America Back and to Make America Great Again.  

Governor Sarah Palin reminded me to fight even though I'm misunderstood, hated, and called names.  She and her family have been through so much during, and after, her run for Vice President. What the left did to her is shameful.  But, she inspired me by saying, "I know I'm right, so I don't let it bother me!"  Yay, Sarah.  I needed to hear that.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is a fighter, too.  She shared some things that are going on in our government - such as the abuse and neglect of people imprisoned because of the January 6 event in Washington D.C. You won't hear about these things on the alphabet news. 

Topics I've listened to so far have informed me about Critical Race Theory (CRT), our freedoms established by our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and to fight back against the evil people trying to destroy our beloved country.

One panel discussed how public education and colleges are destroying our families by using the "trans" push.  I hope you'll listen to How Cultural Marxists Hijacked America, which aired on December 19.

This is a four-day event with speakers (so far) such as Nick Vujicic (amazing man), Congressman Jim Jordan, Judge Jeanne Pirro (a real spitfire), Dennis Prager (I recommend his website), Charlie Kirk, Tucker Carlson, and Sebastion Gorka (amazing stories).  

Today, I'm listening to a panel discussion of election integrity.  In spite of the fact that the media refuses to cover it, the fraud is being uncovered daily. So much, in fact, that I sincerely believe Donald Trump won that election.  Audits show that Joe Biden did not win Arizona or Georgia.    If you want to know what's really going on, you'll never hear it on the mainstream news shows.  And, I think you should have to dip your finger in purple ink, like Iraq, to show that you've voted and can't vote twice. Lots of that went on, trust me.

Rep. Louie Gohmert spoke truth when he said, "People say, 'it's alright.' God's in control'."  Louie said, "That's true, but God doesn't expect us to lean on our shovel and pray for a hole."  

I agree because we have a duty, as citizens, to do our part.  I've preached this for years, and still believe it even though it looks hopeless at times.  I want to hear God say, "Well done, good and faithful servant" one day.  As long as I'm here, I'll do my best to be the best believer, wife, mother, grandmother, rebbetzin, and citizen that I can be.  It's called putting feet to my faith.  This event has reminded me to pray and take action while we have the freedom to do it.  These speakers talk about actions we can take to affect our country and our future.

I hope you'll visit this link for the list of speakers and topics:  Turning Point USA - America Fest 2021   Today is the third day and it ends tomorrow (12/21).  I'm sure the videos will be recorded and  available there and on YouTube.

This event is geared toward young people / college students, so the music is loud and the crowd (and some speakers) are a bit raucous.  I'm enjoying it, though.  I hope you will, too.


Friday, December 17, 2021

Christmas and Grannie's Dishes



Years ago, I wrote a story about how I began to unplug the  Christmas machine.  God used an old, dime-store dish to teach me His lesson.

Below is a repost of more about that. 

In 2014, that story, Grannie's Dishes, was published in the book, Christmas Moments. I'm very honored to be among the company of many authors I admire, especially the compiler, Yvonne Lehman.  

The following description of the book is from the Grace Publishing website:

Christmas Moments

50 Inspirational Stories of the True Meaning of Christmas

"Life is made up of moments strung together like a garland draped around a Christmas tree. Certain of those moments are so meaningful they become memories that last a lifetime. For some, those memories center on Christmas.

In this book you’ll find Christmas stories from 34 authors. They range from serious to funny, sad to joyful, entertaining to insightful. All are encouraging and inspiring. Each points to the same thing: The reason for the Christmas season is celebration of Jesus’ birth! The most important part of Christmas is Christ.

So while Christmas day comes but once and year, and years give us Christmas memories that last a lifetime, the Spirit of Christmas is eternal. And the way we keep Christmas sends a message to the world about what we believe."

I hope you will buy this book because all author royalties from the sale of Christmas Moments will be donated to Samaritan’s Purse, a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world.

You can purchase the book at this link, or through the Amazon or Barnes & Noble websites.  (Search the title by Yvonne Lehman)

My story in this book was about the early part of my journey to make Christmas about Yeshua (Jesus).  You can read how I celebrate the holiday now that I am a Messianic believer HERE.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Now Is the Time to Worship


Are you starting to feel the holiday pressure?  Or are you already worn out from the things you feel you "have" to do during this season?  I hope this helps.

I'm blessed to celebrate both Hanukkah and Christmas.  I celebrate Christmas very differently than most, and very differently from the way I did it in years past.   I read a quote this week that sums up my outlook on Christmas celebrations.

"Whenever Christmas begins to burden, it’s a sign that I’ve taken on something

 of the world and not of Christ."


Years ago, I read a book, Unplug the Christmas Machine, that had a profound impact on me.  I was a young mother at the time, and completely worn out by "Christmas".  I ran myself ragged shopping, decorating, entertaining, being entertained...and you know the rest of the story.  After reading the book, I decided to do Christmas differently, and it has evolved over time.  Slowly, I began to do gifts differently.  I shopped, spent, and decorated less, and began to worship more.

Who is Christmas about, after all?  Isn't it about Yeshua?  Weren't the first gifts brought to Him?  I can remember, as a small girl, feeling like something was missing at Christmas.  Yes, I knew and read the story of His birth...but what was I giving Him?  My little girl heart knew He was being ignored... in spite of all the decorations, presents, parties, and hoopla.  Even as a small girl, I sensed He was grieved.

Somewhere along the line, in my desire to love Him and honor Him, I read about the pagan basis for Christmas.   I learned that Yeshua was most likely not born in the winter because the shepherds were tending their flocks in the hills.  I learned that the Bible says not to put a tree in your house and decorate it (Jer.10:1-5).  And don't even get me started on Santa Claus.  I had to ask myself if God is pleased by telling children that lie.  I have a grandson now, and I much prefer that he learn about God's appointed feasts and festivals than the world's.  I'm thankful that his parents feel the same.

Yeshua celebrated those feasts, including Hanukkah.  He also said, "I have not come to do away with the Law, but to fulfill it."  I don't think He meant to stop celebrating His feasts, but to realize in celebrating them that He is the fulfillment of them.  They are all tactile, hands-on lessons that teach us about His character and about our relationship to Him.  Yeshua is, after all, the God of the Old Testament, and He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  If he said we would observe His feasts forever, shouldn't we be doing that and follow His example? 

For that reason, I celebrate Hanukkah - with Yeshua as the Light of the World.  I observe Christmas as the fact that  He was born as a man.  I worship Him - not the Christmas tree, or the presents, or the whole machine that Christmas has become.  I'm much happier doing it that way.

For me, Christmas is a time of peace and of drawing close to Him.  I thank Him that He was willing to become a man and to suffer as we do in this earth, to understand our frailty.  I thank Him that He didn't give in to sin so that He could be that perfect offering for sin.  I thank Him for His light that has shined into my heart and taken root there.  I thank Him for the blessing of being in His family and for the gift of His Word to guide my life.  I thank Him for the Ruach Hakodesh living inside me. I am so glad He came.

What's funny about being a Messianic Jewish believer is that sometimes Hanukkah comes before Christmas, and then sometimes it's just the opposite.  So, mostly, we celebrate all month long -  that Yeshua was born and that He was the Light of the World.  We put up blue and white lights and listen to Hanukkah music as well as songs of Christmas that celebrate our Savior's birth.  We make special foods and fellowship with friends.  Yes, I do give gifts, but they are quite minimal.  No more pushing myself to keep up with the Christmas machine.  I play music, and go to free concerts that focus on Yeshua.  I ride around and look at the lights and worship my Savior.  My heart is so full of gratitude and worship.

This video is so wonderful.  I hope you'll watch it, and stand up with me and praise and worship Yeshua - the King of Kings and L-rd of Lords.   Halelu-jah!  (a great Hebrew word that means Praise God!).To learn more about Hanukkah, please enjoy: Yeshua is the Light

*This is a repost from 2019.  

Monday, November 29, 2021

Happy Hanukkah!


 Greetings Gail-Friends!  I am alive!!  And praising God for that.  We had a bout with the China virus - and are alive to tell about it.  Rabbi Jem is much, much better, but I'm still recovering.  This is my fourth week of being "sick".  It started on 11/8 with a horrible headache and got worse.  I had to visit the ER at one point.  Had an x-ray and am thankful I didn't have pneumonia.  I did have depleted levels in my blood work and had to go through several hours of IV therapy.  Then the following week, I came down with bronchitis.  Still healing from that. . .

I'm so thankful for the love and tender care of my dear husband.  Even though he was sick, too, he was my nurse through it all.  The worst was getting me to the ER in the pouring-down-rain.  I was put in isolation, and he couldn't stay with me for my twelve-hour confinement.  

I'm also thankful for the love, prayers and ministry of our congregation.  They fed us like kings, plus provided healthy remedies for our malady.  We were abundantly blessed.

So, I'm still weak - and won't be posting new posts about Hanukkah.  I'll share links to some past posts for you.  I hope you have a wonderful Hanukkah.   

Here's some Hanukkah music for your enjoyment

This is Day 1 of an eight-day series - I hope you enjoy it.

  8 Days of Hanukkah - Day 1

And here's the link to my book Eight Days of Hanukkah - and Christmas, too. Available on Amazon

This book details how we, as Messianic Jewish believers, celebrate Jesus as the Light of the World by combining Hanukkah and Christmas.  It includes daily Bible readings, prayers, and reflections for the eight days of Hanukkah along with songs, instructions for playing dreidel, lots of full-color photos, and some yummy and easy recipes. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Should Christians Study the Torah?

My study of Torah began in 1996, around the time I made my first trip to Israel. This study has been life changing.  I call the Torah "Bible 101" because I believe it is the basic understanding one needs in order to understand The Scriptures - especially the New Testament.  I found this article very helpful for those who seek to know and understand.  I hope you will ponder this and prayerfully consider these truths.

Should Christians Study the Torah?

     The study of the written Torah should be paramount in everyone’s lives, since it provides the foundation and context for truly understanding the mission and words of the Messiah Yeshua Himself.  Indeed, it can be argued that reading the New Testament without a solid understanding of the Torah is like reading out of context – invariably ideas alien to the true meaning of the text will be imported and erroneous conclusions will be formed. (The books of the New Testament were not compiled until 480 to 500 years after the resurrection of the Messiah.)

     Often Christians think that the written Torah is virtually irrelevant today, since the doctrines of the Church are made explicit in the New Testament writings.  However, this is a serious mistake, as the following facts will demonstrate:

1.      Yeshua and all His disciples were Torah observant Jews.  The Scriptures that they studied loved, and quoted were the Torah, the Prophets, and the Writings.  As a child, Yeshua would have studied the Torah and memorized it with other Jewish children.  He would also have been familiar with the teachings of the earlier Jewish Sages of Israel. (Gamaliel, Hillel, and Uziel)

Indeed, Yeshua said that He did not come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets, but to fulfill them (Matt. 5:17-19).  He later told a prospective follower of His, “If you would enter life, keep the commandments” (Matt. 19:17).

2.      Yeshua said that the Jewish Scriptures plainly testify of Him (John 5:39).  As His followers, we should understand what this means and how they indeed bear witness of Him as the King of the Jews (Matt. 2:2, 27:11).  In addition, by studying Torah, we can more fully appreciate the glory and grace as revealed in the Person and Work of our beloved savior.  For example, we can more fully savor the role of the sacrificial system and how Yeshua fulfilled all of G-d’s holy requirements on our behalf as the Kohen Gadol (High Priest) of the New Covenant.

3.      When two disciples were on their way to the town of Emmaus discussing the implications of the crucifixion of Yeshua three days earlier, who but Yeshua Himself appeared alongside of them and taught them from the Jewish Scriptures?  “And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself’ (Luke 24:13-36).

4.      The “Church” was born on the Jewish holiday of Shavot (Pentecost) among the Jewish people in Jerusalem.  Peter’s sermon during that festival (Acts 2:1-41) was entirely Jewish, quoting from the Prophets and David, which would have meant little to any Gentiles in earshot (if there were any).  It is likely, therefore, that the 3,000 people who were saved that day would have all been Jewish.  The earliest members of the new church met regularly in the Temple, where Gentiles were explicitly excluded (Acts 2:46).  Note the Apostles Peter and John are recorded to have gone to the Temple for prayer during the time of the minchah (afternoon) sacrifices (Acts 3:1), and their ministry continued exclusively among the Jewish people, “among whom were thousands who believed and were zealous for the Torah” (Acts 21:20).  Even after they were imprisoned but miraculously escaped, an angel told them to “go, stand and speak in the Temple to the people all the words of this life” (Acts 5:20).

5.      Later, when the Jerusalem Council wrote their letter to the Gentiles regarding their relationship to the Torah, they advised them to at first abstain from those things that would make them abhorrent to the Jews, with the assumption that they would later go on to study the Torah of Moses and the other Jewish Scriptures (Acts 15:19-21).

6.      The Apostle Paul was raised a Torah observant Jew who studied under the famous Rabbi Gamaliel in Jerusalem (Acts 22:3).  Rabbi Sha’ul (as he would have been called) was well established in the Jewish leadership of his day, and even had a relationship with the Sanhedrin and High Priest (Kohen Ha’godal) of Israel (Acts 9:1-2).  But even after his conversion on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:1-21), he still identified himself a Jew.  In Acts 23:6 he confessed, “I am (not was) a Pharisee.”  He even declared that concerning the observance of the Torah he was “blameless,” which indicates that he observed a Jewish lifestyle to his dying day (Phil. 3:6; Acts 25:7-8, 28:17).  Paul even took the Nazirite vow (Acts 18:18), lived “in observance of the Torah (Acts 21:23-24), and actually offered sacrifices in order to be released from his Nazirite vow, but also paid for the sacrifices for four other Jewish believers!  Notice also that this was performed at the explicit request of James, the head of the Jerusalem Church (and half-brother of Yeshua).                                                                                                                                              

      Paul regularly attended synagogue: “He came to Thessalonica, where was a synagogue of the Jews.  And Paul, as his manner was, went in unto them, and three Sabbath days reasoned with them out of the Scriptures” (Acts 17:1-2).  And when Paul later wrote to the Gentile churches, “All Scripture is breathed out by G-d and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness…” (2 Timothy 3:16-17), he was of course referring to the Jewish Scriptures, since the New Testament had not yet been compiled for the Church.

7.      Many Christian denominations profess to believe in the authority of both the “Old Testament” and the New Testament Scriptures while functionally regulating the study of the Torah to the dust heap of history.  If the Jewish Scriptures are to be taken seriously at all, these denominational traditions attempt to explain away their clear reading (for example, the covenantal promises made to ethnic Israel) and arrogate the intent of the text as being applicable solely to the church.      (copied)






Monday, October 11, 2021

Reflections on Sukkot


Sukkot is called "our holiday of JOY!" and I always eagerly look forward to it.  First, I'll share how we observe/celebrate at home, and then at the synagogue.  God instructs us to keep this feast in Leviticus 23, Numbers 29 and Deuteronomy 16.  Yeshua celebrated it, too, and you can read about it in John 4.

This year, the holiday began without any sign of the golden rain blossoms falling.  I went to bed thinking how much I'd miss them.  The next morning, I woke up to this:

God is so good!  The blossoms had fallen during the night and I was full of JOY!  They're still falling and I think of them as golden rain from heaven - blessings abundant - like the mercies my Father blesses us with every morning!  Here are some photos of how heavy the rain is this year.  The blossoms covered the pathway to Golden Pond, which is totally covered:


On the Shabbat before Sukkot began, we had a celebration along with our regular worship service - music, dancing, and food, of course!  Rabbi Jem taught about the holiday and gave instructions about building the sukkah.

The next day, some members of the congregation came over to Golden Cottage and helped us build the sukkah.

We decided to leave the palm branches off the top because we had a golden rain tree branch that was the perfect roof.

We had a wonderful time rejoicing, reflecting, worshiping, eating meals and having quiet time together.  


I especially love Sundays in the sukkah - that's Pampered Princess Day - and Jem always makes breakfast.  Above is his Golden Hash Browns topped with an over-light egg.  So good!

And below are his yummy Golden Blueberry Pancakes.  We were blessed with two Sundays in the sukkah and I enjoyed them immensely! 

Our dog loves sitting in the sukkah with us.

In the Sukkot celebration at the synagogue, we always have a Torah procession.  This is so moving for me.  I love seeing the expressions on people's faces as they kiss the scroll.  It brings tears to their eyes as well as my own.  Everyone has the opportunity to carry the scroll.  

After everyone had the blessing of carrying the Torah, we danced and rejoiced that Adonai has preserved His Holy Word for thousands of years. 

Then, we each waved the lulav - a reminder that God provides, and that His presence surrounds and supports us.  

Then, we did the water pouring ceremony (outside). This part reminds us that God provides our life-sustaining water, and of the day that Yeshua was celebrating Sukkot in Jerusalem (John 4).  You can read about this part of the observance in this post on my blog:  Sadly, I did not get any photos of this part of our synagogue's celebration.

Afterward, we had a feast!  Of course we did!!!!

Durking Sukkot, I painted a watercolor of a sukkah. I call it "Holy Hug" because these seven days are a time to be still and draw near to Him.  He draws near and His presence is felt in an awesome way.

 Blessings and love to you all dear Gail-Friends.  I'll have more news of happenings around Golden Cottage in the week ahead -- I hope.  Life has been very busy lately.