Friday, October 30, 2015

31 Days of Garden Tours - Day 30

Today, I'm touring my absolute favorite garden on this side of the world -- The Golden Cottage Garden.  My husband, aka as Mr. Green Jeans, has made a beautiful paradise in our yard.  I'd like to show you some of the delights he's created for me to enjoy.

This is our pond.  He made this for me because I love to be by the water.  It's my favorite part of the garden.


 This is what I see as I sit on my back porch for my morning prayer time with the L-rd.  There's a small waterfall that makes wonderful music to accompany the singing birds that visit.


This is a close up view of the shrimp plants.  They are very hardy and have flowers all year long.

The Elephant Ears are hardy, too.  Some have grown up to eight feet tall,  and did you know they have flowers?  Lots of flowers.  Aren't they beauties?

And here is Mr. Green Jeans, standing underneath a tall elephant ear.  


We have several different varieties of Lantana.  The butterflies love them.

And the Confederate Jasmine, too.  It has a heavenly perfume, unlike the Lantana, which stinks.

 The Morning Glories are my favorites.

 We've tried vegetable gardening over the years, both in ground, and containers.  Sadly, it hasn't gone well because gardening in Florida is tough. The heat, the bugs, and the sandy soil are challenging.   If we had to live on what we grow, I think we'd starve.  Even Mr. Tomato is sad about it.

We've had better success with this system, which my husband built.  It puts the plants at waist level, and makes it easier to maintain.  Plus, the bugs and critters don't bother the plants as much.  Lettuce and spinach have done well.

Here are some more lovelies in the back yard.

 Peace plants grow really well in our yard, and bear lots of blooms.

I love feeding the birds in our garden.  

Especially in the winter, when the painted buntings visit.

In the Fall, the Golden Rain trees start to turn yellow, and then tiny yellow flowers form.  After a week or two, the blossoms appear, and then they fall.  The carpet of blossoms is as close as we get to Fall leaves. 

I think the leaves and blossom are so pretty.  The leaves don't come off until the temperatures get really cold, usually January through March. Here in Florida, cold is around forty degrees.


I hope you enjoyed the tour of The Golden Cottage.  Tomorrow, I'll show you my favorite garden in Israel.


I'm linking up to the 31 Day Blog Event.


 I sometimes share my posts  with  friends at:

Charlotte a Spiritual SundaysSpiritual Sundays     Janis with Sunday Stillness       THE SUNDAY COMMUNITY – #GIVE ME GRACE @SEE SPEAK HEAR MAMA Kathy’s Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life     GRAND Social       The Beauty in His Grip Link-Up   

Titus 2 Tuesday     Share Your Stuff Tuesday    TITUS TUESDAYS @CORNERSTONE CONFESSIONS     

Wordless Wednesdays    Jennifer Dukes Lee Tell His Story  Teaching What Is Good Link-Up      

 A Hope in Every Season Homemaking Link-Up    Judith’s Wholehearted Wednesday     Raising Homemakers Wednesday     A Wise Woman Builds       Wake Up Wednesday     A Little R & R Wednesday     Wednesday's Prayer Girls & Link-Up Party

 Thought Provoking Thursdays at 3D Lessons 4Life     Thursday  Favorite Things Home and Garden Thursday at Delightsome Life


 My Fresh Brewed Life with Barbie – Weekend Brew

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