Tuesday, October 1, 2013

31 Days of His Wisdom - Day 1

This 31 day series will focus on the things I learned from Proverbs, as well as some things from Torah study, and will add in a sprinkling of what I've learned from Judaism. 

I will be posting daily through October 31.  To read the posts, just go to the Labels section on the left, and click on "31 Days of His Wisdom".

Almost twenty years ago, I knelt in my bedroom and cried out to G-d for wisdom.  Not the wisdom of a denomination, a church, a teacher, and most certainly not the world.  I asked Him to lead me to His truth.  His wisdom.

Ultimately, I was led to Messianic Judaism and to the study of Torah.  Along the way, I began to study the book of Proverbs, reading one chapter per day corresponding to the day of the month.  I gained a great deal of wisdom from this study.  As I look back on my life, I can see where many mistakes could have been avoided had I done that study as a teenager.

Since today is the first day of October, I'll begin this study with Proverbs, the first chapter. Quotations are from The Complete Jewish Bible.

The proverbs of Shlomo the son of David,
king of Isra’el,
are for learning about wisdom and discipline;
for understanding words expressing deep insight;
for gaining an intelligently disciplined life,
doing what is right, just and fair;
for endowing with caution those who don’t think
and the young person with knowledge and discretion.
Someone who is already wise
will hear and learn still more;
someone who already understands
will gain the ability to counsel well;
he will understand proverbs, obscure expressions,
the sayings and riddles of the wise.
The fear of Adonai is the beginning of knowledge,
but fools despise wisdom and discipline.

Don't you think it is interesting that G-d led me to a study of Proverbs?  The first chapter tells me the writings are for that very purpose - to learn wisdom and discipline.

Isn't it interesting that the fear of Adonai is the beginning?   

Fear, mentioned here, is reverence of His holiness, His authority, His majesty.  If one seeks wisdom, one must see Him as One who knows all,  and place Him on the highest pedestal.    

That was the beginning for me:  to realize He has, and is, all wisdom.  

The second part of verse seven says "fools despise wisdom and discipline"  Does not one despise wisdom when one disobeys what it says?


Each time I read through Proverbs, something different jumps out at me.  This is ADONAI quickening His Word to my heart.  

As I go through this month of studying Proverbs, I hope you'll join me and read the chapter, too.  I'll share what stands out to me for that day.  

1 comment:

  1. It's always interesting how we are led to hear and learn the things He needs us to!

    Thanks for linking up with Thursday Favorite Things!


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