Friday, April 24, 2020

30 days of Praise - Day 24 - Family


Father, I praise You for my GREAT BIG family.  I've been blessed with hundreds of family members.  I had fifty-two aunts and uncles**, and countless cousins. (Well, I could count them, but I don't have time right now.) I thank You for the closeness we enjoyed over the years even though we haven't always lived near each other.  We had many wonderful family reunions and countless visits together.  I praise You that I still have one uncle (on Daddy's side) and one aunt (on Mama's side) still living.  Talking with my uncle is almost like talking with my daddy - such a blessing. 

These are just a few of my great BIG family at a reunion in 2016

I praise You for my own two daughters and their husbands, and my grandson.  Oh, the JOY they all have brought to my life.  Being a grandmother has taught me a whole new level of love and I praise You that I've been able to experience it.  Thank You that we got to spend time with them this past week.  We had a picnic in the park and then watched the rocket launch.

my all-time favorite pic of our grandson -- he's almost eleven now!
I praise You for my dear husband, my soul-mate that I found late in life.  So far, we've enjoyed a precious fourteen happy years of marriage.  I'm especially thankful for this because I never ever planned to marry again after two divorces.  But You had other plans and brought us together after forty years of separation.*** You knew we were meant for each other back then, but we had to have some rough edges smoothed out in the meantime.  We're so grateful to be together.
Our wedding day

And I praise You for our mishpocha at the synagogue.  We are a loving, caring family and I sure do miss them.  We're praying for this quarantine to end soon so that we can be together again.

our synagogue family a few years back - at Yom Kippur
*I don't have a source for this graphic.

** Dear Gail-Friends, you're probably thinking I added wrong, but I sure didn't.  My daddy had thirteen siblings, and my mama did, too.  So, thirteen plus a spouse for each is twenty-six.  Multiply that by two and you have fifty-two aunts and uncles.  Wow - right?

*** We dated when I was in high school.

I hope you'll leave a word of praise for our Heavenly Father in the comments below - even if it's just one word - Haleluyah!  Let's praise Him together every day during April.  
 Be sure to visit Day 1 to learn about my giveaway on May 1.   

 I sometimes share my posts with these friends: 

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