Sunday, April 19, 2020

30 Days of Praise Day 19 - Health


Father, I praise You that I can see . . . and hear . . . and walk . . . and talk . . . and think . . . and that I have strength.  Oh, Father, I don't take it for granted.  It all comes by Your hand.  Thank You for my life!!!  I've lived to be an old woman and I praise You for my body that works . . . and my mind that is strong.  I just want to give You glory!  Haleluyah!

Thank You for doctors . . . and medicines, both healing drugs and healing plants . . . all healing comes by your mercy.  Thank You for doctors and surgeries . . . treatments and hospitals . . . these are from your grace, too.  One of Your names is Rapha (Healer).  It's who You are.

Father, I pray You will heal the people affected by this coronavirus - and destroy this plague.  Heal people and heal our world.  Restore us to complete health, mentally, physically and spiritually.  The world needs healing and You are the Healer.  I pray people will be pressed into You, and bow the knee to You, and recognize that all blessings flow from Your power.  I pray for a revival . . . a healing revival.

** I don't know the source for this graphic.

I hope you'll leave a word of praise for our Heavenly Father in the comments below - even if it's just one word - Haleluyah!  Let's praise Him together every day during April.  
 Be sure to visit Day 1 to learn about my giveaway on May 1.   

**I do not know the source for this graphic

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